Tag Archives: Ping

I Think They Need a Bigger Kitchen Table in the Panda House

There is a lot of evade the question going on here.

There is still time to order Halloween Pandas!

Pretty scary, huh?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

If You Think getting People…umPandas to pose for a Photograph is Hard…

Bebe Maurice will have his paws full trying to get everyone to sit still and pose for this Pawtrait. I hope he can paint fast! The birthday season is barely a week and a half away! And Bikkie is bereft of his Beary Poppins. Will the dashing duo make it in time for the party?

Stay ‘tooned!

Everyone smile! Now hold it….keep holding…keep holding…

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

July 29 is not only the Wu Self’s birthday…

It is also the birthday of the actual Princess Pinkie’s own little princess, Princess Pinky Junior, also known as Dou Ban, who has joined the family of Xi Dou, along with her brother Chao Tianjiao.

Since she is just turning a year old, I don’t have the deep archive that I have for Mr. Wu, but I DO have her introduction story for The Panda Chronicles!

So get some poppy corn, mebbee a bootini, and sit back to enjoy a little story we called “Pinky’s Dream!”

This isn’t a dream…it’s a nightmare!

We shall see what we shall see! Till next time!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I bet you thought we forgot!

I wasn’t referring to my tardiness with this ‘toon, but I guess that applies too. What with all the excitement about Frank and Mikey’s family trip, I bet you thought I forgot that BeBe Maurice was coming to visit the DC pandas, and also that Mei Xiang’s sister Lun Lun foisted off the twins, Six & Sebben, on her.

Is that the doorbell I hear?

Whoever could it be? Fun art note, in my rough draft, I just had the doorbell ringing once, but then I thought, how would Mei know that it was Six & Sebben? I think the solution was obvious.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Panda Kindergarten Must Be Stopped!!!

I’m fairly sure that the Panda Kindergarten must be responsible for the difficulties I’ve been having with the Pandashpere. I am now setting this up in what WP calls the Block Editor. Things appear and disappear randomly, as if a certain small panda was using her magical wand to foul things up.


But when I try to use the “classic editor” which has helped me lo these many years to bring you all the panda satire you need and want, it does other strange things like not publish scheduled posts or stop working while I’m in the middle of composing these wise pontifications…um…I mean incoherent blatherings.

Oh well…maybe I should just ask Pinky!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Halloweenie! Trick or Trick!

We need a little fluff and humor, and as it is the favorite holiday of pandas everywhere, let’s just dive right in!

Ping already has his costume!

Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!

Need to see last year’s Halloween ‘toon? See it here!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Update on my friend in Pittsburgh: I finally got in touch with a mutual friend, and learned that his wife was not present during the shooting. He is still in critical condition, but they are expecting him to recover. It will be a long, hard recovery, but there is hope. Thanks for everyone’s concern.

Pinky in Wonderland: Episode 13

What’s a little red paint among sisters?

We’re painting the roses a really, really dark shade of PINK!!!!

Time to go off to find Mr. Bun!

We’ll be taking another station break from Pinky In Wonderland, because we have some breaking stories, but have no fear! Pinky in Wonderland will return (as soon as …um…I finish reading the source material!)

And a very happy birthday to our beloved Boo Boo!

our story

Mommee pandas have laser vision. Don’t even think you can hide, Bubba.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Cue the theme from The Twilight Zone

Once again, the Panda Chronicles predicts…

So, I try to work at least several weeks ahead on my ‘toons (doesn’t always happen, but right now I am in good shape for keeping the pandas running on schedule.) At least I am when I remember to post them. (Friday was a LIDDLE late, but who’s counting?) So let me say right now that I wrote today’s ‘toon several weeks ago and then I heard this story on NPR this morning.

I think this subject warrants further panda satire scrutiny, as does the “commemorative pin for bogus event” idea that our Embarrassment in Chief dreamed up to add money to his coffers. How many people think the sales of those pins will go to decrease the national deficit? Uh Huh. Me neither.

But meanwhile….you never know who is listening.

The Mommee Security Agency is always watching

Panda On
Bob T panda

Don’t let the Panda Fly the Helicopter

What could possibly go wrong?

Pinky, Bubba and Ping are heading for home, but surely you didn’t think this would go smoothly, did you? Did you????

Did you?

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Panda On
One if by Air…
Bob T Panda