Happy 12th Birthday to the one and only Mr. Wu!
Xiao LiWu the little gift that keeps on giving, Mr. Wu to his nannies and his friends has completed 12 trips around the sun today! Mr. Wu was the first panda I watched from the time he was a tiny cubby. While I was already a committed panda fan by then, he was the first real panda that I incorporated in to the stories here at The Panda Chronicles.
In honor of his birthday on Monday, July 29th, today’s presentation will be a little panda palooza of early Wu-toons! Pandarella will resume on Thursday!
Here we go!

I hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with Mr. Wu! Of course, around this time Pinky and the Meihems had appeared on the scene, and Pinky’s quest for world domination had begun.
By the way, it is also the birthdays of the only surviving triplets, who served as Pinky’s minions during her first run for the White House in 2016.

Till next time!
Be the Bear
Bob T pass the cuppycakes Panda