…for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!!
I am making a bit of a change to this years festivities, as with my various projects, I am a bit overloaded to do a new cartoon every day. (Booo! Hisss! Quiet in the cheap seats, you pandas!)
As you might remember, I am working on revising my story about Mr. Wu and Inspector Panda, where they are faced with a painting that may (or may not) have been stolen. Not to mention an international panda of mystery! Anyway, here is my plan for this year’s 31 Days of Pandas:
A new cartoon posted every Sunday, multiple episodes each day from some of my longer stories, and, sketches from my work in progress, staring the aforementioned Mr Wu in what I hope will be my first traditionally published middle grade graphic novel. But have no fear! Should the folks in trad. publishing say, “oh no! this is too weird! We can’t publish this! A Panda Detective? Bah, Humbug!” We will bring it to you as all the other Panda Chronicle books have been brought to you, via Leaping Panda Press! Huzzah!
So to get us off to a good start, here are the drawings that I have come up with so far, along with some colorful character sketches.

Yes, Mr. Wu gets to be the smart one!

Hmmm…there is something familiar about this scene…

Mr Wu and Inspector Panda…a dapper duo, if I ever saw one!

Babette, Minette, and several views of Mr Wu.
And because we need to laugh….

“I didn’t know lawyers could run so fast” hahahahahahahaha!
Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda
Happy 31 Days of Pandas!
Oh yeah! and don’t forget to give the Gift of Pandas this year! Please visit my book page as well as my page on Fine Balance Images’ Gratitude Gallery, where you can buy beautiful full color reproductions of some of my favorite illustrations from Pandamorphosis. and for you black and white Friday special, don’t forget Pandyland, where you can buy “Vote for Bob” and “Pinky for President” gifts to delight your friends and family. Or buy them for yourself…I won’t tell.