It’s time for another day of Sunday Panda Fun, because what else do we have to live for? There will be new ‘toons coming down the web this week. Huzzah!
But what to share for our Sunday Funday ‘toons…Truth to tell, I can’t remember from one week to the next which ‘toons I shared last week (although it seems that maybe Pinky took over, last week..) As I have entered a new phase of felty panda making, it seems appropriate that this week’s Sunday ‘toons should celebrate that International Panda of Mystery…
Babette de Panda!!!!
Wanting to stretch my creative capabilities, I decided to make a felty Deluxe Babette, and feeling very pleased with the result, posted a picture of her on Twidder. A fan of felty pandas demanded that Babette come to live with her immediately. How could I say no?
Which leaves me in something of a quandary.
I plan on making more, as well as experimenting with some other of the as yet unrepresented pandas. I love the idea of making one of a kind pandas. It excites my muse, as it were. But how to let everyone who might want one see them… So here is what I am thinking. If people are interested, they can let me know via the contact form on the buy stuff with pandas page. I will make a list in the order people contact me.
This will not commit you to anything, other than receiving a photo of the next available panda, then saying “yes, I’d like that one”, at which time I’ll send an invoice and once it’s paid, I’ll ship within the week. Or you’ll say “no” and I’ll contact the next person on the list. I will also be posting them here, as well as on Twitter and Fezbook. (You can also contact me on Fezbook and Twidder, though I can’t guarantee I will see those messages before I see them here)
Here are the first two Babette, international Panda(s) of Mystery! Alas, these two are already spoken for!

Babette the first!

Babette, all dressed up for a costume ball!

This outfit really needed to be seen by more than one angle. 🙂
And with that in mind, let’s look at some of Babette’s early appearances!

All My Pandas……


Huzzah! More Wheel…of…PANDAS!!!

I’m not a Doctor but a play one in a cartoon!

We call it “extra Fluffy Tuesday” around here.

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

Babette has…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

“Madame Babette sees all!: I see cake in my…er…your future!”

Babette, in her leading lady role in Wagner’s Cuppycake cycle
As you might have gathered, Babette de Panda is quite a mentor of Pinky! Have a fun Sunday (or at least as fun as you can have during the days of Mitten’s reign of terror.) You can also have fun with cut out paper pandas, including Babette de Panda, on the Have Fun with Pandas page!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda