I wasn’t referring to my tardiness with this ‘toon, but I guess that applies too. What with all the excitement about Frank and Mikey’s family trip, I bet you thought I forgot that BeBe Maurice was coming to visit the DC pandas, and also that Mei Xiang’s sister Lun Lun foisted off the twins, Six & Sebben, on her.
Is that the doorbell I hear?
Whoever could it be? Fun art note, in my rough draft, I just had the doorbell ringing once, but then I thought, how would Mei know that it was Six & Sebben? I think the solution was obvious.
I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but you can’t have “Zoom Meetings” without the ZOO!
Six and Sebben have gotten their first Panda Scout merit badges!!!
There are so many stories to get to! And I’ve left Frank and Mikey wandering around Alaska, looking for their family. Sigh…I’m sure I’ll track them down…eventually.
Meanwhile, western Washington is experiencing record temperatures! Stay cool, everyone!
Some comics let their characters age, grow, get old disappear, add new characters as the older characters end their story lines. Some comics keep their characters in a state of suspended animation. Calvin remained six for all 10 years of Calvin and Hobbes. I’ve done a bit of the combination of the two, freezing characters at the age that is most conducive to the story lines that I have created.
Pandas come, and sometimes they go (Yun Zi, who really only appeared as a foil to young Mr. Wu, left for China as part of a story line) but mostly, I’ve left Princess Pinky, Bubba, the Meihems, and Six and Sebben as perennial pre-teens because that’s where my mind finds the most fertile story telling. And of course now there is Bikkie!
But now that the real life Pinky Boo Boo has had a cubby, it is very enticing to imagine that Pinky will now be on the receiving end of everything she has put her mother through. But I’m not ready to give up on Pinky as a small panda princess, intent on world domination. Therefore, I’m working on one of those dream sequence story lines, where for now, Pinky and Pinky Junior will exist only in Pinky’s dreams, at least for now!
So, let’s remember everything we love about Pinky! #Clap Louder!
Princess Pinky and her very first tutu, gifted to her by her big brother Tai Shan!Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….Could Mama Mei Xiang really be contemplating letting Pinky loose on the pandy kindy?Never say “No” to a Pinky!A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!
Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope it was a happy one!
Once again, The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire brings you your Sunday Round up of Panda ‘Toons!
It’s that Time of Year Again!
The only sure things are Pandas and taxes.Uh oh…it’s the Pinky Revenue Service!I guess Pinky and the GOP have something in common, as much as it pains me to say…Clear as mud!Foxxy “News” lies like a rug.Pandas COULD bite your head off if they really wanted to.When the truth is found…
to beeee lies….
I seem to be having some technical difficulties, but hopefully, they will sort themselves out (and by themselves, I mean my very capable and accessible web guru, Nate Hoffelder who writes The Digital Reader and has a web guru business)
I wonder if some of my problems are due to my reluctance to give up the old editing interface that I’ve been using for the past 10 years, and move on to the new WordPress way of doing things….sigh…
Anyway….Pinky still has more questions to answer!
I wonder “who” the mysterious advice seeker is!
I am trying the newfangled editing thingie, and I guess I don’t totally hate it. Maybe I will even get used to it in a few weeks!