Tag Archives: Pandas

Even more journalistic follies

If there is one thing we just cannot abide (the Dude, notwithstanding) it is people or …um…pandas, getting credit for something they did not do. But that is just what is going on here at Zoonooz headquarters. Some one is going to have to put a stop to these journalistic follies!

And then there is accidentally confessing to something you did do, but hoping that no one will believe you.

We KNEW that was you!

We KNEW that was you!

Is there more Meihem ahead?

What do you think?

Meanwhile, the panda season of looooove is heating up! More from the PSofL soon! And don’t forget! Today is the Ides of March. We don’t know what that is, but it sounds scary. Beware!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

The Panda Season of Love has Begun!

News from the San Diego Zoo, Department of panda whoopee reports that Bai Yun and her favorite stud muffin, Gao Gao, had a romantic encounter today. Mr Gao Gao has an advantage over most zoo pandas, in that he was wild born and so has better instincts and ….um…technique than…um…some other pandas we could name.

So in honor of the panda season of love, let’s have a few love pandas from the archives!

A panda by any other name, would smell...well, they would just smell...

A panda by any other name, would smell…well, they would just smell…

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

And who could forget the controversy surrounding figuring out who fathered miss Pinky?

Who's the bear???!!!

Who’s the bear???!!!

And what panda doesn’t need a little inspiration from some appropriate reading material?

We really need to more thoroughly check the panda kindergarten's reading list.

We really need to more thoroughly check the panda kindergarten’s reading list.

And what better way to celebrate the panda season of love, than buying all the books from the Panda Chronicles series. Um…just saying.

Have a great weekend!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Are You Still Here?

Are you still here?…That’s what Mehitabel must be saying to herself about now. Why didn’t I hold auditions? Why did I say okay, when Mei Xiang called me and asked if I could give Pinky a job, just a little something to help her through her transition to big girl panda?

But she didn’t, and now she is paying the price, of having a co-host with a big personality. Maybe Bob could come back early…I’m sure he’s learned his lesson by now, don’t you think?

Archie, is that you?

Archie, is that you?

This story is also courtesy of Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me. What would I do without them?

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday Salutes International Polar Bear Day

Yes, there really is an International Polar Bear Day. There is also Take Your Cat to Work Day, Intergalactic Cuppycake Day, and Panda Awareness Day. Okay, some of those I’m a little fuzzy on, but today really is International Polar Bear Day.

Therefore, we thought it was high time we shared as many of the polar bear cartoons we could find in our archives! Huzzah!

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

Mr Polar Bear! It's not time for lunch yet!

Mr Polar Bear! It’s not time for lunch yet!

Bob still likes to get out in the field once in a while.

Polar Bears are really, really, REALLY big, compared to pandas!

Pandas using performance enhancing substances? Say it isn't so!

Pandas using performance enhancing substances? Say it isn’t so!

Have a happy International Polar Bear Day! Where being the bear REALLY  means something!
Bob T. Panda


Take the Plunge: Polar Bear, that is.

I have several friends who actually do the polar bear plunge thing in the Puget Sound. This makes me cringe on so many levels. I’ve often thought it would be funny if you “plunged” with actual polar bears, although this is definitely NOT recommended. Back in 2009 this actually happened. The YouTube video was extremely popular as well. I thought the polar bears looked quite disappointed when the woman was fished out of the pool.

It was high time that The Institute of Contemporary Panda Satire examined this issue. Due to parentally imposed “limitations,” Princess Pinky, Mr. Wu, and the Meihems were forbidden to appear in this cartoon. Don’t worry, they’ll be back soon.

Bob still likes to get out in the field once in a while.

Bob still likes to get out in the field once in a while.

Coming soon: Pinky’s snow day, The panda Kindergarten’s Chinese new years presentation and much, much more panda fun! Huzzah!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Day 9: 31 Days of Pandas

and more from Inspector Panda…or at least the pandy kindy, erstwhile art historians and…um…daredevil drivers!

what could be better than small pandas driving cars?

what could be better than small pandas driving cars?

And now, a word from our sponsor, WOOZPPAH! Did you know that the elephants were going to be leaving Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo? So, enquiring bears want to know, “why not pandas?” Pandas are cute and cuddly, and bring smiles to the faces of everyone who sees them. Well, maybe some grouchy people might not like pandas, but I bet if they spent some time looking at pandas, they wouldn’t be so grouchy, would they?

Here are the main points we would like to share with the-powers-that-be-at Woodland Park Zoo:

1. The Western Washington climate is perfect for pandas!
2. Bamboo grows really, really well here. (just ask someone whose neighbors planted it on their fence line.)
3. Edinburgh Zoo also has limited parking in a residential neighborhood, and they have created a timed ticket reservation system so that a regulated number of panda fans can visit each day.
4. Pandas are cuter than any other animals.
5. I would buy a membership and so would a lot of other people.
6. Panda tourism!
7. um…Pandas!

I’ll be writing more about this in days and weeks to come, but it’s never too early to start asking the zoo, “why not pandas?”





Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


Day 7: 31 Days of Pandas

Pandas were um…demanding a little closure of the Winnie the Pooh in Poland story, so what could we do, but comply?

I'm not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.

I’m not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.

Speaking of Mehitabel, she has been using my computer again when I wasn’t home, and trying to lead Cordelia’s Mom’s dog Cody astray. What am I going to do with this cat? You can read all about it here.

And since it is 31 Days of Pandas, I would be remiss if I didn’t post a little something with pandas here. Here’s another image from my book, Pandamorphosis:

sm pandamorphosis poster 4

Coincidentally, you can find this image on a beautiful panda print at The Fine Balance Imaging Gratitude Gallery.

Be the bear, and see you tomorrow!
Bob T. Panda


Day 2: PandaWriMo and Giving Tuesday

… from Inspector Panda!

Today has been decreed Giving Tuesday (really, who comes up with these names for things?) and putting my curmudgeonly leanings aside, I’m pretty sure that it is always better to give than receive (really?) especially when you are giving to pandas! With this in mind, I am donating $1 to Pandas International  for each copy of the Panda Chronicles series books and Pandamorphosis that sell today, December 2nd, 2014.  It’s a great excuse to stock up on any of the Panda Chronicles books you might not have yet and buy them as presents for all your friends and relations! I appreciate your support and so do the pandas.

After all, without pandas, there could be no panda satire.

And now, we continue with…

The Case of the Picturesque Panda!

This case is not what it seems....

This case is not what it seems….

And for those of you who are looking for something really special for the panda lover in your life, prints from Pandamorphosis are now available through The Gratitude Gallery of Fine Balance Imaging on beyootiful Whidbey Island! Who could resist these pandas?

Who could resist pandas in the refrigerator?

Who could resist pandas in the refrigerator?

16 images in a variety of sizes are available! Check them out today!

See you tomorrow, and thanks for being generous bears! If Pandas International is not your cup of Boo Tea, think about who that might be, and give what you can, whether it’s your dollars, your time, or your kindness. The world needs lots more of the latter two.

Bob T. Panda

It’s PanDaWriMo Eve!

I can’t believe it’s finally here!!!!!31 Days of Pandas! PanDaWriMo! Pandapalooza! Whatever you want to call it, it means a new panda cartoon or story installment every day! As things stand now, my plan is to do an installment of Inspector Panda’s story, The Case of the Picturesque Panda, every day, Monday through Friday, with something a little different on Saturday and Sunday.

Coming up this Saturday and Sunday, is our take on a news story that came to our attention this week, a scandal created when a popular bear from children’s literature is implicated in a bit of impropriety. Stay tuned, for The Truth about Pooh Bear: Why a Polish Playground thinks he is inappropriately dressed!

Meanwhile, here, to introduce 31 Days of Pandas, are some of your favorite inhabitants of The Panda Chronicles! Take it away, Mehitabel!

No, I don't think so. Bwahahaha!

No, I don’t think so. Bwahahaha!

We hope you will tune in for our daily pandas, and then …um…head over to our Panda Chronicles: The Books page, and order a copy (or 5) of all of our Panda Chronicles compilation books, not to mention Pandamorphosis! It’s the best way I can think of to support the work of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. And they make lovely gifts, as well! And it’s not to late to order Panda Satire Christmas cards from Pandas International! Help Bob help real pandas by supporting the work of Pandas International!

See you tomorrow!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Recap #6: The plot thickens…

Inspector Panda is in for it now! Babette has him hooked into her story, for better or worse. Thank goodness Mr Wu has a level head on his shoulders.

The search for clues begins...

The search for clues begins…

...but Mr Wu still has a lot to learn when it comes to detecting.

…but Mr Wu still has a lot to learn when it comes to detecting.

Stay tuned to this very space, as we bring you up to date with Inspector Panda’ latest case, The Case of the Picturesque Panda, as we get ready for 31 Days of Pandas when our story will continue.

And for fans of Pandamorphosis, my print gallery through Fine Balance Imaging is finally up and running and ready to take orders for exceedingly fine quality giclee printed posters of some of your favorite images from Pandamorphosis!

sm pandamorphisis poster 1  Here are two of my faves!sm pandamorphosis poster 4

So what are you waiting for? Bring pandas home today!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda