Tag Archives: Pookie

ZooNooZ Investigates: All the Nooz We Can Bear

By which, of course, I mean NooZ about bears. Speaking of bears, I changed the name of my Substack NooZletter to Friendly to Bears. While I am still searching for my Inner Panda, I thought a change was in order. Don’t ask me why. I think it was Frank and Mikey’s idea.

Speaking of Frank and Mikey, I was inspired by the story one of the zookeepers guides told us about their grizzly bear brothers that live at the zoo, and how they arrived there. Frank and Mikey (and Josie) had a similar story about their early days, and how they ended up where they did.

Who knows…it could be true…

The real NooZ is pretty scary and upsetting. If you can make the effort to call and/or email your reps in the House and Senate, it seems to be making a difference. Even if your reps are “Rs” they need to hear from you. Let’s make them nervous that they’ll lose their jobs if they don’t listen to their voters. You are their constituents even if you didn’t vote for them & you’re paying their salary.

Be the Bear
Bob T is friendly to bears Panda

Attention Must Be Paid (to the Bears!)

Once again there is a tragic bear story* in the NooZ.

Fortunately, Frank and Mikey (an’ Pookie!!!!) are here to tell you the NooZ and what’s important to bears!

More next week, including an encore presentation of The Twelve Days of CrispMoss, starring Pinky!

Be the bear
Bob T it’s not nice to shoot bears Panda

  • tragic for the bear and their family, that is.

The Opposition Goes Undercover for Their Public Debut

Binky Li and QB are getting ready to make their public debut, in what will be the best attended event in DC next month.

What? Is there something else going on?

Rumor has it the official Panda Chronicle outfits are going to be revealed soon!
Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear
Bob T no one will ever suspect Frank and Mikey aren’t pandas Panda

A Panda Satire Generator For You

I was inspired by one of my favorite ‘toonists on the inter webs, John Atkinson of Wrong Hands comics. His recent ‘toon on a Christmas movie generator made me think, “I bet I can do this for Panda Satire.”

Have fun with making your own ‘toon plots. Feel free to share in the comments and on the socials!

Be sure to share your ‘toon plots!

Be the Bear
Bob T who knew it was this easy? Panda

We apologize for the internet gremlins that seem to be at work

Somehow, despite scheduling yesterday’s post in advance, the internet gremlins (Six and Sebben? Mebbee!) somehow got a hold of my site and made it go off into cyber land.

Oh sure, you say. We think you didn’t have the post ready and this is just another version of the dog ate my homework.

Think what you wish: Here is what you should have received yesterday. There WILL be a new post for tomorrow, too!

Sorry to worry you all. We need Bikkie and Pookie now more than ever!

Be the Bear
Bob T I know nothing about how all this works Panda

A huge thanks to my website host/guru Nate Hoffelder. Need a website? hosting? Can recommend with a 5 cuppycake rating.

An Encore Presentation until tomorrow!

I can’t claim that it’s because of the upcoming thankfulness holiday. I just didn’t finish today’s ‘toon. Here’s something to keep you from showing up at my house with flaming pitchforks until tomorrow.

Is there anything more fun than watching Bikkie play wif Mommee or even just roll around in the den by himself?

Okay! Hope that holds you until tomorrow! I hope you enjoyed these randomly selected ‘toons!

Be the Bear!
Bob T it’s probably going to get worse Panda

Did You Know Today is National Voter Registration Day?

It’s not too late to register to vote if you’re not already registered. It’s also a good day to check your registration, even if you think you are registered. Do we have to remind you some states will cancel your registration on a whim, especially on days ending in “Y”!

Okay! We’ve made the important reminder! We want to vote to embrace JOY (although if your idea of “joy” is trampling the rights of women and minorities, what are you even doing here?)

But now for something REALLY important…

Episode 24 of Pandarella!!!!

Oh no! What will happen next? ‘Toon in next week to find out!

Be the Bear!
Bob T make a plan to vote Panda

Tonight’s the Night!

It’s Day 4 at the DNC Convention! Is tonight the night Pinky gets the nomination, or is there someone else waiting in the wings?

I gotta say, contrary to what you might think (or what you might have seen if you were masochistic enough to watch the RNC hate fest) the DNC Convention has been inspiring.

It has inspired hope
It has inspired patriotism
It has inspired JOY

It is time to do the work: check your voter registration. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the stakes.

Considering, one month ago, I had never heard of Tim Walz. Tim Walz is the coach, the dad, the Vice President this country needs. His can do Minnesota spirit, his kindness, his compassion, his willingness to do the work to help his neighbors & heal the country are something I had lost hope of seeing in American politics.

I am seeing a much more comprehensive picture of who VP Kamala Harris is: what she has done, what she stands for, what she FIGHTS for. I believe she fights for us. I believe she has the compassion that can help heal our troubled country. I believe she has OUR interests at heart, and not her own personal gain.

I am glad to be reminded that there are people who actually want to serve the public & it’s not just the gotcha game played by Jim Jordan & Marge. #AmericaNeedsTimWalz & I hope you’ll join me in putting Walz and Harris in the White House.

Now…who is going to tell Pinky…

Times a wasting! Check your voter registration and VOTE!!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T 75 Days Panda

Bears, Bears, Bears!

But not THAT bear!

You know the story I mean. The story that we are definitely not talking about that involves a hit and run bear, a very strange member of a famous political family, and what they did with that bear.


We are not talking about it!!!

We would NEVER leave a bear in Central Park!
(Frank: unless it was Josie!
Mikey: Um…it wasn’t us?)

Be the BEAR!
Bob T not THAT bear Panda

Because a story from 2018 recently resurfaced on the inter webs, I thought I’d share this little three part drama with you, for all the New Kids on the Block!

Ooooooo-oooo-oooo-we have food tonight…
Here kitty kitty…nice kitty…
“We just want to talk!”