Tag Archives: Pandas

Princess Pinky makes a move…Pandas beware!

Oh my, despite the fact that we missed two weeks of Princess Pinky’s formative …um…weeks, she is still small and cute.  She is starting to assert herself as seen in the recent exam video shared by the National Zoo panda cam.  I can relate.  If someone was measuring my …um…girth and then broadcasting the numbers across the web for all eternity, I would squawk too.  Just sayin’.

Today, the little princess is making a play for power from the Wu-self, to be recognized as the only panda worth watching. I just don’t know what his reaction will be.


Princess Pinky is drawing a line in the sandbox.


Mr Wu is probably going to have something to say about this. Will the twins side with Mr Wu in boy panda solidarity, or will the panda kindergarten step in? I guess you’ll just have to come back to find out!

Be the Bear! (All Hail Princess Pinky!)

Bob T. Panda

The Princess Speaks! (Well, sort of…)

Of course we are all so happy that the little princess is doing well and getting um…rounder by the day.  It was time for her to get her first baby present, don’t you think?

Such a little darling!  How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Now, if she can just keep the panda kindergarten at bay!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Mehitabel Strikes Back!

Things are hopping here at panda central…paintings to paint, cartoons to draw, airplanes to build!  But in all the confusion, Mehitabel has taken the reigns (for today, at least) although the pandy kindy have a little project they are working on with the Wu self, so I think they will be on the loose very shortly!

Who will let the panda out of the bag!

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Cats!   When you care to send the very best!


Mehitabel Strikes Back!

Things are hopping here at panda central…paintings to paint, cartoons to draw, airplanes to build!  But in all the confusion, Mehitabel has taken the reigns (for today, at least) although the pandy kindy have a little project they are working on with the Wu self, so I think they will be on the loose very shortly!

Who will let the panda out of the bag!

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Let the WHAT out of the bag?

Cats!   When you care to send the very best!


It’s Mr Wu Wednesday and off we go with episode 2 of Mr Wu’s new adventure!

Off we go…into the wild blue….oh was that a clue?  What is in THAT BOX that the panda kindergarten brought for Mr Wu? Could it be……

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?

Did they read the assembly instruction manual? Do they know what they are doing???!!!!!!?  I can hardly stand the wait!!!!!

To see what happens next, tune in next week for Mr Wu’s Big Adventure, Part the third. right here at our regularly scheduled blog.


Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

And while you are in the neighborhood, check out my new post on Nothing Overlooked!

Woo hoo! More Pandas (and Cats!) for Launch week of Book 2 of the Panda Chronicles!

As I noted yesterday, I am humbled and pleased by the wonderful reviews that some of YOU, panda satire fans extraordinaire, have shared on Amazon. I admit (like most authors, even those who aren’t pandas) to having a love /hate relationship with Amazon. I adore my local bookshop, Moonraker Books, in beautiful downtown Langley, and do 99% of my book buying there.  But, Langley is a small town, and if I want to achieve WORLD PANDA SATIRE DOMINATION, not to mention encourage the MacArthur Foundation to add Panda Satire to their list of supported genres, well, we have to take our pandas on the road, as it were.

I hope you will add your voice to those who have already stepped up and said, “Yes!  We love panda satire!  Be the Bear!  Where are the cuppycakes?” Thanks!

Also, I’ve been around and about on the Internet, this time writing a guest post for the fabulous blog, Cordelia Calls it Quits.   I love Cordelia’s posts, which speak to my inner panda (also she has a thing for pandas as well, so, I was thrilled to be asked to write something for her. Check it out here!

And now, will Mehitabel escape from the panda kindergarten?

Run,kitty, run!

Run,kitty, run!

Don’t forget!  It’s launch week here at The Panda Chronicles and you can still use this code


to get 20% off your book when you buy it from my e-store!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Ah springtime, when a Panda’s thoughts turn to….

…appearing on a talk show and airing your dirty linens in public!  Um…that was it, wasn’t it?

"Why didn't we stay home?"

“Why didn’t we stay home?”

* The little “incident thingie” was revealed to us by an enthusiastic panda-attendant at the Edinburgh Zoo last year.  She related the “getting acquainted” foible that occurred when Sunshine and Sweetie got to meet at the “Howdy Gate” shortly after their arrival in Scotland. Rumor has it that Sunshine got so excited at meeting his new lady love, that he did a pandy-handstand right then and there, and…um…peed in Sweetie’s face. Needless to say, this is not the way to impress girls. (Do NOT try this at home.)

I did not make that up.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

and BTW I am getting closer to finishing Volume 2 of the Panda Chronicles.  Here’s a sneak peek at the cover.  Whaddya think?

Wheel...of ...PANDAS! coming soon!

Wheel…of …PANDAS! coming soon!

Welcome to 2013!

There has been nothing but wailing and gnashing of teeth over the whole fiscal cliff thingie, all over the radio and I suppose television, if I watched it, that is, which I don’t.  Too much running around chicken little the sky is falling and all of that. It’s one thing to have the panda kindergarten running around, but people in suits?  No thank you.

Anyway, to start the year off right, here’s Bob (failed presidential candidate) to tell us a simple solution to all our fiscal woes!

Hey!  I know what would help!  Buy my book!

Hey! I know what would help! Buy my book!

Doesn’t that just make a whole lot of sense?  I mean, taking into consideration that it’s coming from a panda, I mean.

By the Way, I’m going to claim that I was successful in my project of 31 days of pandas, even though as my dear brother KINDLY (not) pointed out,  I skipped a day. If you look at last year’s 30 days of pandas that took place in November, where I did ONE drawing that added ONE panda each day, and compare it to this year where I did 30 new complete drawings (some of which are multi panel full story cartoons) which contained an average of 4.19 pandas a day over the 31 day period (for a total of approximately 131 pandas) I have increased my production by over 100 pandas over the same period last year.  And that doesn’t count appearances by Mehitabel.  So there.

My plan (at least for now) is to post a new cartoon twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday of each week.  I will run a “classic cartoon” on Friday, so if you have a favorite to request, just send it in a comment.  I’ve been getting some requests for guest posts here and there, plus my regular new gig blogging at Whidbey Life Magazine, an online arts and culture newsletter here on Whidbey Island. Email subscriptions to WLM are free, and there are great posts from our fearless editor Patricia Duff, as well as noted cheese-ist Farmer Vicky Brown and musicians, writers, theater folk, and who knows what all.

That’s all for now!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Day 28! a Furry Friday Cartoon!

You have probably all been wondering where Mehitabel has been this month.  Needless to say, that after the “rigors” of the Kickstarter campaign, she needed a bit of a break.  Today’s cartoons shows that she is back in her panda kindergarten fighting form, ready for action, and hey! No hard feelings, eh, bears?

Several of my faithful followers and supporters have pointed out that they are fans of MEHITABEL, not just those rascally panda kindergarteners and so this cartoon is dedicated to you all!  While apparently, next year is still not “the year of the cat” it is always the year of Mehitabel!

And a quick reminder that you still have a couple more days to order your book The Panda Chronicles book 1: Your Brain on Pandas for $2 off by using this code:


Mehitabel gets even.

Mehitabel gets even.

This really was inspired by a story I heard on NPR and I don’t mean National Panda Radio!  I swear I am not making this up!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda