Tag Archives: Pandas

Um…excuse me but…..

Well, here we are, almost halfway through our Kickstarter campaign and let’s face it folks, pandas are lookin’ a LITTLE endangered, if you know what I mean.  Is everyone on vacation, or what?

So just a word to the wise(guys)…to those who have already pledged, HUZZAH! and thank you, but your work is not done!  Spread the word of panda satire and let all you friends know how gosh darn funny it is, and how their lives would be so much better with this book on their books shelf!

And those who haven’t gotten around to it yet?  No time like the present, I always say.  and, then after you pledge, tell 5 of your friends!  They’ll thank you later.  really, they will.

Mehitabel thanks you!

And by the way, I just read a few of the plays that my brother wrote, which were inspired by The Panda Chronicles (and that playwright…what’s him name? Shakspur or something like that?) and written for the 31 Plays in 31 Days writing challenge.  Ha ha!  I will attempt to transform a few into cartoons!  We shall see…after all, the playings the thing!

Here is the obligatory Kickstarter link for today!  Huzzah!  http://kck.st/Qn6uAg

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

Um…excuse me but…..

Well, here we are, almost halfway through our Kickstarter campaign and let’s face it folks, pandas are lookin’ a LITTLE endangered, if you know what I mean.  Is everyone on vacation, or what?

So just a word to the wise(guys)…to those who have already pledged, HUZZAH! and thank you, but your work is not done!  Spread the word of panda satire and let all you friends know how gosh darn funny it is, and how their lives would be so much better with this book on their books shelf!

And those who haven’t gotten around to it yet?  No time like the present, I always say.  and, then after you pledge, tell 5 of your friends!  They’ll thank you later.  really, they will.

Mehitabel thanks you!

And by the way, I just read a few of the plays that my brother wrote, which were inspired by The Panda Chronicles (and that playwright…what’s him name? Shakspur or something like that?) and written for the 31 Plays in 31 Days writing challenge.  Ha ha!  I will attempt to transform a few into cartoons!  We shall see…after all, the playings the thing!

Here is the obligatory Kickstarter link for today!  Huzzah!  http://kck.st/Qn6uAg

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

Bob and Mehitabel apologize for tasteless, sophomoric cartoons.

For those who are not following my Kickstarter project, (hint, hint) here’s the most recent update from Bob and Mehitabel.

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.


Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda



Please excuse my technical incompetence ….

For some reason, the share buttons did not show up on the last post (AND I forgot my daily Kickstarter link!)  so here is a repeat of the cartoon I included with the reblog from Exit, Pursued by a Lark)  sorry if you are getting this twice.

After all, the playings the thing….


Be the bear and visit


 Bob T. Panda!


The world is now 31 plays, erm, richer?

Since I cannot do the linking thing (large hairy paws, and all) here is a re-blog of the post which tells about 31 plays inspired by the Scottish Panda Cartoon. Huzzah!

After all, the playings the thing….

If you’ve already seen this cartoon run away now!

Since not everyone who visits here has visited our Kickstarter page, (hint, hint)  I am running the cartoon I used as the update yesterday here.

Thanks to all who come here to play with bears!  With your help, we can send the panda kindergarten home to live with you.  (“Wait..um…did you say the panda kindergarten was coming to MY house?  Um… I’m going to be out of …um the universe for…a while.”)

But before we get to our feature presentation, may we send out a big pandy congratulations to my brother, who just completed the 31 plays in 31 days challenge, writing plays based on (are you ready?) The Scottish Panda Cartoons!  Huzzah!  You can read all about it at his blog, Exit, Pursued by a Lark  http://chasbelov.wordpress.com/2012/08/28/the-world-is-now-31-plays-erm-richer/#comment-801/  I just about spit out my coffee, just reading the titles.

And now, for much ado about pandas,


So, will there be panda cartoons of the Scottish Panda Plays?  I hope so!   I’ll have my people call your people..or is that my bears call your bears?  We’ll do lunch.

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

oh yes, here is the obligatory kickstarter link:



Bears in space! To the moon, Alice!

There are so many great quotes that came out of the space program, and at least several, if not more, came out of the Apollo Space Program. In our final tribute to the late Neil Armstrong, we bring you Pandas in Space!

Danger Bob T. Panda, Danger!

(But first we pause for an important message!:



one giant panda for mankind!

Also, I wanted to let you know that the folks at Pandas International (the real one, not the one I made up) have agreed to write an afterword about saving pandas (real ones, not the ones I make up) for my book.  How cool is that?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

if you missed it the first time,


One step for a small bear….

Just heard that Neil Armstrong, the first man (that we know of) to walk on the moon (well, our moon, anyway) has just died.  Here is a cartoon that was inspired by his remarks on that historic occasion.

And of course, here is the obligatory Kickstarter link to get out of the way:


  Go in peace, Neil.  You are the bear.

Bob T. Panda


Who says we’re silly?

We do, that’s who.  Silly is what pandas do best, and if you don’t believe me, watch an actual panda video with real toddler pandas.

So for your weekend entertainment, we have the panda kindergarten singing their run-away (meaning, that when people hear it, they run away) hit from the most famous panda musical of all times, “Panda on the Roof.”  Of course I am referring to that haunting melody, “If I were a Panda.”

So, you know how sometimes you get a song stuck in your head, and you can’t get it out, and it’s usually something that is REALLY annoying?  Well, this is one of those songs.  So whatever you do…DO NOT START SINGING THIS SONG ALONG WITH THE PANDA KINDERGARTEN.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!


I’ve been told that the ONLY way to STOP singing this song, is to go to my Kickstarter site and make a pledge to order a copy of this book.  See the link at the right or click on the one below!


Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Today, I am the bear…..

Well, here I am, getting ready in about 8 minutes (give or take) to launch my Kickstarter project (as explained by Bob and Mehitabel) at exactly 12:01PM Pacific Daylight Savings time.  Why so precise on the time, you may very well ask?  It all goes to my theory of when people are on their computers more.

If you are someone’s employer, please stop reading this now.

I mean it.  psst…most people are on their computers checking kickstarter and twitter and facebook while they are at work.

Also, the way Kickstarter works, is that once you have set your start and finish time for your project, your project ends at the exact time of day that your project started: 24 hrs X however many days.  So, if you get all excited because you have been spending all evening till the wee hours (or in the case of the panda kindergarten, the ‘wheeeeee” hours) and launch your project at 2:00AM, it will end at 1:59 AM  when everyone, including yourself, is asleep.  Don’t you want to be awake for the triumphant finish?  I know I do.

In the meantime, here are some more pandas!  Huzzah!   This one’s for you, bro’.

Today, you are a bear.

Stand with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel and the panda kindergarten (well, maybe not TOO close to the panda kindergarten)

Be the bear!  Ready….set….GO!!!!!!!!!!!   


Bob T. Panda