Tag Archives: Pandas

Where there are pandas, there is hope

We now return to our regularly scheduled pandas. I am so sorry to bring you the sad news of Mehitabel’s real life passing. It has taken the wind out of my sails. It is the first time in almost 21 years, without the sound of the pitter patter of little paws. I hope I will have another cat, just not yet.

In the meantime, her fictional counterpart is not going anywhere. Who would keep these pandas in line is she were gone? The show must go on!


Panda Trek 2: The Next Generation

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Note: Mehitabel came to me in a dream last night, and wanted me to take note of the fact that FAR more people were commenting on the post about her, than they ever had on anything panda.

Really, I want to thank all who have written and offered their sincere and heartfelt condolences. I know many of you have walked this same path, and that we will again, because in the end, all you need is love, and to be loved by a cat (and let me tell you, they can be really particular about who they love) is the greatest gift of all.

Day 22: 31 Days of Pandas

Well, I’m am running low on photos of Mini Bob from his London trip, so I will save those for days that I don’t have a cartoon to go with the the post of the day.

This year has been a hard year, not just because so many things about our future are in peril, due to the results of the 2016 Presidential Election. We lost so many luminaries from both the public and private sectors. Leonard Cohen, whose music provided the soundtrack of my tortured late teens and early 20’s, David Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, who is one of my all time favorite actors, Alan Rickman, who I grew to know in more roles than just Professor Snape. How could you be gone? There are so many more who departed this year, I can’t even name them all.

And then there are those from the home front who have left us all on our own. Sheryl Goldfinger, an artist and all around lovely person, this week succumbed to cancer after several rounds of treatment and remission. She will be missed in our small community, and by all who knew her. The only good thing is that she does not have endure 4 years of trumptastrophe. But bad that we don’t have her to keep us from going down that particular rabbit hole. Say “hi” to Alan Rickman for me, okay, Sheryl?

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here*”


As you know, pandas are big fans of Shakespeare.

Panda On, wherever you are are.
Bob T Panda

  • WM Shakespeare

Day 21: 31 Days of Pandas

We have reached the darkest day of the year, in more ways than one. If not for pandas, I don’t know that I would be able to go on. But here are pandas, and here is Pinky and Bubba. You will be happy (or not) to know that Pinky has gotten over her bout of niceness and caring and is back to…um…being Pinky.

But first, here’s today’s travels of Mini Bob Photo!

Mini Bob hobnobs with one of the locals! She’s wearing a tiara! Could it be one of the Royals?

But now, let’s get right to our feature ‘toon!


surely you didn’t expect Pinky’s good behavior toward Bubba to last, did you?

It is encouraging to note that Bubba is getting wise to his sister’s ways, but he…um…still can’t resist getting wound up by her. He best keep a close watch on Banky Pig, just in case Pinky tries something sneaky.

Panda On!

Day 20: 31 Days of Pandas

When the going gets tough, we must turn to… PANDAS ! Even when all seems dark all around us, we must believe that we are surrounded by light, and that the forces of goodness will prevail. We can do that, can’t we? In the meantime, let your Senators and Representatives in Congress know what you’re thinking. If you don’t tell them, they won’t know. Most of them have websites with contact information. Save it to your phone, and call them once a week. Or every day. I’m thinking there will be something going on just about every day for, oh…maybe the next four years you might have an opinion on.

Meanwhile, here is Mini Bob, surrounded by light in a safe place.


Mini Bob, at the entrance to Kenwood House on Hampstead Heath

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Day 17: 31 Days of Pandas

Today’s 31 Days of Pandas travelogue takes you to the seat of power in Great Britain, the Houses of Parliament. Sort of a “Bob with the Bobbies” kind of thing. Oddly enough, they did not invite him to address Parliament. Security was rather heavy, though, and we are happy that we were not arrested for photographing Mini Bob at the gates.

Mini Bob is unafraid!

31 days

Mini Bob goes Pexit!* Mini Bob looks a little apprehensive, don’t you think?

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

*Panda Exit

Girl Power Lives On

Just between you, me, and how ever many of the millions of people out there in the cyber are listening, I gotta tell you I am still severely depressed over the election results. I am going to do my best to panda on, because the alternative is just too grim to think about. I have responsibilities to you all! The pandas give me what little hope I have for the future. If I ever needed some panda power, now is as good a time as any. And panda girl power is even better.

Last weekend, I spent 3 days with a group of illustrators and writers of books for children. It did more than I could have believed possible to lift my spirits. We did some good work under the guidance of our wonderful illustrators in residence, Catia Chien and Christian Robinson. It reminded me that the way I will survive the next months and years will be to make creative work, be it painting, illustrations or pandas! 

So, it’s gonna be a bumpy road. I know many of you are hurting as well. I will keep the pandas coming,although  they just might not be as funny as they have been. I’ll try to keep the selections for my Friday encore presentations on the light side, because…well, because we need that.

Panda On!

girl power

Will there be cuppycakes?

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Do the Right Thing.

We are down to the last days. If you’ve already voted, huzzah! But for those of you who are waiting till the last minute, or don’t live in a state with early voting, you have 2 more days until we run out of time to do the right thing.

I’m done pontificating (sort of.) You’ve already heard it, and you agree or not. But I would ask one more time. Please don’t allow He Who Must Not Be Named to become president. Don’t overlook the things he has been recorded saying as mere quirks. Please vote.

 Do the Right Thing.

do the right thing.

The Power of the Poof (Not to mention, the VOTE!!!)

Be the Bear
Bob T #I’mWithHer Panda

A Halloween Carol Part 1

Last year, when Bubba was but a tiny tyke, I did a parody of the Dicken’s classic A Christmas Carol, starring Pinky, in the hopes that it would make her a kinder older sister. Did it work? You be the judge.  Maybe this will become a Halloween classic!

And now, Fabulous Furry Friday presents: A Halloween Carol, Part 1

Bubba's first feature role!

Bubba’s first feature role!

you...is...not...da...yawn...boss of...pinky...

you…is…not…da…yawn…boss of…pinky…

Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don't you think?

Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don’t you think?

Hey! who said Wu could poof things?

Hey! who said Wu could poof things?

He's small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

In case you were getting scared during our feature presentation!

Well, that’s all for now! Be sure to tune in next Friday for the continuation of A Halloween Carol! (Not to mention Wednesday and Friday when we continue with the latest from Pinky and election 2016!)

And if you are starting to think about what to get Aunt Mildred (or anyone else for that matter) for whatever holiday you might happen to celebrate, may we suggest books from The Panda Chronicles series? Or, if you are more the coffee cup, t-shirt, canvas tote bag kind of gift giver, we have a lovely selection of gifts with all of your favorite Panda Chronicles gang on them, (more Bubba products are coming next month) over at our Pandyland Cafe Press store!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

Friday is one of those days. I can’t seem to wrap my head around a week being over so fast. I mean it seems like it was just Monday, and now I have to figure out what ‘toons to share to send you into the weekend. I know what I’m doing later in October, because who doesn’t want to have a re-run of A Halloween Carol, which was Bubba’s first starting role in a feature length ‘toon here at The Panda Chronicles!

And then there is the election…


NO….I just can’t bear it. Let’s have something more fun like maybe this:

I think we'll call this little debacle: Open Late Gate

I think we’ll call this little debacle: Open Late Gate

...or as Bubba says, "dis. not. stan!"

…or as Bubba says, “dis. not. stan!”

And remember Bubba getting ready for his big debut?

And then there was the day he had to figure out what to wear for his debut...

And then there was the day he had to figure out what to wear for his debut…

I'm ready for my close up!

I’m ready for my close up!

I didn't THINK that Pinky knew the "share" word.

I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.

And I know I re-ran this next ‘toon recently, but I just love it so much. Truly Pinky being Pinky.

See? I told you it was broken!

See? I told you it was broken!

Be sure to check in on Sunday, when I announce the WINNER of Toby’s book and swag bag! I used the highly scientific and accurate method of writing everyone’s name on little slips of paper and put them in a bag. I am then going to shake it up, and dump it on the bed and let Mehitabel choose the winning name! Ha! we don’t need no internet goobery automated contest thingies here! we do things the old fashioned way! Kind of like the cute-o-meter (now broken)

Be the (indecisive) Bear
Bob T. panda