Tag Archives: Princess Pinky

Go Fishie!

There is nothing so heartwarming as all the panda kids (and Pookie) gathered around the kitchen table, playing Go Fishie!

Um…is gambling permitted at a government facility?

Be the Bear
Bob T cubpaigns don’t pay for themselves! Panda

Don’t forget to check out (and subscribe!) to my new Noozletter over on Substack!

Pookie In The Panda House!

Bears are in da HOUSE!!!!

A big thanks to all who have signed up for my Substack NoozLetter! I hope I can be worthy of your attention! Also a big thanks to all who send me videos of bears doing…um…stuff. Frank sent me a message to say that it definitely wasn’t them, and besides, he only took one Binky Bar…I mean…if it HAD been Frank. Which it wasn’t.

Meanwhile, back at the Panda House…

Frank asked me again to say that the bear in the video is ABSOLUTELY not him. Mikey said it’s not him either.

Don’t forget to go see me over on Substack. I plan to publish once a week, still trying to decide what day!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Pinky is Available to be a Special Master

We appear to have reached the part of our ongoing Former Guy programming when everyone should have their hair on fire, if they don’t already. The whole “are they classified documents or are they not?” thing has led my hair to spontaneous combustion.

ZooNooZ has the latest:

Even Pinky could not have done something so inept and evil.

Be the Bear
Bob T I did not take any classified documents Panda

It’s International Red Panda Day This Week

International Red Panda Day falls on the third Saturday of September. The goal is to remind people that giant pandas are not the only creature that goes by the name of panda. (Pinky: as if!!)

So, here to celebrate the day, we bring you the red pandas of The Panda Chronicles!

Pinky, do you really think that Bubba will fall for this?
Mommee Mei puts her foot down.

I swear, there are red pandas in this ‘toon series…

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!
“They’ll never catch me!”
Wee are pandas too!!!!
Unka Rusty has some seriously feisty opinions!

Hope you had a happy International Red Panda Day!

Be the Bear
Bob T are you sure they are real pandas Panda

Now that we know where the kitchen is…

Note to all the people who commented whether on Facebook or Twitter: there are NO plans to add a third floor to the Panda House so that Pinky can have a full penthouse suite and not have to share a bathroom with all the little cubbies.

So let’s see what’s up with Pookie’s visit to the pandas.

Now where did all those boxes of Go Fishies crackers come from?

Be the Bear
Bob T no search warrants served this week Panda

Honey, Can we Remodel?

Several people wondered where Pookie was going to stay if he moved into the Panda House, so I thought a little floor plan was in order.

My understanding was that they did a major renovation when Frank and Mikey moved in, and built the second floor over part of the main panda hose. Prior to that, what is now Mei’s Office/study, part of it was Pinky’s room and part was Bubba and Ping’s room, and Tian’s Bear cave was the baby’s room. Pinky appreciates having a much bigger room, of course!

Adding the second floor “kid’s suite” allowed them to give the kids a separate space with a dedicated computer room and their own little bear’s room.

Keep in mind I am not an architect if things don’t line up exactly.

Seems like they have plenty of space as long as no one else show’s up to stay. (Pinky doesn’t share)

Be the bear!
Bob T thinks the GOP are a bunch of doody heads Panda

Who Let The Bears Out?

With the arrival of Pookie (aw!!! He’s so cute!) at the Panda House, I thought it would be a good day to look back on the entrance of Frank and Mikey to the Panda Chronicles. Of course, Mehitabel has always enjoyed interviews of animals who have raised their paws for Justice…

You just can’t trust crocodiles.

But we were speaking of bears…

Send in the bears!
Helloooooo bears!
I like bears.

That was Frank and Mikey’s introduction to the Panda Chronicles, and like bears everywhere, once you feed them, it’s hard to get them to leave.

Guess who’s coming for cuppycakes!!!!
“We are NEVER going to get our security deposit back!!!”
Ruh Roh….

And now you know how Frank got those fuzzy dice stuck on his ear!

I hope you enjoyed this look back at the first appearances of Frank and Mikey.

Till Tuesday (if we don’t have more technical difficulties)…

Be the Bear
Bob T thinks the GOP are bunch of spineless weasels Panda

I’m back! I’m back!!!

I really hate technical difficulties. Was it Mercury in retrograde? Sun spots? Six and Sebben messing with my internet provider? Mittens stealing the entire internet? But for some reason I couldn’t get this website to even open, let alone log in. Fortunately my web guru was able to wave a magical wand or maybe it fixed itself. Who knows?

Anyway, here we are, a day late and a dollar short!

In other NooZ…

Several of you might have noticed that on Twidder I had posted some enigmatic comments about waiting for something. What I was waiting for was to hear whether I had been selected for a short residency retreat for women who write/draw humorous comics.

I know RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!

Well, I finally heard, and to cut to the chase, I was not accepted, but I had a lovely bit of communication with the person in charge, a cartoonist I have long admired and have a lot of respect for. (Am I sucking up if she is reading this? Um…mebbee?) A long time ago, I took an artist’s business practices class, and while I may forget what I went upstairs for five minutes ago, I still remember what the instructor said about applying for things: Apply for everything you are remotely qualified for. While you might not get the thing, you never know who is going to see your work, what connections you will make for the future.

While it would have been really great to go someplace that isn’t home, have the opportunity to work and talk with others who are on the same path, it was great to be validated as being “the real deal.”

and in OTHER Nooz…

The Panda Cub Swap has been released into the world! Written by Beth Bacon and illustrated by moi, it’s the story of Lun Lun and the first surviving set of twins born at Zoo Atlanta.

You can order it from your local book store, your library, or Amazon using this link:


If you enjoy it and are so inclined, writing a short review on Amazon helps other people discover the book. I am so proud of the illustrations I did for the book. BTW, at some point this fall I will be offering the original illustrations for sale, so if you have a favorite one in the book, let me know if you are interested in having it.

Celebrating with some friends!

Don’t tell Six and Sebben this book is not about them!!!

Be the Bear
Bob T hoping the Democrats can hold on to Congress Panda

There’s a New Bear in Town!

There might be too many bears in the panda house, that aren’t strictly speaking…um…pandas.

Some of you might be wondering who Josie is. Josie is Frank and Mikey’s sister, and she does not approve of their career choices. She is the bear who stayed home to look after Mom and their youngest brother Scooter. (See last summer’s road trip to Alaska with Frank and Mikey as they searched for their family reunion.

Josie and Scooter’s names (and existence) are owed to Amy of Panda Twitter, who came up with names for the cubs that appeared in one of the numerous videos of bears behaving badly that circulate on the internet. The exploits of Frank and Mikey owe much to these videos and Nooz stories of bears doing things they shouldn’t.

I guess we’ll find out on Thursday whether or not Josie tracked her clueless brothers down, along with her missing cub.

Meanwhile, today is the “Book Birthday” for The Panda Cub Swap, the real life story of the birth of the Meihems. I threw a little party in it’s honor!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Stay tooned on Thursday to meet Felty Pookie!

Hold on to your Bootini! It’s Six and Sebben’s BIRTHDAY!!!

Technically speaking, Saturday September 3rd is their birthday and believe it or don’t, they are turning 6! How is this possible? (Lun Lun: Tell me about it, bless their hearts!)

So, without further ado (or any thoughts about just where the documents that went in those empty top secret folders are…) let’s dive into the archives for the Best (ha ha) of Six and Sebben!

Twinkies 2.0
Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!
Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?
Four pandas are better than two.
I don’t think this crew of minions is going to be quite as devoted as her last ones.
Who will win? Six and Sebben battle it out on the track!
What WAS that stuff Six dumped in front of Sebben’s car?
That’s one heck of a lot of ear wax!!!
Well, bless her heart!

I bet this was the last time it was Aunty Mei’s idea for Six and Sebben to visit the DC panda house!

I hope you enjoyed this round up of ‘toons featuring Six and Sebben! we are lucky to still have them in Pandalanta this long. Or maybe China kept saying, “Um, the number you have reached is not in service…please send different pandas if you think you have reached this number in error.”

Be the Bear
Bob T I definitely did not take those classified documents out of those folders Panda