Tag Archives: Ping Ping

How do you spell “emergency collusion”?

What cunning plan has Pinky devised? Will they be able to sneak out of the house? Will Mommee Mei find out? Will Bubba be grounded? Has Bubba learned anything from Pinky? And what about Ping Ping?

Let’s find out!

I see trouble in my crystal ball…

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Pinkstarter update: Pin design has been finalized, submitted and approved and the order is in. A team of pandas is standing by to make our pins! Stay tuned!

Bubba is a role model

Pinky: or mebbee he is a ROLL model.
Bubba: dat’s not funny!
Ping Ping: Ping!!!!

But let’s get on with the show!

Note to Bubba: never listen to Pinky

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

To those in the know: Pins have been ordered! Huzzah!


Please, not another ShutDown!

As some of you may know, I try to work a bit ahead on my ‘toons, so that power outages, snowpocalypses, and gallivanting around do not interfere with my schedule of posting ‘toons for your enjoyment. So, sometimes, they are a bit out of sync with what is going on out in the world.

But in this case, even though this series of ‘toons was about the ORIGINAL half-baked, harebrained, ill-advised shutdown, since we are on the eve of another potential shutdown, it is all too appropriate that I run this series now. Really, I hope the Congresspersons can keep HWMNBN from doing the foolish and destructive thing this time, but I have to say, I’m a tiny bit apprehensive. Fortunately, no one has figured out how to shut down the Panda Chronicles yet!

Let’s get these pandas on the road! There’s no time for a shutdown at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire!

Dis. Will Not. STAND!!!!!

BTW, I’m happy to say that the responses to my Kickstarter survey are rolling in! I just started the ordering process for the pins, so hopefully, by the time they get here, I should have the labels all ready to go and you will get your Pinky Pins quickly! I’ve already started designing Bubba’s pin and hope to be ready to launch that project by the end of March!

Be the Bear!
Bob T (Essential Worker) Panda

It’s Super (Panda) Bowl Sunday!

If you’re like me, you probably don’t have any idea even who is playing in the (Non-Panda) Super Bowl! I did read somewhere that the Super Bowl people don’t want ANYONE besides them using the words “Super Bowl” but I don’t know what they are going to do about it.

And it’s almost time for the Lunar New Year celebrations, but Banky Pig is nowhere to be found! I guess we will have to wait for a new ‘toon celebrating the Lunar New Year until Banky Pig comes back from…um…an undisclosed location!

But until then, let’s revisit some of our favorite ‘toons from Lunar New Years past!


Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

Look out!!!! Oh, those triplets!


It’s the year of the WUster!!!!

How much is that doggie in da window…

I hope everyone has a festive new year, and what better way to celebrate the holiday, than with a Pinky Pin over at our Kickstarter page! Only 2 days left!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Sometimes, someone behaves worse than Pinky…

You might think THAT could never happen, but that was all before 2016 rolled over all of us and “Mittens” moved his litter box (and his fiends and relations) into the White House. So, comparatively speaking, Pinky is a model of propriety. Imagine that!

Every night, I listen to Rachel Maddow as she explores all the twists and turns in the never ending drama of The Sopranos…um…I mean “Mittens” and his minions, related or not. Oy vey. Save us from millionaires who think that only they can fix it, and yes, I’m also talking about former Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz. To my knowledge, he has not indulged in the criminal behavior that appears to provide the bread and butter of the “Mittens” clan. Really, Howard’s only shortcoming is that he has neither the humility nor the willingness to listen to the “average working  American” that should be a prerequisite for the office.

Howard, if you want to run for president, either as a Republican OR a Democrat, I say go for it. Tell us in debates with other candidates what your views are; why your ideas are better for the American people (who are NOT millionaires) than those of the other candidates. That’s what this painfully long campaign process is all about.

Tell us what you believe in (and “the two party system has failed” is NOT a very informative statement.) and how you are going to make life better for all of us, of all races, genders, partner preferences, and religious affiliations. Tell us how you are going to make our country safer for all of us. Tell us how you would provide healthcare for all at an affordable price. We’re listening.

Geez…enough of this…let’s have some pandas!!!!

Mittens did WHAT??????!!!!????

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Hey! Don’t forget! There are still 5 more days to get your fuzzy floof slippers over to Put a Panda on It, my Kickstarter project, and pledge to get your own Pinky Pin!

It’s Sunday Funday! Let’s have Fun with PANDAS!!!!

The sky is gray, but it’s all black and white at the Panda Chronicles!

Yes, it’s Sunday, which is now our day for Encore Presentations of all of my (and I hope your) favorite ‘toons. I spent yesterday at the American Library Association Midwinter Conference in Seattle. It was fun and overwhelming and I came home with piles of new books to read, saw many of my writer/illustrator buddies from SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) and was in the presence of more people than I usually see in a year.

If I find books in my now huge to-be-read pile that I love, I’ll be sure to pass these titles along as I know many of you love to read things that aren’t even about pandas!

But now, let’s have some of those pandas you love!

I just saw another news story on Twidder about this…

“I’ll have one of these, and one of these, and one of these, and one of…”

what fresh horror

…and she ate the just right cuppycake all up!

31 days

Oh come on…hasn’t that ever happened to you? One minute there are two dozen cuppycakes just sitting there, and the next minute they’re gone?

let there be cake!

Inspired by a TRUE story!

I need to go have some cake!

Panda on!

Pinky may have been put in Twidder Jail, but…

…I’m still there, kicking butt and taking names. Really…I love Panda twitter so much. FezBook has it’s good points too, but for some reason, it feels more vast and therefore fragmented and I miss a lot of posts.

Anyway…All is going well over at my Kickstarter project (still almost two weeks to get your Pinky pin!) We have enough in the banky pig to have the pins made, as well as have them put on groovy cards (mebbee with another picture of Pinky on it!).

But meanwhile…back at the Panda House…

Mebbee Bubba and Ping Ping can help…is this really happening?

Panda on (over to Kickstarter: Put a Panda on It)

Bob T BigBrotherIsWatching Panda

By the by…you may remember that right before Christmas, I taught a class on making comics to a group of young persons. Apparently some of them had a good time, and their parents did not want to have me arrested and a group of them (a girl scout troop) want to do it again. I think I should show them the ‘toons about Pinky and the Meihems and the panda Scout Cookie sale!

Wish me luck!

You may be headed for…

Twidder Jail!

If you answer yes to any of these questions, YOU may already be in Twidder Jail!
Have you told the “president” or one of his minions, exactly what you think of him directly?
Have you accused a mansplainer of mansplaining and told him where he could take his mansplaining?
Have you confronted a bully on Twidder, who is actually a big whiney baby who, after calling YOU a snowflake, reports YOU for giving them a piece of your mind?

You are not alone.

Who would ever imagine Pinky would do something to offend someone? #ClapLouder

Meanwhile, we are doing great over at our Kickstarter campaign to make enameled pins of all of your favorite Panda Chronicles Characters! (Yes, you, too, Bebe Maurice!!!) If you haven’t checked it out yet, there is still time over here! Be the bear! and #ClapLouder!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Today is the Day!

That’s right! Today is the day my Kickstarter project starts!

And we are LIVE!!!!! Click HERE for the link!

But first, the next episode of The Year of the Banky Pig!!!!

That Ping Ping is a clever liddle bear, isn’t he?

Now…get ready…get set… GOGOGOGOGOGO GO!

And BTW, a date with George Clooney is NOT a reward!


Don’t believe EVERYTHING the panda kindergarten says!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Put a Panda on it!


The Year of the Banky Pig: Episode 2

What WON’T Pinky try, to get possession of Bubba’s Banky Pig? He has been carefully saving his money so that he can go visit his friends Yip and Jip, now that they have moved to Calgary. But Bubba’s friend and sidekick Ping Ping has a plan, a cunning plan!

You can’t fool Bubba anymore, Pinky! At least not as much as you used to be able to!

Ping is definitely the clever one! What did he say to Bubba?

Meanwhile, we are just a couple days away from launching our Kickstarter campaign! Be ready on Thursday at Noon PST! Pinky awaits!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda