Tag Archives: Pandas

Day 14: It’s a Wun-derful Life

We are back with another holiday classic, It’s a Wun-derful Life! Huzzah! Mr Wu is given the gift of seeing what the world would be like if he had never been born. But why are we standing around here talking?

On with the show!!!!

it's a wonderful life

Thank goodness Bee the Bear still has her magical wand from the last adventure.

It's a wonderful life

Wu is a good bear at heart….

Oh the suspense is killing me! What is going to happen next?

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

PS: Several people commented that they wished the PandyClaws and his sleigh (and a tiny Pinky Panda) image was on a coffee mug. Well, guess what! Now it is!

Have yourself a Pandy little Christmas...

Have yourself a Pandy little Christmas…

Fabulous Furry Friday Gets Ready….

…for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!!

I am making a bit of a change to this years festivities, as with my various projects, I am a bit overloaded to do a new cartoon every day. (Booo! Hisss! Quiet in the cheap seats, you pandas!)

As you might remember, I am working on revising my story about Mr. Wu and Inspector Panda, where they are faced with a painting that may (or may not) have been stolen. Not to mention an international panda of mystery! Anyway, here is my plan for this year’s 31 Days of Pandas:

A new cartoon posted every Sunday, multiple episodes each day from some of my longer stories, and, sketches from my work in progress, staring the aforementioned Mr Wu in what I hope will be my first traditionally published middle grade graphic novel. But have no fear! Should the folks in trad. publishing say, “oh no! this is too weird! We can’t publish this! A Panda Detective? Bah, Humbug!” We will bring it to you as all the other Panda Chronicle books have been brought to you, via Leaping Panda Press! Huzzah!

So to get us off to a good start, here are the drawings that I have come up with so far, along with some colorful character sketches.

Yes, Mr. Wu gets to be the smart one!

Yes, Mr. Wu gets to be the smart one!

Hmmm...there is something familiar about this scene...

Hmmm…there is something familiar about this scene…

Mr Wu and Inspector Panda...a dapper duo, if I ever saw one!

Mr Wu and Inspector Panda…a dapper duo, if I ever saw one!

Babette, Minette, and several views of Mr Wu.

Babette, Minette, and several views of Mr Wu.

And because we need to laugh….

I really had no idea what she was up to.

“I didn’t know lawyers could run so fast” hahahahahahahaha!

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda
Happy 31 Days of Pandas!

Oh yeah! and don’t forget to give the Gift of Pandas this year! Please visit my book page as well as my page on Fine Balance Images’ Gratitude Gallery, where you can buy beautiful full color reproductions of some of my favorite illustrations from Pandamorphosis. and for you black and white Friday special, don’t forget Pandyland, where you can buy “Vote for Bob” and “Pinky for President” gifts to delight your friends and family. Or buy them for yourself…I won’t tell.

Busing for Beavers

What else could you call relocation of 76 beavers in Idaho in 1948, except busing for beavers? We recently heard this story, which came courtesy of the Boise, Idaho NPR station. The funniest things are occasionally true, true things are often funny. (At least we think they are.)

Of course, The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire couldn’t sleep until we commented on this exciting bit of history.

And leave it to the vivd imagination of the panda kindergarten, to see a parallel between the 1948 Beaver Air-Drop and a possible solution to the current rat problem that new York City is facing.

Uh oh! It's the panda kindergarten and they have a plan!

Uh oh! It’s the panda kindergarten and they have a plan!

Over here Mr. Kitty! We have a surprise for you!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

The Season of Cake Part Two

It is my Birthday Season, and that means it is the season of cake! I love cake. Did I mention that? Frosting should be declared a national treasure. Just saying.

I don’t have one of those skimpy one day birthdays. No, I have a birthday season. My birthday season lasts one day for each year old I am, and while I’m not going to reveal exactly how old I am, let’s just say that my birthday season is very, very, very, long. Certain parties, who shall not be named here, think it is entirely too long, and that maybe I should cut back to a birthday week, or at the very least, a birthday month.


So today’s cartoon is about….


Inspired by a TRUE story!

Inspired by a TRUE story!

Yes, It’s true! I heard about it on the internet, so it must be true. Mehitabel is such a spoil sport! I mean these guys are scientists!!!!!!

Well, I need to go…um…have some cake.

Be the Bear (and have cake!)
Bob T. Panda

PS: I finally got that pesky Pinky header off of my cartoon! Who knows what trouble she will get into next!


It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

Sometimes it’s easy to know what to post for Fabulous Furry Friday, and sometimes it’s not. The news continues to be depressing; more school shootings, lion killers going unindicted, the coming of daylight losing time, not to mention the lack of a MacArthur Fellowship being awarded for panda satire…

It’s enough to make a sensitive panda crawl under the covers and not come out for weeks. But there are paintings to paint, and pandas to draw. Maybe I’ll have a cuppycake and all will be well.

Or maybe I’ll just watch some panda videos. That always helps.

corporate flow chart copy 2

Yep, it's true! pandas are under contract!

Yep, it’s true! pandas are under contract!

Is it that time already?

Is it that time already?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught...a visit to Bob's First campaign!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught…a visit to Bob’s First campaign!

Be the bear!
And if you are behind on your Panda Satire reading, now would be the perfect time to stock up on all six of The Panda Chronicles Books!

Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

Today, Fabulous Furry Friday celebrates WOOZPAH* and all those who want to bring pandas to Washington State. Yesterday this news story crossed my path, thanks to alert pandanista Diana Sutton! I say go for it! Washington State NEEDS pandas. and while I would rather they be in Seattle, than Tacoma, It’s all a heck of a lot closer than any other pandas!



Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

*Woodland Park Zoo Project Panda

Hope your Friday is Fabulous and Furry!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Happy Birthday To You!

Well, this may be a first for The Panda Chronicles.

You know how people who are born on holidays like Christmas or 4th of July always complain that no one ever really celebrates their birthday because..um…MAJOR HOLIDAY!!!!!DUH!!!!

So, think about what it means to be born on what is probably the most infamous day in recent American history (and I don’t mean the day that the Supremes appointed George W. President) Yeah, I am talking about the ultimate conversation stopper. What if your birthday is on September 11th? Let me put that another way, in case you missed the reference.

What if your birthday was on 9/11?

Well, that just happens to be the case for one of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire’s most faithful followers, a young woman from my home town of Phillie PA. so in honor of your birthday, we bring you….

A Salute to Cake! Happy Birthday, Cami Taylor!!!!!

Bob T. Portrait with cuppycake

yoga for pandas

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.



One panda's disaster is another panda's delight!

One panda’s disaster is another panda’s delight!

Mini Bob Contemplates some cuppycakes from the famous London Bakery, Peggy Porschens

Mini Bob Contemplates some cuppycakes from the famous London Bakery, Peggy Porschen Cakes

Well, apparently, much to my surprise, I could go on and on with cartoons of pandas and cakes, but I won’t!

Happy birthday, once again Cami….be sure to…um…have some cake. How did I know about this? Let’s just say that small pandas have big mouths. I’m looking at YOU, Emperor Pew! ( see article: When good pandas go bad!) Thanks for alerting me to the news that there is something to celebrate about 9/11. That Bamboo Psychic network is really something!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Pandas Go Viral

Editor’s Note: What makes something go viral on the internet? I don’t really know, but Bob is hoping his campaign will go viral, because otherwise, he doesn’t have a chance against Pinky.

We're waiting...*tappity tap pity tap*

We’re waiting…*tappity tappity tap*

Things have been very busy over at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, these days. We are starting the production process for Book 6 of The Panda Chronicles (yay! Huzzah!!!!), still trying to get my campaign video done, getting ready for a gathering of Pandanistas at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo on September 26th (9:30 AM at the main gate of the Zoo on Phinney Ave, if you are in the vicinity) Rumor has it there will be Panda Chronicle books available for purchase, or if you already have them, I’ll be thrilled to sign them! Look for people who look like they would be wearing panda hats.

I’m also over-the-moon thrilled to announce that I will be part of an SCBWI mentorship program (on the receiving end, not the mentoring end) to work on the Inspector Panda story that appeared here last year. My plan is to turn it into a middle grade graphic novel (with pandas) and start shopping it around to publishers and agents after I am done revising it. Stay tuned for news about this project.

The Cuppycake Cookbook project is still alive and well, and making the rounds of agents. We hope we will have news about this project soon, but we don’t know when. Keep your spoons and frosting ready.

Be the Bear (and keep an eye out for Pinky….I heard a rumor she has escaped her grounding and is now at large.)
Bob T. Panda

Huzzah! Huzzah!

Things are hopping in Pandyland, AKA the National Zoo in Washington DC. On Saturday, August 22nd, Mama Mei Xiang gave birth to not one, but TWO cubs. We are still on pins and needles, because panda cubs are really, really, really little, not to mention fragile. So, they are a little too small to appear in cartoons often, but I couldn’t resist letting one of them make a brief appearance with her big sister, Princess Pinky Bao Bao.


PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

How will having twin siblings affect the ever more attitudinal Princess Pinky, as she vies for the Cake Party nomination in next years presidential race?

Well, we just don’t know, Dude.


Be the bear…
Bob T Panda

FFF presents: Pandas of Days Past

I thought I would continue my theme of sharing a specific month’s cartoons from several years ago. It is always fun and instructive (for me, anyway) to see how my drawings have changed from my early days of pandism.  Today, let’s revisit March of 2011…

Let’s start with The panda kindergarten’s first trip to the olympics, starring Bob as a young panda!

This cartoon is one of Bob's earliest appearances!

This cartoon is one of Bob’s earliest appearances!

The Pandas first attempt at Olympic Glory!

The Pandas first attempt at Olympic Glory!

Maybe they have a point...

Maybe they have a point…

See, What did I tell you?

See, What did I tell you?

And since I have had to do a little air travel recently, I was reminded of this cartoon, which incidentally is a favorite of one of my younger fans, (yes, that’s you, Celeste), much to her mother’s dismay.

You can't be too careful!

You can’t be too careful!

Ha ha! Here's a toothbrush!

Ha ha! Here’s a toothbrush!

Commercial alert! If you are enjoying these cartoons from the early days of panda satire, you can find them all in Book 1 of The Panda Chronicles: Your Brain on Pandas! Find it on Amazon, or out of the back of my car!

See you next time!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda