Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Hey, It’s International Talk like a Pirate Day! Huzzah and AAArrgggHHH!

While Thursday is not a normal posting day (and don’t get any ideas about Princess Pinky Thursdays) It IS a national holiday, and  by that, of course I mean, International Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Huzzah!


In honor of International Talk Like A Pirate Day, I hereby re-run, in all it’s entirety, Mr Wu’s very first adventure, which I call, A Pirate’s Life for Wu!  Enjoy!

Yo ho ho and a bottle  of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Mr wu is up the creek without a paddle...

Mr Wu is up the creek without a paddle…

An explorer's work is never done.

An explorer’s work is never done.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Don't you love "rear shots" of baby pandas?

Don’t you love “rear shots” of baby pandas?

Avast mateys! You’ll be bein’ the bear now, I wager!

Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Bob T. Panda






Make Way, Make Way! A Panda Princess Approaches…

Oh, long have we waited for this day! Our Panda Princess, now just over three weeks old, born into the seat of Panda Power in Washington DC.  A recent statistic hit the FaceWaves today, 38 panda cubs were born around the world this year, with 34 of them surviving.  A major accomplishment in Panda Proliferation, indeed!

And now, for her debut appearance in these pages, we present…

And just how did the panda kindergarten get her address?

And just how did the panda kindergarten get her address?

Meanwhile, back at the drawing board, We await the arrival of another bundle of joy…yes, the proof copy for Book 3 of the Panda Chronicles may just be waiting for me at my post office box.  As soon as I make sure I didn’t make any boo-boos (or that the printer didn’t) I can push the old “publish” button and make The Panda Chronicles Book 3: Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten available to panda satire fans everywhere.

If you are a newsletter subscriber, you’ve already had a sneak peak at the cover. So if you aren’t a newsletter subscriber, you can see it here for the first time!

Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten!

Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten!

and the back cover is just as cool!

didn't I tell you?

A Big Pandy thanks goes out again to Stevi Grega for contributing this tagline.

A small bit of housekeeping:

Due to changing the platform on which The Panda Chronicles appears, I seemed to have misplaced all my subscribers, from the previous incarnation.  I f you still wish to have pandas arrive in your inbox whenever I publish a new post, you will have to re-subscribe.  Thanks for understanding the limitations of  my being a bear of limited technology aptitude.  Newsletter subscriptions were unaffected by this change, in case you were wondering.

Don’t forget to tune into Mr. Wu Wednesday!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda





It’s Fabulous Furry Friday. Let’s Embrace Our Inner Pandas

Sigh…as a middle aged panda sometimes it’s hard for me to get in the entire 16 – 18 hours of sleep I require, (although not so hard to get in that 40-80 pounds of bamboo and cuppycakes that a panda needs. A bear must set priorities!) Occasionally there is something that intrudes into my head, and keeps me from sleeping soundly.

I don’t usually stray into commenting on political thingies.  Out here in the bamboo forest, I can usually sing lalala I can’t hear you, and go about my business, completely untroubled by any reality in the world beyond the edge of the forest.

Maybe Pandas DO have a better idea.....

Maybe Pandas DO have a better idea…..

But the bickering and obstructionizing that is going on in Congress is just too much for even a panda to ignore.  Is it possible that you all could act in the interest of the country, instead of maintaining your stance of if it’s YOUR idea, we don’t want to do it? Huh? Could we possibly agree that affordable healthcare for everyone is a good idea? Is it conceivable that putting the country back to work is something that would benefit everyone? Let’s embrace our inner pandas so that we can get on with stuff.  Pandas are standing by to take your calls.

Just how hard would it be...

Just how hard would it be…

...to embrace your inner panda?

…to embrace your inner panda?

Pandas are standing by…

See you next week for more adventures of Mr. Wu, the first appearance by our nation’s newest panda princess, and all things panda! Huzzah!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda



Fabulous Furry Friday: Musings of the amusing sort….

Here we are, another week gone and where did it go?  A few other things are gone too, in my quest to make The Panda Chronicles better and more sustaining for the long run.  We pandas are in this to stay, never mind that whole endangered thingie.   As I mentioned before, and in my newsletter, if you had been a subscriber before, you will need to re-sign up because I found out too late that subscribers do not come along for the ride.  I just switched the order of the sign-up forms.  Now the one on top of the right hand column signs you up for the blog, and the second one, signs you up for my newsletter which I write about once a month.  Hope you will re-up, if you were already a blog subscriber.  (Newsletter subscribers were not affected by the switchover)

I’m sure you’d hate to miss great classics like these encore presentations that appear on Fabulous furry Fridays (and will be in our soon to be released book 3: Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten!

On my honor, I will try...to eat as many cookies as I possibly can....

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

As I work on Book 3 of The Panda Chronicles, I get distracted by re-reading all the cartoons as I put them in the book template.  Makes for a longer task, but more fun too.  Here are a few of the ‘toons for the new book:

What will Christopher Robin say about this?

What will Christopher Robin say about this?

"what do you mean 'was'?"

“what do you mean by  ‘was’?”

Have a great weekend!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda



Somewhere, ober da bamboo, Mr Wu is preparing for a new adventure…

It’s been a hard couple of months for the Wu-self…what with getting dragged home from the circus covered in cake, right in front of his new true love, Bee, the Bear. And then, spending his birthday in detention, and  to make matters worse, there are now THREE new baby pandas on Wu’s home turf, not to mention a cubby explosion heard ’round the world.

Sigh….so what’s a little panda to do, except start thinking of where he could go, where he would always be the center of attention….

where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can't...Wu?

Where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can’t…Wu?

Stay tuned for the start of Mr Wu’s next adventure!

Be the Bear!

Fabulous Furry Friday: Today I am a Bear

Welcome to Fabulous Furry Friday!  The day we bring you one of our favorite selections from the archives.  As it is graduation season all around the U.S .and probably in many other parts of the world as well, I thought we would answer the question:  What happens when the panda kindergarten graduates?

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

Have a great weekend!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday: Today I am a Bear

Welcome to Fabulous Furry Friday!  The day we bring you one of our favorite selections from the archives.  As it is graduation season all around the U.S .and probably in many other parts of the world as well, I thought we would answer the question:  What happens when the panda kindergarten graduates?

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

Have a great weekend!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

It’s Mr Wu Wednesday and the plot thickens……

Oh my…we have made Mr. Wu’s mother cry, and we are very sorry about that. (Perhaps not as sorry as we will be if she gets her paws on us, but never mind about that now!) Today she springs into action and brings in help from a very um… reputable source:

This is a case for...Inspector Panda!

This is a case for…Inspector Panda!

Can Inspector Panda solve the case?  Will Yun Zi eat his brother’s dessert while Mr. Wu is “away?” Will Mr. Wu wow the crowds as the Flying Wuzini at Le Cirque du Pandet? Tune in next week to read the next exciting installment of Bears Under the Big Top!

Till then, Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It may be Monday, but the story continues…

Editors note: I realize I may seem to be capricious and uncareful with the cute wu self…sending him off with the panda kindergarten in the middle of the night.  Perhaps an all-Wu-all-the-time cartoon line up on Mondays and Wednesdays will keep you all from tar-and-feathering me.  Maybe?

"Are we there, yet?"

“Are we there, yet?”


Come back on Wednesday and see what happens next…

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday- Huzzah!

Editors Note:  I seem to have unleashed a firestorm of discontent over my story line to let Mr. Wu run away to join the circus in the company of the panda kindergarten. What was I thinking? Well, I was thinking that as Mr. Wu has been growing up and getting more adventurous, that it was the natural next step in a young panda’s life.  What little panda wouldn’t be tempted by the bright lights and the roar of the crowd?  Who amongst us hasn’t wanted to run off and join the circus at some point in our young life?

Fear not! Mr. Wu will come home safely from his adventure, but not just yet. I can promise you that. In the meantime, Le Cirque du Pandet is waiting…..

Who wouldn't want to run off and join this circus?

Who wouldn’t want to run off and join this circus?

Stay tuned for Mr. Wu’s most exciting adventure, as pandas everywhere say, hey! I want to join the circus too!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. panda