Tag Archives: Pandas

Goodbye, Farewell…nope! Not here!

I know this Sunday will not be Fun Day in our nation’s Capitol this weekend. (And not just because the powers of good are trying to keep the powers of evil from prevailing) The actual Bei  Bei is leaving for China this week, and there will be lots of wailing, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments in the pathways around the Panda House until then.

The dilemma before me when each panda cubby boards the plane, takes their seat in Panda Class, has their first glass of champagne and then flies off to the land of pandas, is do I follow the story line of the young pandas leaving home? I did when Yun Zi left Pandieggo, but I was not a panda watcher when he was a baby, and so, I let him go back to China.

Not so with the cubbies who came after him…

Don’t trouble me with reality. All the pandas who appear in the Panda Chronicles aren’t going anywhere. But here are some of my favorite Bubba ‘toons to help get you through the week…

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

Mr Bun has a question, daddee.

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

Feed me, Mama!

Really, Pinky….It’s not nice to tease your little brother.

This next one is more relevant than ever…


You better watch out….

I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.

See? I told you it was broken!

How many times do we have to tell you…Don’t make pinky mad!!!!

What’s that blinking red light over there?

I has no sekrets!!!!

You can’t just DO stuff. You need instruction from an expert!

Be Da Little Bear!
Bob T Panda


Sock it to MEEEEE!

Ha ha! Who ever thought that socks with the Panda Chronicles all stars would be so flipping popular???? Certainly not me. I thought I’d have a nice, relaxed response, and that most of the orders would come in once the socks had arrived. Pinky’s socks sold out by the 2nd day, before I’d even had a chance to notify everyone, and as I write this, Bubba’s are all but gone too. There still are about 15 pairs for the Panda Kindergarten, which, quite frankly, are my favorites.

Update: Bubba’s last sock has been snapped up!

Needless to say, I will be heading back to the drawing board and designing some NEW socks, and…sigh…I guess Pinky will get another pair. I was kind of thinking about the baby Pinky Christmas design I did a while back….

Meanwhile, 31 Days of Pandas is almost upon us!

So, what I’m thinking is, that besides the regularly scheduled new ‘toon days (Tuesday and Thursday) and the Encore Presentation day (Sunday) on the other days, I will share some of my new design ideas for socks and stickers, as well as maybe some process sketches for a picture book I am working on, about Bee, the Bear.

Meanwhile, Frank and Mikey (your favorite grizzly bears!!!) are back once again…

It wasn’t us!!!!

Obviously, this is a tribute to one of the greatest radio shows ever, Car Talk! Every Saturday morning, I had a date with Tom and Ray, and ya know, if you kind of think about it, Frank and Mikey are a lot like them!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

PS: I know some of you were disappointed that you missed Pinky socks. The best I can tell you is to subscribe to get this ‘toon in your email to be the FIRST to know about it! Also, make sure that the email address you use is one that you actually have access to, and check regularly. The subscription thingie is in the sidebar, right at the top!

The Panda Olympics are Coming!

Granted, they will not be hosting the Winter Olympics in Beijing until 2022, by which time we could all be dead, but we are so excited that the pandas get another chance to compete! Of course some sort of panda-like mascot has been selected for the 2022 Olympics. Predictably, some have criticized the Olympic committee for “lack of creativity” in choosing a panda as the mascot. To this we say: WHAT ARE YOU FREAKIN’ NUTS???? IT’S A PANDA! OF COURSE THEY CHOSE A PANDA! GET A GRIP!

In honor of this momentous honor for pandas, let’s look back on Panda Olympics past! Huzzah! It’s a double dose of pandas because we REALLY need them!

another boring rerun

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

This cartoon is one of Bob’s earliest appearances!

The Pandas first attempt at Olympic Glory!

Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

We would like to point out that there were NO TORCH BEARS near the Cathedral of Notre Dame when it caught on fire.

Love the hobby horse on a spring (inspired by a REAL photo of a REAL panda on one.

Sochi Winter Olympics, Pandas

I keep hearing the song “bears on the Run” going through my head…the ski run, that is!

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?

Let Pinky be Pinky!

Skate faster, Boo boo!

Four pandas are better than two.

The world swoons….

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Also, if you had on your Impeachment Bingo™️ Card, “Conspired on a recorded phone call with a foreign leader to influence election,” mark your card for triple points!

Bears in the Nooz

People have very generously been sharing current Bear NooZ stories with me, and you would not believe some of the things those naughty bears get up to! You may rest easy, knowing that at least some of these stories will find their way into ‘toons (starring Frank and Mikey, perhaps!) for your enjoyment and edification.

So now, let’s take a look at ‘toons from bear stories past (I know pandas are bears too, but they are not the ONLY bears, no matter what Pinky say!)

All together now!!! Be! The Bear!

The panda kindergaten knows where you live.

Misery bear is too a bear!

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Introducing Frank and Mikey in their debut appearance!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

For those of you who are expecting Mr. Wu pins in the mail, they should start arriving this week, if they haven’t arrived already. Please feel free to share your photos of their arrival on twitter or FezBook!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Pinky’s Progress

Pinky has new minions, but can she get them to stop fighting with one another and concentrate on the serious business of getting Pinky elected president next year? It’s gonna be a long cubpaign!

Pinky calls the meeting of her cubpaign staff to order…

Pinky and her new minions get down to serious business

Meanwhile the ordering process for the pins is now complete, and I’m hoping they will be in my hot liddle paws by the end of August. I’m making my lists and checking them twice…no make that 3 times. Stay tuned for more news of Pandas coming your way!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

GO GO GO!!!!!!!

How NOT to start a Kickstarter campaign:

  1. Wait till the absolute last minute to start actually setting up your project
    2. Figure “I’ve done this so many times before. I have the items designed, what could possibly go wrong?”
    3. Hit a technical glitch within the Kickstarter site.
    4. Go to sleep and hope it will be fixed by morning
    5. Glitch has not self corrected. Send request for help to Kickstarter support.
    6. Get no response from Kickstarter.
    7. Send another request to the help line.
    8. Get no response.
    9. Troll Kickstarter on Twidder (heh) but (mostly nicely. (mostly)
    10. Send another desperate email to help line.
    11. Kickstarter fixes glitch.
    12. Launch project from phone, without sending out sufficient notice, late on Friday afternoon.
    13. Send out the same ‘toon you sent out yesterday, announcing the ACTUAL launch of the project, as opposed to the one announcing it yesterday, when I was not actually able to launch.

My Bad! But Hey! We’re LIVE!!!!!

Mr. Wu IS a pivotal panda in the rise of panda satire! Better late than nebber!

The Wu the Pirate patch! approx size 3.5″ tall

Panda on!
Here’s the link!
Bob T Panda

Put a Panda on it 3.0!!!!!

Pinky is at it again!

Back when I was freshly out of college, I had moved up to Western MA, and worked in a variety of restaurants, while trying to keep painting. The split shift I usually worked, didn’t leave a lot of time for painting on work days, so I fell into watching soap operas during my several off hours. The Young and the Restless was one show I remember.

But in Pinky’s case, it should be The Young and the Relentless!

Watch out, Bubba! Pinky is on the loose!

Bubba and Ping pins should be arriving soon! If you missed an opportunity, send me a message or comment!

Be the Bear
Pinky 2020
Bob T Panda

The panda is political…

Every once in a while, someone will send me a message or comment saying that they can no longer read my ‘toons because “it’s just too upsetting, how political they have become.” I try to take a deep breath and calmly explain the history of cartoons (political), the rights of the artist to determine the content and style of our own work, and then we get to pandas….

And I have to remind/inform/exclaim that pandas are the most political animal, and most politically used animal in existence. Panda loans (and before them gifts of pandas) are used to curry favor, or reward the recipient. It’s really a pretty simple concept. You are nice to us? We will let you have a couple of pandas. Oh, but all the kids are ours, and that will be $1M a year to rent them, bamboo and cuppycakes not included.

But could pandas be up to something more sinister?


Speak into the flower pot!
Bob T Panda

BTW: “President” Mittens is visiting the UK again. I hope he behaves himself this time!

Yep, that old Mittens…he’s SUCH a charmer!

More from the Animal Justice League!

Sometimes the news does not disappoint.

Also, did you know elephants make 300 pounds of poo a day? *True fact learned at Pan Diego Zoo this weekend*

Look who’s here!

Only a couple more days till the end of our Kickstarter project! Now’s the time to make sure you are getting what you want or sign up if you haven’t already!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Join the Moooooovement!

You knew that Mehitabel would have to interview Devin Nune’s Cow, didn’t you? Of course you did! We at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire never miss a chance to join what ever punny moooovement is happening out on the inter webs, and this one is just so much fun! If you hang out on Twidder, do head over to @DevinCow and give a follow! They are trying to reach a million followers, just to annoy Devin Nunes, and who can fault them for that?

I mean, if we didn’t have Devin to heckle, I’d have to spend all my time heckling Howard Schultz!

Who doesn’t love a good bovine bon mot?

Moove over! You’re crowding me!

For those (panda) history buffs among you, you should know that this weeks marks the 47th anniversary of the Nixon Pandas arrival in Washington DC. I count myself among those who saw these labeled bears in person (bearson?) in the late ’80’s, a few years before the passing of Ling Ling.

As such, it is the custom here at the Panda Chronicles to replay the cartoon I wrote, commemorating the 40th anniversary of their arrival. Enjoy!

The first “official” pandas that came to live permanently in the USofA

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

PS: you still have time to visit the Bubba Pin Kickstarter project, Don’t Call Mee Boo Boo! Don’t be the only panda fan without Bubba, Pinky, and Ping Ping’s commemorative pins!