Tag Archives: Pandas

Bob T. Panda wants YOU……

It must be some basic failing of mine that I get somewhat…um…obsessed by the stats on my blog…I know I’m not the only one.

According to WordPress, I now have 183 subscribers. Wouldn’t it be cool if there were 200 of you by the end of the year?

And then there is my new book!

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

WE at The Institute for Contemporary panda Satire would be ever so happy if you were to forward this link to a few of your humor loving friends and invite them to follow this blog.  (Don’t send it to people with no sense of humor…I’m sure you know a few….they just won’t get it and then they will think you are insane and talk about you in the lunch room at work and once THAT sort of thing get’s started…it’s all downhill from there if you know what I mean. I mean, how do you think I ended up doing panda satire?)

I think you get my point….

You are the Bears!  Stay tuned for some NEW cartoons this week!   Huzzah!

Bob T. Panda

What part of “I win” don’t you understand?

Oh my, Bob is in it up to his furry little eyeballs!  Tune in tomorrow to see further debates between Bob and…that…that CAT!!!!!

But we do not want to leave you panda-less (not to mention pants-less) another day, so we bring you another selection from the best of pandas archive here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire!  Those of you in the US may have noticed that Thanksgiving is a little early this year, and retailers are not wasting any time getting out announcements of “Black Friday” sales, or as we like to refer to it as, “Black and White Friday”….

Black friday shopping tactics

Ah, fall…or something…is in the air!

As the year comes to a close, I invite you to invite three or more friends to join us at the Panda Chronicles! Wouldn’t it be cool if we could reach 50,000 views and 200 followers by the end of the year?  Well, I think it would be cool, but maybe that’s just me.  We can do this, panda fans!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

We do not concede this election!

AS I may have stated, here in the Panda Universe, we are on a different time configuration than the real world. Yes I did hear something about the election being over in the US.   Maybe it was just a collective sigh of relief……but Bob T. Panda says “It ain’t over till the Fat Panda Sings!”   “OOOOWWWW Babette, I did NOT mean you.”

Well, anyway, here is a brand new cartoon!   Huzzah!

Cats….you just can’t trust em.

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda


Babette! The First Girlfriend Speaks!

What is a presidential campaign without a convention or two, and what is a convention without speeches?  A lot shorter and a lot …oh..all right. I’ll let Babette speak.


Of course, there will be small pandas in attendance.

Babette has ..um…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Oh no, not again….

For all those who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas in your mailbox, we’ve had another slight setback. Those who are following along on my Kickstarter project may remember that when I got my proof copy of the book, all the left-hand pages were printed sideways.  So I spent some time on the phone with a helpful person who said they could fix the problem, not my fault and all that, and they would send me another proof.

So they did, and guess what? The left-hand pages of THIS book were printed sideways.


Back to the phones once again.  I really hope that they can fix it this time….I am one unhappy bear.  And now, here’s one of my adventures from:


so what’s the big deal…

…about punctuation?

Waiting, waiting, waiting……

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda



I was out of the the den…um… office

Sorry to be so lax in creating new cartoons! I was attending top secret high level meetings among the panda-ratti in Washington DC last week and so my campaign for Panda in Chief is seriously behind schedule.  Never fear!  I’ve been writing, if not drawing story lines for the new cartoons which I will get on immediately (well, later today, anyway)

To whet your appetite for the upcoming Panda-dential campaign, here are the first of the panda debates from the panda-primary to see what panda would represent us in the general election.

Is it really all black and white?


Till next time!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

In honor of Peanuts’ 62nd (?) anniversary

We are away from the panda den right at the moment, but the panda kindergarten…um…”borrowed” someone’s laptop so that they could post this tribute to Peanuts, the comic strip of Bob’s cubhood.

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

And by the way, the Kerfuffles Marshmallow project is in their final 12 hours!  Check ’em out at Kickstarter while there is still time to get in on the fluffy goodness!

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

In honor of Peanuts’ 62nd (?) anniversary

We are away from the panda den right at the moment, but the panda kindergarten…um…”borrowed” someone’s laptop so that they could post this tribute to Peanuts, the comic strip of Bob’s cubhood.

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

And by the way, the Kerfuffles Marshmallow project is in their final 12 hours!  Check ’em out at Kickstarter while there is still time to get in on the fluffy goodness!

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

Wowee! It was a really big day here yesterday!

Well, enough with the sad panda faces.  One of the things that I love about pandas (besides being one myself) is that pandas never give up, no matter how hard things get.  A late (as in gone from this earth) gardener friend had a theory about plants.  She said that they entice you with their beauty or their fragrance, so that you would get down in the dirt and do stuff for them like water or weed around them. Maybe the plant was one that provided food, but mostly they had no purpose but to be beautiful, and they made that work for them so that you, the gardener, would support their existence.

Pandas are a little like that. They are the very definition of high maintenance girl friends. (Take Babette de Panda for instance…) It is really, really expensive to have a panda around, but it’s worth it!  Well, I would say that, wouldn’t I?  The recent tragic loss at the National Zoo in Washington DC underscores just how delicate they are as newborns.  But those which survive bring enjoyment and grace in ways which can’t be measured.

OK.  Now let’s get funny!

Bob T. Panda is running for president!  Huzzah!  Let’s see what the Cake Party has to offer to the American voter!

Vote for Bob!


And did I mention that we have now had over 40,000 visits to the pandas here at The Panda Chronicles?  Stay tuned during this election season for more from the party of pandas!  There will be cake!  Huzzah!

Be the Bear,

Bob T. Panda