Well, enough with the sad panda faces. One of the things that I love about pandas (besides being one myself) is that pandas never give up, no matter how hard things get. A late (as in gone from this earth) gardener friend had a theory about plants. She said that they entice you with their beauty or their fragrance, so that you would get down in the dirt and do stuff for them like water or weed around them. Maybe the plant was one that provided food, but mostly they had no purpose but to be beautiful, and they made that work for them so that you, the gardener, would support their existence.
Pandas are a little like that. They are the very definition of high maintenance girl friends. (Take Babette de Panda for instance…) It is really, really expensive to have a panda around, but it’s worth it! Well, I would say that, wouldn’t I? The recent tragic loss at the National Zoo in Washington DC underscores just how delicate they are as newborns. But those which survive bring enjoyment and grace in ways which can’t be measured.
OK. Now let’s get funny!
Bob T. Panda is running for president! Huzzah! Let’s see what the Cake Party has to offer to the American voter!
And did I mention that we have now had over 40,000 visits to the pandas here at The Panda Chronicles? Stay tuned during this election season for more from the party of pandas! There will be cake! Huzzah!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda