Oh my! Was anyone else having heart palpitations after that last episode of Being Endangered is Such a Curse? I know I was! I think Pinky was really, really, REALLY mad! But maybe today’s Fabulous Furry Friday roundup of classic Panda Chronicles cartoons will calm her down a bit and give everyone a chance to catch our breath and mebbee have a cuppycake. Because we are entering Pinky (and Bubba’s) birthday season, so now we get to revisit some of Pinky’s (and Bubba’s) greatest hits. Huzzah! And there are so many to choose from!!!!
Let’s get on with the show! Break time is over!
And of course, who could forget when Pinky got her magical wand?
It is really hard not to laugh at a misbehaving Pinky. I know, I know…I am a terrible influence on her! Okay, one more and then next week it is Bubba’s turn for the spotlight. (Pinky: well, Bubba needs me to help him!)
Don’t forget to tune in on Sunday for the next exciting episode of Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!!! And next week’s Fabulous Furry Friday we will feature Bubba, okay?
Panda On!
Bob T Panda