Tag Archives: Pandas

The Plot Thickens….

This is a very brief installment of Inspector Panda’s mystery, which I hope you will forgive. I write in fits and starts, but his morning I had a breakthrough in the story line, which will be coming along…um…shortly. Princess Pinky and the Meihems have finally figured out how to get into the story, and we anxiously await the reappearance of Babette de Panda.

Meanwhile, Friend to Bears Vicky Vladic sent me a link to a very funny story, which Bob and Mehitabel have chosen to comment on, in sunday’s cartoon. (OK, it was all Mehitabel’s idea…she thought it was really funny, Bob, not so much.)

Meanwhile, here is a little snippet of the Inspector Panda saga….

Inspector Panda is hot on Babette's trail....

Inspector Panda is hot on Babette’s trail….

And if you don’t already know, Book 5 of The Panda Chronicles has hit the stands! Check out Pandapocalypse NOW!…um…now. ok?

Be the Bear
Bob T. panda

Pandas Celebrate Banned Books Week

Can we make this kind of stuff up? No we cannot. It is Banned Books Week, those scandalous literary tomes that send some people scurrying for their zippo lighters, and no books make censorious individuals fan the fierce flames of fascism more, than  books that celebrate….

The Literature of the Panda?????

Yeah, right.  But to celebrate all banned books, we bring you an encore presentation of some of Bob T’s works of literary genius! Huzzah! Where’s my zippo?

Bob's first foray into the realms of literature ...

Bob’s first foray into the realms of literature …

What could be more fun than blobbing...I mean blogging?

What could be more fun than blobbing…I mean blogging?

If any book should be banned....

If any book should be banned….

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire....

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire….

In my non-panda-satirizing time (what little there is of that,) I’ve been reading the new book by Elizabeth Bird, Julie Danielson, and Peter D. Sieruta, Wild Things: Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature, which is a great read in honor of Banned Books Week. It’s full of untold scandals, books that were banned (and burned!) quite often by people who hadn’t actually read them, they’d just heard there was something naughty about them. It’s quite an eye opening read, especially if you thought children’s literature was all fluffy bunnies and sleepy kitties.  Not only that, but it is giving me a great reading list of books I want to read. I highly recommend it…um…when you are done reading The Panda Chronicles, anyway.

Hope you are having a happy banned book week! Read something naughty today!

And speaking of Books to be Banned, the fifth book in the Panda Chronicles series will be coming out next month! Huzzah! If you want a sneak peak at the cover, make sure you are signed up for my newsletter which I swear I am going to write and send out next week. Look for the link at the top of the right hand column that says:


and add your email address to the growing list of panda satire fans!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Wait…isn’t Inspector Panda Supposed to be Here?

I’m sure that Inspector Panda will forgive us for bumping him out of his usual day, I hope to make up for it on Sunday with the next exciting episode. I mean, how could I leave you hanging with Mr. Wu roaring off with the panda kindergarten, just after Babette (was THAT Babette????) stole his tape?

Because I’m an evil person…um…panda deep down.

But, today’s ‘toon brings a recent kerfuffle between Pinky and the Meihems to a close, and was inspired by this news story which was just.  too.  enticing.  to ignore. Here’s another account of the incident which was extremely inspirational in creating todays’s offering. You may recognize Pinky’s parting remarks as a quote from the news story.

And in case you are just joining us this week, here are the previous cartoons (which will all appear in the soon to be released Book 5 of the Panda Chronicles!)

If you think that maybe elephants never forget, they have nothing on pandas.

If you think that maybe elephants never forget, they have nothing on pandas.

Is this any way to treat our Nation's most adorable icon?

Is this any way to treat our Nation’s most adorable icon?

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

And now, for today’s feature presentation!

"Do you know who I am????" Yeah, we do.

“Do you know who I am????” Yeah, we do.

Be the bear,
Bob T. Panda

You Say it’s Your Birthday….

Oh my ears and whiskers! Princess Pinky’s fans have been at the zoo for HOURS, the cake has been licked and climbed upon, Pinky has opened her presents, and the forces of Meihem have been corralled (for the moment.)

Fortunately, Inspector Panda has his able assistant on the scene, working undercover.

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

Tune in tomorrow afternoon for the post party wrap up. (Is this any way to treat an icon?)

Hey, I almost forgot! You can still get the ibook version of Pandamorphosis for FREE through the weekend! Here’s the link. Woo hoo!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

A Fabulous Furry Friday Salute…

…to Mr Wu!

Oh Mr Wu,
So now you are two,
You live at the zoo
And we’re glad that you do.

Mr Wu got to celebrate his 2nd birthday, and all his Pan Diego panda friends were there to watch him blow out the candles on his cake. One of Mr Wu’s particular friends, Helene Hoffman, took a most fabulous picture of Mr Wu and she kindly allowed me to share it with you here:

Mr Wu, turning two, (c) 2014 Helene Hoffman, used by permission.

Mr Wu, turning two, (c) 2014 Helene Hoffman, used by permission.

I mean, what did I tell you about pandas and cake? Do you believe me NOW???? As you can see, Mr Wu is quite excited about his cake, and also that he doesn’t have to share it with anyone.

And now, as a special treat, and in honor of the Wu self, we bring you the entire start to finish Mr Wu Joins the circus!!!! Huzzah! Happy Fabulous Furry Friday! (and we would be extremely negligent if we didn’t point out that ALL the Mr Wu adventures, starting with his earliest days in the nursery right up until and including when he battles the forces of panda popularity domination [aka Princess Pinky] can be found in The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu.)  Get one today for your very own!

And now, I hope you have your popcorn and bootinis ready because here we go!

Fanmail from some Flounder?

Fanmail from some Flounder?

Voices in the night, a ladder, a letter...adios...

Voices in the night, a ladder, a letter…adios…

"Are we there, yet?"

“Are we there, yet?”

This is a case for...Inspector Panda!

This is a case for…Inspector Panda!

episode 5

episode 5

episode 6

episode 6

episode 7

episode 7

episode 8

episode 8

episode 9

episode 9

episode 10

episode 10

episode 11

episode 11

episode 13

episode 12

episode 13

episode 13

episode 14

episode 14

episode 15

episode 15

...and it all ends with Mr Wu's Birthday party! Huzzah!

…and it all ends with Mr Wu’s Birthday party! Huzzah!

I hope you have enjoyed this presentation of Mr Wu Joins the Circus, (so like, now will you go buy my book?)

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Happy Birfday, Mr Wu!



Selfies at The Running of the Bulls

Oh, this “selfies in perilous situations” craze is getting totally out of hand. First tiger selfies, then selfies at the Tour de France, and now, oh…i can barely bear to think about it.

Selfies at the running of the bulls.  I am not making this up.



Maybe it would be better to take a selfie at the running of the pandas.

What makes a panda run?   Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

I smell frosting!

Meanwhile, I’ve made another guest post appearance, this time over at VSomethingSpeaks.  Check it out for more insight into the Way of the Panda (Satire). (sorry, Henry!)

Hope you enjoyed the Meihem twins special birthday ‘toon yesterday! I suppose I will have to do something special for Princess Pinky now, huh?

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

The Panda Kindergarten Gets Some New Books.

Well, if I am going to live in my imagination, why shouldn’t I imagine that Bill Watterson had read of the panda kindergarten’s dastardly kidnapping deed, and took the appropriate measures for revenge.  Of course, I would expect no less than that the revenge would be perpetrated on the “grown-ups” (such as they are.)

He who laughs last, laughs...um...last.

He who laughs last, laughs…um…last.

Huzzah for the panda kindergarten.  (What…surely you don’t think that I am a grown-up…get real.)

Keep being the bear!

Panda On
Bob T. Panda

More from the Panda Season of Lo-o-o-o-ove

Over the river, through the woods and across the Atlantic we go, to visit some of our favorite pandas, those titans of the tartan, the Scottish Pandas, Lord and Lady MacBear. I just can’t get enough of these guys.  And lest you be concerned that Mehitabel has been beset by bratty panda kindergarteners during the running of the pandas, she gets her own back today, as she pokes fun at the technique (or lack thereof) of boy pandas everywhere.

I just love the cub reporter.

I just love the cub reporter.

Hope that you are having a happy Sunday, sitting around reading the sunday funnies with your panda, perhaps enjoying a cuppycake or two. (Or three)

Keep being the bear and Pandaing on!  There are pandas around the web this week as I pay a return visit to Cordelia’s Mom, Still on Thursday, May 8th with a post about continuing onward despite all the adversity that life throughs at us, and TOMORROW I appear on The Isle of the Arts show on Whidbey Air radio at 1PM PDST to talk about Kickstarter. (This is a return engagement, due to my recent bout of spring cold last week.)  News flash: Apologies, but this is being postponed once again. (not my fault this time.)  I will alert you when it is REALLY happening.



Panda On!
Bob T. Panda


Mr. Wu has a surprise coming….

…and it is not necessarily a good one. Sigh…There comes a time in a young bear’s life, when he is pushed out into the world.  We don’t know if Bai Yun and her betrothed bear Gao Gao will hear the flapping of the storks wings one more time, but nevertheless, unlike so many young people these days, living at home with mom providing three meals and laundry service is not an option for Mr. Wu.

Sing ‘ho” for the life of a bear.

Xiao Liwu and Bai Yun

Too soon, too soon, a Wu and his mom will go their separate ways…

There is still work to be done to prepare for the launch of the  Pandamorphosis kickstarter project. But also in panda satire news this month, Here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we are donating $1 to Pandas International for each Panda Chronicles book sold for the entire month of February. Huzzah!

Here’s today’s image from Pandamorphosis!

"Just what does she see in pandas?" thought the cat...

“Just what does she see in pandas?” thought the cat…

Stay tuned….
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda



It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

Well, I had hoped to bring you a new cartoon today, but I am still having technical difficulties with getting the computer to recognize the scanner.  I did get the software installed appropriately, because it now shows up in the applications folder, but despite the restarting and overbooting and unplugging and reconnecting of the components, it still says ; you are so scr%##92@d. in the error message.

or something like that.

Well, the big news today is that the winners of the international Giant Panda Zoo Awards for 2013 were announced this morning right at the home of the Twinkies at Zoo Atlanta, and let me tell you, there is some grumbling from other quarters if you know what I mean! The Twinkies won the coveted “Cub of the Year” award, and all I can say is it’s a very good thing that mama Mei hid Princess Pinky’s magical wand, or I think she would’ve marched her fuzzy little princess self down to Atlanta, and given them the biggest >poof< since General Sherman came through town.

Bao Bao, Smithsonian Magazine cover

Beware, the power of the paw! At least Pinky is a cover girl!!!!

Not only that, but…and I can hardly say this without shaking in my boots, but Mr Wu did NOT win the Panda Personality of the Year award.

WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?????? Mr. Wu is not speaking to reporters this morning, as he needs to…um…collect himself.

mr wu speaks out.

Is this a personality or what?

Mr Wu tries to take charge

Uh oh. All is not well in Pandyland!

I’m hoping I can resolve my computer issues over the weekend, because, hello? I have NEW cartoons to post, so anyone who can give me some advice that actually works will be rewarded. (not with money, mind you, because, let’s face it, panda satire is not the most lucrative profession in the world. But I could send you some panda goodies!)

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda