Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Fabulous Furry Friday celebrates the return of the NZ Panda cam!

Woo hoo! Okay, there a few other elements to the government shutdown that were really bad for the national and world economies, but shutting down the National Zoo panda cam was the final straw.  Princess Pinky must be able to address her people, people!

So, in celebration of full access to all pandas everywhere, we bring you several of our all time favorite panda ‘toons for your quick while the boss is out of the office Friday entertainment.

inside Bob's Brain

What’s that stuff getting all over my paws? Oh…it’s frosting!

The panda kindergarten in las vegas hotel room

What happens in the panda kindergarten, STAYS in the panda kindergarten

Inspector Panda, Bob T. Panda

..in which we introduce Inspector Panda….

inspector panda and cuppycake pushers

Inspector Panda says, “Know the signs of cuppycake dependency”

Well, that’s it for this week! Be sure to tune in next week when Princess Pinky returns and we continue with Mr. Wu’s adventure!  And remember, buying my books supports the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, which draws and publishes these cartoons for everyone’s enjoyment of this blog! (kinda like National Panda Radio, you know?)

Have a great weekend! Be the Bear.

Bob T. Panda







Mr. Wu continues his adventure in the mysterious land of….

…well, we don’t actually know where this land is, but it sure isn’t Pandiego, or even Kansas, for that matter.   From Mr Wu’s former black and white world, he enters a land of ..um…well, it’s still glorious black and white, but if I ever had the time to do it as a full color picture book, this is when we would shift to glorious color!

There are some folks in this strange new world that Mr Wu will meet that remind him of those he knows back in the real world, including some that he considers interlopers into his world domination of cuteness. Sigh.  Are even our dreams and fantasies subject to all those annoying elements of our life that we would like to escape?

Apparently so….

Mr Wu landas in the cuppycake region of pandyland in this episode of his new adventure

Don’t I know you from somewhere?

Aren’t you glad we’ve returned to Mr Wu’s adventure? (although we can’t exactly promise that we won’t comment on current events…in fact there could be some similar events taking place in the land of Wu….)

Meanwhile, we seem to have resolved our technical difficulties of Monday. It seems I used a picture with the wrong 3 letters at the end.  Sigh. That’s what happens when you are a bear on the run. I’ll try to pay more attention!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

PS: I’m devastated to say that I was not selected to win the all expenses paid trip to Atlanta to be present at the naming ceremony of the Atlanta Twin pandas.  I guess that makes it okay for me to continue to call them Bert and Ernie.

Huzzah! Here we are again….

Despite the fact that the weather has been marvelous, a cool but sunny typical Northwest fall, The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire never rests, knowing how much you depend on your weekly doses of panda satire. In other words, there is no shutdown going on here!

Is that the twins I see before me? Don't tell Lun Lun

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun

Meanwhile in Atlanta, next week is the naming ceremony for the panda twins born this July.  I’m guessing my suggestion of “Bert and Ernie” has not been given the full consideration it deserves.  Go figure.

Tune in on Wednesday, when Mr Wu resumes his new adventure!

Be the Bear,

Bob T. Panda


Oh My Goodness, I forgot it was Fabulous Furry Friday!

See what happens when I try to get some actual work done?  I forget all about my duty to provide and perpetrate panda satire upon the world.  What was I thinking?

While the nation still waits for someone to turn the NZ panda cam back on, you can relax, sit back, and get a dose of panda satire to get you through the weekend.  I shall now dive into the archives, and see what looks funny this evening.

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.” Perhaps Mr Wu should have thought of this before he shut down the government.

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

I just heard tell that the 2014 Winter Olympics are right around the corner, and that means this years torch bears will be back in action!

The secret lives of the wild panda!

Recent reports of the continuing survival of Tao tao, an actual panda, raised in a semi wild area and released to the wild, is alive and well, and adjusting to life as a wild panda.

Well, till next week when we return with more from the Twinkies and princess Pinky, not to mention the next installment of Mr Wu’s adventure, buy lots of my books and be the bears!

Bob T. Panda



It’s Mr Wu Wednesday!

Hello panda fans!  Mr Wu has had to step out of his new adventure, due to certain allegations regarding the NZ panda cam shutdown, but he will be back…um..where ever that adventure is taking place, next week.  We pandy promise!

Are you now, or have you ever been a panda?

Are you now, or have you ever been a panda?

Really, if we couldn’t laugh about this, we would start crying.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s Mini-Mei Monday!

Okay, okay, let’s not get spoiled and expect that Princess Pinky is going to have a new cartoon every Monday, but she really wanted this one to be posted, and with the National Zoo pandacam still down, I felt compelled to provide this public service to the nation. And don’t think there will be a Twinkie Tuesday every week either! The young pandas of this nation are just going to have to share Mondays for a while.

Pinky tests her powers....

Pinky tests her powers….

Meanwhile, if you didn’t already know, the third book in The Panda Chronicle series, Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten, is now available on Amazon. Just click on the handy button over there on the right hand column!  I know that not everyone has book buying in their budget and that’s why I share my panda satire here and on Facebook and Twitter for free, no subscriptions needed.  But of course, writing and drawing take time and buying my books is an excellent way to support panda satire. And while you’re at it, buy them for your friends too!  Okay, commercial over. Now go out there and be the bear!

Bob T. Panda




It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

Wowee, a big day at the Panda Chronicles just because I shot my mouth off. There are (and will continue to be) some who disagree with me.  It’s not only the role of cartoonists to entertain; sometimes we have to poke gentle fun at people and events we think need poking. Sometimes it gets us in trouble, and sometimes people who don’t agree stop listening, and that’s OK.  Art is about expressing what the artists feels,  not saying just what they think people want to hear, which would be tough, since there are many points of view.  Just sayin.

Now let’s have some fun, relax and embrace our inner pandas, ‘kay?

What's that stuff getting all over my paws?  Oh...it's frosting!

The inside of my brain is a complicated place.

The secret lives of the wild panda!

The secret lives of the wild panda!

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

Maybe if you do a little yoga, you’ll feel better. Just breathe, ‘kay?

OK, folks! have a good weekend, relax, have a cuppycake, and think good thoughts.


Bob T. panda



In celebration of the release of Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten….

…we bring you a new cartoon about none other than the panda kindergarten! Huzzah!  We promise that Princess Pinky will be making occasional appearances on Mini Mei Monday, but she is still too young to have a whole day every week all to herself.  (“no! i isn’t!”)

Varooooooomba! Thanks to Lynnie Ness for alerting us to the "off label" use of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.

Varooooooomba! Thanks to Lynnie Ness for alerting us to the “off label” use of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.

And yes! we have released the third volume of the collected cartoons of the Panda Chronicles!  Huzzah! Book 3 is titled: Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten!  The wind may howl and rain may fall, but it won’t keep the panda kindergarten from their appointed rounds! This (and all the other books in the series) are available through Amazon and you can find them by following either the link in the right hand column, with the colorful cover, or by going to the page titled “The Panda Chronicles: The Book(s)” at the top of this page.  It’s not too early to get copies for holiday presents!

Meanwhile, Mr. Wu will return on Wednesday with the next episode of his adventure in the Wizard of Wu.  I can hardly wait to see what happens next!

Till then, Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda




The Princess Speaks! (Well, sort of…)

Of course we are all so happy that the little princess is doing well and getting um…rounder by the day.  It was time for her to get her first baby present, don’t you think?

Such a little darling!  How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Now, if she can just keep the panda kindergarten at bay!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday, you scurvy dogs!

Oops...International Talk Like a Pirate Day was yesterday…sorry, but it was so much fun, I didn’t want to stop!

Since you had a big bonus day yesterday, I’ll just publish a small encore presentation. (If you missed it, you’ll want to see yesterday’s post for the full Mr. wu’s Pirate adventure!) Here’s a little something from the soon to be released (really soon!) The Panda Chronicles Book 3: Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten:

On my honor, I will try...to eat as many cookies as I possibly can....

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

Nothing like a bit of the great outdoors to straighten up the panda kindergarten.

Nothing like a bit of the great outdoors to straighten up the panda kindergarten.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda