Tag Archives: Ping Ping

Day 6 ~31 Days of Pandas

How’s ebbryone doing? I was remarking to one of my FB friends, that it was kind of funny that me, a 60’s hippie/counter culture type, was fan girl-ing over all these constitutional law scholars and former US Attorneys. Anyone want to join me in the Joyce White Vance fan club? I appreciate her sane demeanor, knowledgeable discourse, not to mention, she explains things in a way people like me (not a lawyer) can understand.

Impeachment made easy!

Made by the same highly scientific company as the Cute-o-Meter!

But now, back to Pinky In Wonderland!!!!

Those little pandas look vaguely familiar!

Wouldn’t it be better if dey was a very dark shade of pink????

Time to go off to find Mr. Bun!

I’ve always hated when movies do this…

Mittens: No Room! No Room! You look like you’re not from around here!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

PS: Most of the socks have been shipped out! I will mail the rest tomorrow! Let me know what you think! I’ve worn a pair and they are quite comfortable!

Day 5- 31 Days of Pandas

It’s Day 5 and Pinky is back!!!! Unfortunately for her, so are the Meihems, and they made a list, checked it twice, and brought it along so they could be sure that they didn’t forget any of Pinky’s crimes! And there are a lot of them!

I’m making a list, and it’s really big…

Not even Pinky is above the law. And if SHE isn’t, then Mittens sure as heck isn’t either!

Panda on!
Be the Bear!
Hand over that Cuppycake!
Bob T Panda

Day 3 – 31 Days of Pandas

You knew it had to happen sooner or later: Pinky would declare herself above the law! It was bad enough that Mittens did it, now Pinky is getting her inner criminal on!

So what if pandas are endangered! Does that mean they are above the law?

Obeying Pinky is not in the Consditooshun!

Be the bear and Buy Stuff with Pandas!
Bob T Panda

My annual note about Panda Commerce:

I started writing these ‘toons in early 2008, after reading an article in the Atlantic Magazine about the Panda ranches in China. I did not know where this compulsion to draw pandas was going to take me, I just knew I had to draw them. And so I drew, and eventually I started this website.

Because one of the reasons I started drawing panda ‘toons was because I was depressed because the economy had crashed and no one was buying art, it was important to me that this panda portal would be forever free to anyone who wanted to read my ‘toons. If they could help me, well, maybe they would cheer up other people who needed to be cheered and might not have the resources to subscribe to something as silly as panda satire.

So here we are, 11 years later! I still keep this blog and the archives available and free to to all. I do, however, spend time and resources drawing these toons and keeping them here for you. And so, I have run several Kickstarter campaigns, I now have a page on Redbubble where you can buy things with pandas on them, and my first non-Kickstarter Sock project was a big success. Buying things with my pandas on them, through me, Kickstarter, or Redbubble helps to support my work with Panda Satire.

My ‘toon collections, which are all available on Amazon,  also help to keep me in ink and paper. I hope eventually to get my graphic novels published through traditional publishing, but that is kind of the long game. For those who really want something special, I do sell my original ‘toons, once they have been published in a book.

For those that have the means and inclination to buy things with pandas, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. For those who don’t, I hope you’ll keep coming back to read the new ‘toons, comment on the goings on of Pinky, the Meihems, Bubba, and all the rest of the pandas. Art is not art until it has been seen and appreciated. Everyone of you are welcome here. It wouldn’t be nearly so much fun without you!

Panda on! It’s time for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!


It is day one of 31 Days of Pandas!

Are you excited? I know I am! I am excited for so many things! First, 31 Days of Pandas is my excuse to go full panda for an entire month. Secondly (and very importantly,) the socks are on their way to me even as we speak! The folks down at Pin Game Strong are great to work with. One of the many kind things they do, is to send pictures of the finished items as they receive them, before sending them on to me.

What could be better than wearing pandas on your feet?

I should have the socks in my hot little paws by Tuesday afternoon. My goal is to get them packed and shipped by Friday. There are about a half dozen people who have not responded to their invoices yet, so if you are one of them, please check your spam folder to see if the invoice is there, and pay the PayPal invoice promptly. I won’t be shipping unpaid orders. I’ll send out another reminder on Monday.

Another thing I am very excited about is my new shop on Redbubble!

I’m still getting set up, but there are a whole bunch of fun things you can buy with my pandas on them, AND they are having a site wide 25%-60% off sale, which means YOU can buy MORE Stuff with PANDAS!!!! Here’s the LINK! I have things with Pinky, Bubba, Mr. Wu AND things from Pandamorphosis (For those who like more fine art pandas!)

Head over to the Panda Chronicle Page on Redbubble!

Meanwhile, back at the pandas for today’s presentation for 31 Days of Pandas! How about an Encore presentation of Pinky in Wonderland?


Curiouser and curiouser…


Pinky: mommee is making jokes again!

Was that Mr. Bun????

Sometimes being spontunerous can get you in over your head, Pinky!

Drink mee!

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for day 2 of 31 Days of Pandas! (Oh…and go buy stuff with pandas on it!)

Be the Bear and Buy Stuff with pandas!
Bob T panda

It’s Halloweenie!

It looks like we are getting a treat today, although, I’m sure that 45 and his band of like minded GOP goons have more than a few tricks up their sleeves. I’m pretty sure that the vote on the next phase of the Impeachment inquiry won’t make them happy, and they will commence to activate more delaying tactics and cries of “UNFAIR!”

The phrase “be careful what you wish for” springs to mind!

I can’t believe Bob’s costume didn’t fool anyone!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

And Now, for Something More Innocent…

…Something more innocent than the current Nooz cycle, that is! (inky can hardly be described as innocent!) When the current occupant (occupier?) of the White House behaves like a pouting toddler, we need some junior pandas to raise the level of discussion.

Where will it all end? I have no idea, but I will keep drawing pandas as long as I can!

Don’t you ebber knock?

Hey! What about more PINS????

For those who are wondering (you were, weren’t you?) I have decided not to do another round of pins and patches before the end of the year. I find I have not nearly enough year left, or energy to add this into the rest of the year. Never fear, I have so many ideas and I really want them to come into being, so the pin/patch project will return after the new year.

That said, I do still have inventory of all the previous pins, including some slightly less than perfect pins that I can sell at a lower price. So, if you want to do a little holiday shopping, feel free to contact me via the Contact Page.  (This is the most reliable method, as FB and Twitter messages can get lost in the shuffle, and don’t even think about asking via a comment thread. The likelihood of me seeing that is less than 50%!)

I’ll try to get things packed and shipped out to you as soon as I can. I usually go to the post office once or twice a week. (I am not Amazon!)

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

What the Fuzz! It’s Impeachment Day!

OOPS! I forgot to set this up last night, as I am still recovering from my little bout of the flu. So here we are, just a little late. 😬🙄 In other news, after having this computer since 2011, I JUST figured out how to add emojis to text this year! Innovation!

But on to the NOOZ!

HWMNBN is having an absolute meltdown since Miss Nancy declared that Impeachment Season was open! While 45 continues to obstruct in plain sight, The House marches on, like the panda kindergarten at the cuppycake bar! Needless to say, we here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire will be reporting the panda (and cat!!!) view of the proceedings!

But enough stalling! It’s Impeachment Day! Everybody drink!

It’s been a long time coming. Hope he’ll be a looooong time gone!

Buckle up, Bears!
Bob T Panda

The Panda Olympics are Coming!

Granted, they will not be hosting the Winter Olympics in Beijing until 2022, by which time we could all be dead, but we are so excited that the pandas get another chance to compete! Of course some sort of panda-like mascot has been selected for the 2022 Olympics. Predictably, some have criticized the Olympic committee for “lack of creativity” in choosing a panda as the mascot. To this we say: WHAT ARE YOU FREAKIN’ NUTS???? IT’S A PANDA! OF COURSE THEY CHOSE A PANDA! GET A GRIP!

In honor of this momentous honor for pandas, let’s look back on Panda Olympics past! Huzzah! It’s a double dose of pandas because we REALLY need them!

another boring rerun

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

This cartoon is one of Bob’s earliest appearances!

The Pandas first attempt at Olympic Glory!

Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

We would like to point out that there were NO TORCH BEARS near the Cathedral of Notre Dame when it caught on fire.

Love the hobby horse on a spring (inspired by a REAL photo of a REAL panda on one.

Sochi Winter Olympics, Pandas

I keep hearing the song “bears on the Run” going through my head…the ski run, that is!

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?

Let Pinky be Pinky!

Skate faster, Boo boo!

Four pandas are better than two.

The world swoons….

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Also, if you had on your Impeachment Bingo™️ Card, “Conspired on a recorded phone call with a foreign leader to influence election,” mark your card for triple points!

Behind the scenes, a bit late

It does seem that I am running double speed and still staying behind the times, behind the curve, behind the eight-ball. So, you will forgive me (I hope!) that I share this little behind the scenes look a bit late, at Bubba’s Birthday Eve! I am happy to report that he did not flunk cake this year (huzzah!) but he MIGHT have, if he did not have a little help getting to his birthday bash on time!

Better safe than sorry, when it comes to your Birthday party, Bubba!

It does not pay to be late! You don’t want to flunk cake again, do you, Boo Boo?

Be the Bear!
Bob T I never flunk cake Panda

It’s all over but the shipping.

Well, and the ordering too. Thanks so much to everyone who supported my latest project, and thanks to all of you who read my ‘toons every week. It’s always a delicate balance in asking people to support what I do when I take to the crowd-funding arena. You should know, that if you are reading my work, you are helping to support my work, even if you’re not in a place where you can support it financially.

The first time I created a Kickstarter project, I was so nervous that no one would think giving me money to go to Italy was a good idea But people did, and I learned much about how to ask for, and how to accept your help with grace and gratitude. I know that not everyone is in a position to buy things that don’t have a purpose, other than to remember fun, and to bring a smile to your face when you look at it.

I hope reading these ‘toons bring you joy and resolve, see what humor exists even in trying times, and helps you get through these “interesting” times we find ourselves in. Plus, making fun of mean people is kind of…um…enjoyable.

So let’s have some pandas, ‘kay?

Om, Om on the range….

Be da Bear
Bob T Panda