Tag Archives: Princess Pinky

Oreos and Bears and Pandas, Oh My!

Ya know, I thought about doing something about the trial today, and then I thought, “nah…I don’t want to jinx it by assuming you know who would be found GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY,” so instead I planned this nice little ‘toon about Oreo, the Oreo stealing bear, and THEN, what happens at like 5 AM yesterday morning, my text messages start blowing up with nooz of Binky Li coming to Washington DC, so this time procrastinating worked to my advantage, because I could work the arrival of Binky Li and his girl fren into the ‘toon.

So here ya go! I’m pretty sure Nixon’s ghost will pop in next week to gloat over TFG’s 34 COUNT GUILTY VERDICT.

There will be champagne popping and dancing in the streets tonight. Hopefully the gun totting minions of TFG will be kept under control. Be happy and stay safe, panda friends. We have two new sets of bears to welcome later this year!

Enjoy some Oreos and milk and no double dipping!

Be the Bear
Bob T is not a crook Panda

You Are Probably Not Going to Like Today’s Episode…

Pandarella Episode 10

Out in the real world, a bear in a town in California has developed a taste for Oreo cookies. Rumor has it he is going to be interviewed by ZooNooZ later this week! Won’t that be fun?

If you enjoy reading about my fine art life, I’m writing a series about my upcoming show over on Substack. You can find it here. I’m planning on writing about one of my paintings for my upcoming show at Rob Schouten Gallery later in the summer.

Meanwhile, Pinky is hoping that you will support her candidacy by wearing Pinky merch! Redbubble often has sales, so keep your eye on the webpage. For now, stickers ship for free to US addresses. Here is the image for Pinky’s 2024 Cubpaign!

Be the Bear!
Bob T likes Oreo cookies Panda

From the Shameless Commerce Division…

The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire wants you to know…

Pinky has cubpaign merch available (Pinky: FINALLY!!!) ready for your enjoyment and ordering! Here is the link and the image to look for on my Redbubble website. Accept no substitutes!

Thank you and Be the bear! We’ll be back with another episode on Pandarella on Tuesday!

Bob T vote early vote often Panda

Un-Indicted And It Feels So GOOD!

The un-indicted co-conspirators are starting to pile up!

We had to take one more day off from Pandarella, to point out that there was beginning to be an unseemly number of un-indicted co-conspirators, in various criminal prosecutions around the country, concerned with the fake electors grab that was orchestrated (ALLEGEDLY) by Mittens and his henchmen.

We will definitely be back next week with the next installment of Pandarella, but maybe for at least short term, we will have to limit it to one episode a week, since there is so much OTHER stuff going on! New pandas arriving this summer in Pandiego! Escaped zebras in the North Cascades! Another ducky demise episode at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle! (Pookie 1: I thought dey said dey WERE lunch!) And that is not even considering the trials of the most crimingest ex “president” this country has ever experienced!

Meanwhile, the un-indicted co-conspirator in chief would like a word…

Take a deep breath and go outside! Play with a duck! Remember: Friend, not food!

Be the Bear
Bob T not yet indicted Panda

Pandarella Part 2

Just a reminder, “these things” happen in fairy tales. Don’t @ me, okay?

We apologize to Mommee Mei for having such an abbreviated appearance in our fairy tale. Maybe she will be back with another part.

Be the Bear
Bob T, you call THAT Grimm! Panda

A New Story Begins Today!

Let’s see if I I do a better job of figuring out what this story is supposed to be!

It is a sad truth, among we who figure out stories by the seat of our pants, that sometimes what seems like a good idea at the beginning, sometimes collapses in a heap of “well who cares what happens next?” This happened in the last story I attempted. You never know, so you head off with great anticipation, only to lose all your excitement a few episodes in.

Hopefully, this will not be the case here.

Truth is, there are already so many interpretations of various fairy tales, that there are almost infinite parody possibilities, as opposed to a story that was already perfect as it is, with The Phantom Toll Booth. Other than my idea of casting Six and Sebben as the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason (I know, right???) and having Bikkie, Pookie and Frank drive off in a little car, I really didn’t know where to take it.

So here, I offer yet another take, on the tale of Cinderella!

I hope you will enjoy this ongoing distraction from the Nooz, Pandarella!

Josie has graciously agreed to be our omniscient narrator! (Josie: I did not!) And yes, there are some excellent parts for Six and Sebben, and PPJ!

Be the Bear!
BobT your fairy god-panda Panda

There’s no Fool Like an April Fool

Alas! My regular posting day did not fall on April 1st (aka a typical news day in our post apocalyptic times) but as I like a good joke as much as the next bear, please accept our one day late tribute to April Fool’s Day, and to Bob’s capacity for belief in these troubled times.

Pinky sez: “put mittens in the big house, not the White House!”

Be the Bear!
Bob T well it might have happened Panda

Return to the Panda House

Maybe I couldn’t get my heart into Bikkie and Mister Poppee’s latest adventure story, or maybe the potential implosion of democracy has me too nervous to concentrate, but, at least for the time being, I have brought Pookie, Bikkie, and Mister Poppee home to face to Mommee music.

Needless to say, it did not go particularly well.

Of course they are all grounded.
Pinky: even me? I didn’t have anyfing to do wif dis!
Mei Xiang: especially you!

Meanwhile out in the real world, Bal’mer Bridges falling down, TFG mouthing off to the (various) judges and prosecutors, Ronna McRomney finding a job then losing it again, (and rightly so: How can a nooz organization hire a KNOWN prevaricator, who will say whatever whoever is paying her to say it?) , and we are trying to keep one step ahead of the blackberries here at the headquarters for The Panda Chronicles!

I hope your week is off to a better start than Mitten’s is!

Be the Bear
Bob T am I grounded too? Panda

March Madness Panda Style!

I am not a sports person. I have heard of the so-called March Madness of (I think) college basketball tournaments. I have never watched said contests, or bet on them and have no interest in doing so. Don’t ask.

But as you may recall, Pinky won a bracket sort of competition back when she was Baby Pinky, and beat out a whole bunch of things for the Smifsonian Icon of the year.

Pinky thought it was time to win at everything again. Or something like that.

Things are heating up in politics land. It’s going to be a challenge to keep our sanity. Remember, when the going gets tough, you need pandas or cuppycakes or maybe both!

Be the Bear!
Bob T pass the frosting Panda