Tag Archives: Ping Ping

31 Days of Pandas: Day 16/ June Year in Review

Just think, in only six months, we will be heading for the longest day of the year, instead of the longest night. Will Mittens still be living in the White House with his crime syndicate family? Will Pinky stage a hostile takeover? Will Bubba figure out how to lock his door so that Pinky won’t barge in? Stay tuned!

We can’t tell you what will happen next year, but we can tell you what happened last year!


Do we HAVE to go?

Things are about as real as they can get.

Move over Ping! I’m coming in too!


Pinky: i keep telling ebbryone you should have voted for me!

Pinky: “if i want you to have an opinion, i’ll give it to you!”

I can’t believe I started Pinky in Wonderland way back in June!


Curiouser and curiouser…


Pinky: mommee is making jokes again!

Was that Mr. Bun????

Sometimes being spontunerous can get you in over your head, Pinky!

Don’t forget to tune in Monday for Episode 24 of Pinky in Wonderland. If you have just arrived here, go back to this post and this post to get all caught up with our story!

Panda On!
Bob T panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 14/Don’t be an April Fool!

Yes, it’s Fabulously Furry Friday, once again and being in the middle of 31 Days of Pandas only makes it more FABULOUS! Oh, what a year it’s been, but now the doors of your Indictment Advent Calendar are springing open faster than we can keep up! Who will be the next to sing a song of woe and treason?

Only the “Bob” knows for sure!

April Fools Day has always been my favorite holiday. I know I already ran this one, but I thought, given the latest indictments, it was worth repeating.

I loved this story line, because Bubba got to be the star (at least till Pinky showed up.)

long goodbye

The Long Goodbye, or “Toronto Farewell”

our story

Mommee pandas have laser vision. Don’t even think you can hide, Bubba.

There’s always time for another cupcake!!!

So THAT’S how Pinky got there so quickly!

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!

I’m pretty sure Pinky got everyone home safely, because you know what else happens in April…


The only sure things are Pandas and taxes.

The year’s insanity also included some inanity. 


Foxxy “News” lies like a rug.


Pandas COULD bite your head off if they really wanted to.

When the truth is found…
to beeee lies….

Let’s keep Pandaing on, shall we?
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 11/ Pinky in Wonderland Episode 21

WE are back! Continuing with our Pinky adventure story, Pinky in Wonderland, today, Pinky eats some questionable mushrooms. One side makes you larger, and one side makes you small….

Wonder no more about what happens next!

When we were very, very small…

Pandy Claus is coming to town!
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Year in Review: March

March came in like a panda: sleeping half the day, and spent the rest of the time looking for Cuppycakes. It was also the month of the annual Pandamonium Panda Convention, this time in beautiful PanDiego!

Let’s see what the pandas rustled up in March!

panda convention

Babette and her many admirers, at a Panda Convention dinner party!

Some things never change…

Well, she does have a valid point…

2018 saw the publication of another Panda Chronicles Collection, featuring none other that Princess Pinky! (Pinky sez you might want to give them for ALL your holiday gifts!)

Don’t ignore Princess Pinky! #ClapLouder

This was one of my favorite ‘toons of the year…

Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

I think we all need a little emotional support these days…(That’s why they invented six-packs of cuppycakes)

Yes, Pinky. I’m sure Mr. Bun IS emotionally supportive!

This ‘toon took on even more personal significance this fall when a gunman entered The Tree of Life Synagogue and killed 11 people, and shot and injured someone I know. Thankfully he has survived, but 11 others that day were not so lucky. Several of the brave responders were shot as well. When is enough, enough? I’d say that day came years ago.


WE will accept NO support from the NRA

I know this is supposed to be the March edition of The Year in Review, but it kind of went with the previous ‘toon, theme wise!

April Fools Day has always been my favorite holiday

Panda On (and on…and on…and on…)
Bob T Panda

Hey! Don’t forget to get this book!

Isn’t this just perfectly pinky?

31 Days of Pandas: Year in Review: February

Welcome to our Year in Review for February! Let’s see what was happening back then…

I really hate it when I’m right about stuff…

In fact, not only was as bad as we thought it would be, it was worse.

But there are always a few bright spots…

Aw, Pinky…Bubba loves you!

All that practicing for the Olympics really paid off, don’t you think?

Skate faster, Boo boo!

Four pandas are better than two.

The world swoons….

Tune in tomorrow as we march towards March!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 6…We now return to…

Yes! We now return to Pinky in Wonderland! If you need to refresh your memory, you can read the first episodes HERE, and the second group HERE!

It’s okay…we’ll be right here waiting for you to catch up!

So now, let’s continue with Pinky in Wonderland!!!!

I don’t know if I would eat that mushroom, Pinky!

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday, we will be doing our Year in Review, with more episodes of Pinky in Wonderland resuming on Monday!

Ho Ho Ho!
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 5: It’s about Time!

It’s about time we introduced this year’s 31 Days of Pandas!

This is insane! Why do we do this???

Well, people (not me!) run marathons and IMHO that is insane. People collect salt shakers. They eat strange green drinks made of lawn clippings. People do all sorts of quirky things. But why do I do this? Good question!

In the darkest days of the year, (at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere~ *waves to our friends in Australia*) we need something to lift our spirits.
In one of the darker periods of our nation’s political history, I would be going insane without extra pandas;

I hope that you will be so appreciative of this extraordinary effort that you either subscribe to this blog (so you get pandas in your email, no fuss, no muss, no where did Fezbook put that)
You buy all my books, or buy them as holiday presents for your friends and family;
You want to support one of my upcoming projects that will be happening after the first part of the year;
You will tell all your friends about panda satire and invite them to join in the panda fun because
You need extra panda-riffic-ness as much as I do! (and so do your friends!)

So with no further ado, let’s introduce this year’s 31 Days of Pandas!

31 Days of Pandas. You know you want this!

Be the Bear
Buy some Panda Satire
Bob T Panda


31 Days of Pandas: Day 3

Even though this is the third day of 31 Days of Pandas, this is the first new ‘toon of the month. To refresh your memory, the schedule for the 2018 31 Days of Pandas, New ‘toons will be posted at the regular times on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and encore presentations will be posted Friday through Sunday. (In case you need to plan your panda satire schedule!)

The encore presentations will each be a year in review kind of thingie, where I will pick out my favorite ‘toons from each month of 2018, and maybe add a little commentary about them as I am inspired to, or think you might be interested in the thought process behind my favorite ‘toons. (Also to see if I can remember just what the heck I was thinking when I made that ‘toon.)

So! On with Day 3 of 31 Days of Pandas! Huzzah!

Wasn’t there something during the campaign of 2016 about NOT using private emails and devices?

Be the Bear and see ya tomorrow!
Bob T Panda

Will You Please Put That Phone Down?

We’ve all been there. You’re having a perfectly nice dinner with friends, someone brings up an old movie, a song, someone asks who the director or co-star was, and before you know it, everyone has pulled out their phone and is Googling the answer.


Little did we know that not only does it annoy (some of) us, it pisses off your dog, too.

Cats, on the other hand, weren’t paying attention to you anyway.

Thanks to all who responded to my Shameless Self Promotion! I’ll be announcing a few more as the shopping season continues. Currently, there are still 2 lithographs of Yun Zi available! Just send me a message via the Contact Us page!

Yun Zi; 2 available, framed or unframed.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda