Tag Archives: Pandas

Day 27: It’s a WUnderful Life, episode five

Oh poor Mr Wu…it is finally beginning  to dawn on him, just HOW awful a world with no new panda cubs could be. And isn’t that a great segue into a word from one of our sponsors?

As we reach the end of the year, many organizations are filling the airways and our mailboxes with appeals for end of the year tax deductible donations.  Please indulge me in making a plug for one of my favorites, Pandas International. Despite the fact that I spend most of my time here making fun of pandas and putting them in situations where you would not find a real panda, Pandas International has long been a follower and supporter of my work. Go Figure! So as you make your decisions on charitable contributions in the waning days of 2013, consider lending a paw to Pandas International.  After all, without pandas, there could be no panda satire.

And now, on with the show and the next thrilling episode of, It’s a WUnderful Life!

it's a wonderful life parody

You won’t like this, Mr Wu!

I hope you will continue to stay tuned for the next four episodes of It’s a WUnderful life! We have much pandaful stuff in store for you next year, which we hope you will stay tuned for.  2014 is going to be the year of the panda!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Day 18: We Have You Now, Mr Wu!

I can’t look.

Will someone tell me when the scary part is over?

The panda kindergarten captures Mr Wu

Evilness is one thing, but there must be snacks!

The panda kindergarten MUST be under a spell from the Wicked Witch, don’t you think?

Tune in Tomorrow!

Beig the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Day 12:: Knock, Knock, who’s there? Mr Wu’s Adventure continues….

…Panda- Panda Who?

Boy was that lame.  Let’s just get to the cartoon, shall we?

Xiao Liwu gets a bath

Are you SURE you weren’t in an earlier scene?

Oh my! whatever will happen next?  Another episode of The Wizard of Wu is coming up tomorrow! Huzzah! and maybe a bonus encore presentation ‘toon or two as well.  But don’t put away that laptop for the weekend. 31 days of Pandas is serious about bring you pandas every day this month.

And there will be much panda fun and new projects to come in the new year! Sign up for my free…um…mostly monthly newsletter so you don’t miss a single panda,The newsletter sign-up form is in the right hand column, second from the top.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Day 11 The Wizard of Wu Continues…

…Good thing the action has become slightly less scary, at least for a little bit. Fans of Mr Wu’s latest adventure will be happy to know (well, maybe not…maybe you LIKE waiting a whole week between episodes) that we will be featuring Mr. Wu’s adventure on most weekdays, until it’s over, in order to bring you another short holiday theme Wu-self-story.


the good witch saves Wu and Co.

Good witch Bee, the Bear, to the rescue!

And just another gentle reminder to check out Whidbey Life Magazine’s Indiegogo project! In the meantime, keep being the bear! More Wu-venture this week!

Bob T. Panda

Day 10 Behind the scenes at the Wizard of Wu!

You know how when you get a DVD these days, it has all these “special features” like interviews, “the making of…”  blooper reels…well, we wanted to have a bunch of that stuff too.  And so, 31 Days of Pandas is pleased to bring you….

wizard of Oz satire

Stay tuned later this month for the outtakes and blooper reel!

Pandas will NEVER get the better of Mehitabel!

And if you’re still on the fence about what to get Aunt Mildred and Uncle Larry, (not to mention your brother in law) for Christmas, Kwanzaa or Hanukkah, there’s still time to order The Panda Chronicles Book 1, 2, or 3! Keep Panda Satire alive and well by buying our books!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Day 9 And now a special request…

Greetings Panda fans.  Many (if not all) of you know that in addition to being the leading practitioner of Panda Satire in the world (Hey! Until I hear different, I’m claiming it!) I’m also a painter, who shows and sells her work.  I live in a wonderful little corner of the world, which besides abounding in natural beauty, has more artists, musicians, writers, actors, chefs and artisanal farmers than you can shake a stick at.  (Shaking only, no hitting please.) A little over a year ago, some dedicated, hard working folks thought it would be a really good idea to have an information resource that benefitted both the creative types that live and work here, but also anyone who wanted one publication in which to read about all the amazing stuff that’s going on around here.

And so, Whidbey Life Magazine was born, an online resource for all the arts and culture on Whidbey Island.! There are a small band of us who write for the magazine, but the magazine is mostly fueled by the hard work of its founders, Jan Shannon and Sue Taves, not to mention our long suffering, cat herding editor, Patricia Duff. So now, they would like to add a twice yearly print magazine to the mix, so as to reach even more people who want to know what all the fuss is about on Whidbey Island. They have started an Indiegogo campaign to make that a reality.

Of course, the pandas wanted to…um…help:


Don’t believe EVERYTHING the panda kindergarten says!

I know that many of you who are reading this might not live here, but I hope you’ll take a little time from your day to see what we are doing here, and maybe even support this project. You can read WLM  here and see if we offer something you would enjoy and like to support. And then, check out our Indiegogo project. And…um…a date with George Clooney is NOT one of the perks.  Just sayin’.

The panda kindergarten is waiting to take your call.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


It’s Day 6 AND Fabulous Furry Friday! Pandas Abide!

I hope you are having fun with Princess Pinky and all her new outfits.  Wait! All, you say? Yes! Here is another new outfit for Pinky, inspired by my recent tour of 19 Art Museums (yes! 19! really!) on the East coast of the US of A.

Since my return, I’ve been attempting to catch up on new pandas for you, oh loyal fans of panda satire! Just to give you a few hints, more of your beloved pandas will get their own paper dolls (move over Babette de Panda!), Mr. Wu will finish his current adventure, and then appear in a short holiday special (It’s a Pandaful Life) and who knows WHAT the panda kindergarten is now getting up to, except that it might involve operations at the North Pole AND cuppycakes!

And without any further delay, we bring you Princess Pinky’s next outfit!

Edgar Degas Little Dancer outfit

Inspired by one of Pinky’s favorite artworks, a sculpture by Edgar Degas, which seems to be in every art museum on the east coast.

And for those of you who are technically challenged (like my self), here is pinky in her new outfit!

Bao Bao in Edgar degas inspired outfit

Isn’t she a vision of loveliness?

And because it’s Fabulous Furry Friday, there must be an encore presentation for the folks playing along at home!

yoga for pandas

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

Stay tuned through the weekend for MORE 31 Days of Pandas! And don’t forget, The Panda Chronicles book make EXCELLENT holiday presents!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda



Day 2 of 31 Days of Pandas! Uh Oh, Mr. Wu is not Happy.

Well, it was bound to happen, wasn’t it?  Cuteness competition for Mr Wu has reached new levels as the Atlanta Twinkies (Bert and Ernie) emerge from their den and Princess Pinky (aka Princess Bon Bon) has her naming ceremony at the National Zoo in Washington DC.

Mr Wu tries to take charge

Uh oh. All is not well in Pandyland!

Play nice children! There is more to Pinky than just her adorable tutu!

By the way, we just had a Google Hangout with Dana Sitar of DIY Writing, for the conclusion of ManiWriMo, a month long challenge to write my big idea Pandafesto, Embracing Your Inner Panda. I didn’t …um…finish it, but I got a good start and I will continue it (till it’s done, darn it!) and hopefully get it out there for people to read in the first part of 2014.  Stay tuned, because all the gang here at the Panda Chronicles will be on board to get my pandafesto out to you. (Even Mehitabel want to embrace her inner panda!) If you want to write your own Manifesto, join Dana as she cheers on participants starting today!

Be the Bear and join us for the whole 31 days of pandas! Huzzah!
Bob T. Panda


The Wizard of Wu: Episode 8

Is it here yet? Did Bob post the newest episode of The Wizard of Wu, Mr. Wu’s exciting adventure, yet? No, Oh heck…my boss just went by again and saw the pandas on my screen. Okay, wait… Yay! It’s here!

Xiao Liwu has to journey to see the wizard

Okay, now it’s getting exciting! Scary parts dead ahead!

Binky and Pinky and Bunnies, oh my!*  Mr Wu is in for it now! He is going to have to follow the cuppycake road, in order to find the Wizard of Wu, who will help him (we hope!) find his way back home to his family and some of that happily ever after stuff.  Is this getting exciting or what?  WE don’t even know what is going to happen next or who Mr Wu will meet along the way. Or is that “whom”?  Anyway, we’re in for a bumpity ride!

In other exciting panda satire news…..
There has been a small bit of movement on my wordless children’s picture book, Pandamorphosis.  I don’t want to reveal too much before it’s time, but no matter what the Chinese calendar says, I believe that next year will be the year of the panda.  Huzzah!

I will tell you a bit about Pandamorphosis’ news in my monthly newsletter that I hope to have out…um…next week. So, if you’re not signed up yet, just get yourself up to the top of the right-hand column and make sure you’re signed up! Newsletter subscribers get the news first, even before the panda kindergarten. Don’t worry about signing up twice.  The smart folks over at MailChimp won’t let you do that.  Also, if you used to get The Panda Chronicles in your inbox or news  reader, your subscription went away when I switched to a self hosted website (here) so you will need to re-sign-up if you want to get this sent to you. Hey it’s free, and this way you don’t have one more thing to remember to do. Again, the sign-up is at the top of the right-hand column.

But Wait, There’s More!

I’m taking part in Dana Sitar’s ManiWriMo, which stands for National Manifesto Writing Month, which is inspired by NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) both of which take place in November.  She has formed a group of (mostly) writers to spend the month writing their personal manifesto, as a group, with the goal of publishing it as an e-book.  You don’t have to publish, but as a long time artist, I know how valuable a tool this is in clarifying your creative vision, to yourself, as well as others.

The title of my Pandafesto (you know I had to change this to a panda word, didn’t you?) is:

Letting Loose the Bears: The Panda Chronicles’ Guide to Embracing Your Inner Panda.

I think there will be cartoons in the pandafesto, in order to illustrate some of my key points.
If you’re interested in joining in with your own personal manifesto (or pandafesto) there’s still time.  It’s free, it’s fun, and you might get clarity about your creative goals, and maybe even a book! Join me at ManiWriMo!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS: Thanks for joining me here at the Panda Chronicles. While this content is free for you and everyone else to enjoy, I would love it if you decided you wanted to have the pandas come to stay with you, in book form, of course. (those pesky zoos won’t even let me have one for the weekend!) Just click on one of the handy buttons in the right hand column, which will take you to Amazon, where you can buy one or more of my books. Huzzah, and thank you!

Princess Pinky Gets a Present

Here we are on a glorious Monday morning, perhaps the last glorious Monday of the year.  There are still brightly colored leaves on the trees and the sun is shining.  What could be better?

Some one has sent Princess Pinky a present, one that might just be a little advanced for a bear so young.  It wasn’t YOU, was it?

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


What is it with moms and demanding all these baths, anyway?

Welcome to all our new readers, some of whom we met at the Whidbey Island Writers Conference last weekend.  A great time was had by all, and some of us might have even learned something.  Huzzah!  Stay tuned for possible good news about Pandamorphosis, my epic, wordless picture book starring…um…pandas.

till next time…
Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda