Tag Archives: Pandas

It was the 14th day of December…..

Today, as promised, there is a full, feature length cartoon for your panda-ing pleasure, but before we get to that, there is an announcement from our sponsor, The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire and Leaping Panda Press.  (It is a very fun thing about the internet, that you can just declare you are something or someone, come up with some spiffy computer graphics and voila`! You are now The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, and before you know it, everyone just accepts that as fact.  Is this cool or what?)

As you probably know, the first collection of cartoons from the Panda Chronicles was just published and as faithful readers of the blog, you deserve a little something extra in your Christmas stockings.  Until the 31st of December, you can now order The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas  here  and get a discount of $2 per copy by using this code:


Meanwhile, here is today’s feature length cartoon!   Huzzah!

What do you MEAN I didn't win?

What do you MEAN I didn’t win?

And speaking of Kickstarter (wait, who was speaking of Kickstarter, There is a fun project with just under 48 hours to go from a fellow cartoonist who has created a dry erase refrigerate magnet comic strip, so you can write your own dialog.  He has a last “stretch goal” and if he reaches it, he’ll make a bunch of his magnet cartoon strips to donate to Boston Children’s Hospital.  What a good guy!  Check out his project here!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Lucky Day 11…who knows what….

ILLICIT cuppycake distribution is happening on the street?  If young pandas can’t get cake at home, who knows where they will turn!

Legalize cake today!  Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.


Be the Bear!

Bob T. “I am not ashamed of my cake love” Panda

Number 9….number 9….number 9…..

Close only counts in horseshoes and it is still December 9th here in the Pacific Time Zone!  Keeping with the theme of “Thirty Six  Views” where Mt. Fuji sometimes appears very small in the distance, here the cake exists only as a reflection.


I see....cake.

I see….cake.


Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

On the Eight Ball…or at least the magic Eight Ball….

Those of you who have been following the pandas for a while know that I like to make the occasional “fine art” joke or reference and this series is no different.  A few years ago I saw some of the prints by famed Japanese artist Hokusai that were part of the Thirty Six Views of Mt Fuji series, created between 1826 and 1833. French and American impressionists were very influenced by Japanese prints, so much so that French artist Henry Riviere created his series Thirty Six Views of the Eiffel Tower, which I also had the privilege to see at the same exhibition where I saw Hokusai’s prints.

But what the heck does this have to do with pandas and panda satire?  I have decided to dedicate this series to those artists and call it:

Twenty six Views of Cake.

"Madame Babette sees all!: I see cake in my...er...your future!"

“Madame Babette sees all!: I see cake in my…er…your future!”

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Who says you can’t learn something from pandas?

Lucky Seven! a feature length cartoon, for your viewing pleasure.

As you know, I am particularly fond of “making it up as I go” and the “planning” for 31 days of pandas is no exceptions.  So the panda and cake theme will continue tomorrow (while I narrow down the choices for a non-contoversial “F” word).  I had already decided that at least one day a week I would post a full (NEW!) cartoon, starring the full Panda Chronicles cast, including Mehitabel, of course!

The idea for this cartoon is rooted in reality, as while on a recent trip, I was watching TV while following the news of Hurricane Sandy and the last days of the presidential election.  A 5 second clip of panda toddlers at one of the panda ranches flashed on the screen, and I spent the next…um..well a while… waiting for the pandas to return…

Sigh….they never did.

It is a very good thing I don't have regular access to television!

It is a very good thing I don’t have regular access to television!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda!

Welcome to Day 6 of 31 Days of Pandas! Quick! I must make my…

ESCAPE!!!!!!  Yes, today’s panda word is Escape!  While I’m diligently searching for an “F” word that I can use in polite company, tomorrow’s pandas will bring you a full on cartoon (with the lovely and charming Mehitabel!) as well as ..um…pandas!

and now…


Escape!  Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

By the way, for fans of little Mr. Wu, he will be back soon!  His mother thought that the panda kindergarten overstepped a few boundaries when they …um…baby sat with him during the letter “C” and that perhaps he should be just a little bigger before she let’s him play with the Pandy Kindy again.

Day One of 31 days of Pandas! Huzzah!!!!!!

Well despite the fact that I was at my first book launch party ever, put on by those fine folks at The Rob Schouten Gallery, I came home and got to work finishing my first cartoon of 31 days of Pandas!   It is a “kinder and gentler” cartoon than usually appears on these pages, but I have been spending…um..a bit of time (do NOT ask how much time, because I’d probably lie about it) watching the newest San Diego Zoo Panda cub, who has just turned 4 months old this week.

This little guy has his picture in the dictionary, as an illustration of the word cute, so how could I not give him his own feature cartoon?  So, without further ado, here’s Little Mr. Wu!

"Howdy do!  I'm Mr. Wu!  Who are you?"

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

Be the (incredibly cute) Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS: if anyone asks, I did NOT eat ALL the cuppycakes at the book launch party, OK?

I think there needs to be some sort of “panda a day” thing for December, don’t you?

You are probably not aware of it, but did you know that December is the month of the Panda?  Right now you are thinking, she’s making this up…I just KNOW it!  And, um…you might be right.  But if it isn’t really the month of the panda, don’t you think it should be?

So here is my December challenge to myself:  To post a drawing of at least one panda per day during the entire month of December.  It has to be a NEW drawing or cartoon…no cheating by posting a re-run.  It can be a single panda, or it can be a “cartoon in progress.”  I haven’t yet decided if it should be one big drawing like the 30 days of pandas drawing last year….well, I have until tomorrow to figure it out.

What could be more fun than a car full of pandas?

Meanwhile, my work table is overflowing with books to be sent to all my Kickstarter supporters, and my plan is to have them all mailed or delivered before the end of next week.  Huzzah!  Then I can get back to painting and doing the 31 panda drawings that I just committed myself to.  (The pandas made me do it!)

Time to climb aboard the panda car!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

I think there needs to be some sort of “panda a day” thing for December, don’t you?

You are probably not aware of it, but did you know that December is the month of the Panda?  Right now you are thinking, she’s making this up…I just KNOW it!  And, um…you might be right.  But if it isn’t really the month of the panda, don’t you think it should be?

So here is my December challenge to myself:  To post a drawing of at least one panda per day during the entire month of December.  It has to be a NEW drawing or cartoon…no cheating by posting a re-run.  It can be a single panda, or it can be a “cartoon in progress.”  I haven’t yet decided if it should be one big drawing like the 30 days of pandas drawing last year….well, I have until tomorrow to figure it out.

What could be more fun than a car full of pandas?

Meanwhile, my work table is overflowing with books to be sent to all my Kickstarter supporters, and my plan is to have them all mailed or delivered before the end of next week.  Huzzah!  Then I can get back to painting and doing the 31 panda drawings that I just committed myself to.  (The pandas made me do it!)

Time to climb aboard the panda car!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Bob T. Panda wants YOU……

It must be some basic failing of mine that I get somewhat…um…obsessed by the stats on my blog…I know I’m not the only one.

According to WordPress, I now have 183 subscribers. Wouldn’t it be cool if there were 200 of you by the end of the year?

And then there is my new book!

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

WE at The Institute for Contemporary panda Satire would be ever so happy if you were to forward this link to a few of your humor loving friends and invite them to follow this blog.  (Don’t send it to people with no sense of humor…I’m sure you know a few….they just won’t get it and then they will think you are insane and talk about you in the lunch room at work and once THAT sort of thing get’s started…it’s all downhill from there if you know what I mean. I mean, how do you think I ended up doing panda satire?)

I think you get my point….

You are the Bears!  Stay tuned for some NEW cartoons this week!   Huzzah!

Bob T. Panda