Tag Archives: Princess Pinky

Pinky in the (Bully) Pulpit!

Uh oh. It’s another election cycle and guess who else is running (besides the usual suspects?)

Stay ‘tooned for next week’s Holiday Encore presentation, of The 12 Days of CrispMoss. (Pinky thinks it should be the 12 days of Pinky…what do you think?)

There is some stuff going on over at Substack that needs to be sorted out. If you are a follower over there, I am going to be asking you for your input. I try to stay off the computer most of the day, so sometimes stuff starts happening and then I’m like, “Huh? WTF?” anyway…stay ‘tooned! One thing that is certain, The Panda Chronicles is controlled by me, so you will always have a home here.

Be the Bear
Bob T Why do we always have to contend with nazis Panda

It’s Time for Some Year in Review ‘Toons!

We will get back to our story about Bikkie and Mister Poppee’s adventure soon, but as we are in the waning weeks of the year, it’s time for that popular feature, The Year in Review, where we look backwards and forwards and then trip over our own two paws.

And here, with our first installment, are Bob and Mehitabel, and a very special guest!

I can’t believe it’s almost 2024!

Be the Bear
Bob T where does the time go Panda

Some Holiday Encore Presentations!

The weekend got away from me, and I have a full plate this week, but even though I don’t have a new addition to our story in progress, I didn’t want to leave you panda-less!

Enjoy these holiday classics!

panda christmas
“why do I always get so kerfuffled when it comes to decorating for the holidays?”
sugar plum pandas
sugar plum pandas
The Frank and Mikey burning 2020 dumpster Diorama! Complete with artfully hand stenciled habitat and burning marshmallows!

I hope you enjoyed these holiday encore presentations!

Be the Bear
Bob T I am way too busy Panda

A Day Of Gratitude, Naps and Extra Desserts!

Honestly, I can’t think of anything to write that doesn’t depress the hell out of me, so I’m just gonna say, I hope this day is everything you wish it to be, that you have enough of what you need, and that you get to have something to be thankful for, and maybe a little bit of pie.

Rather than send everyone on a giant bummer, I’m just going to leave you with a thought and a wish. I wish you find what you need, that if you have more than you need you can share with others, and that someday, we will get to have more pandas here.

And here is a little refresher of the beginning of our story!

So, that’s where our story started. The most recent installments were on Tuesday the 21st, and Thursday the 16th. Tune in next week as our story continues. And check out Substack in December, where I will be re-running some of our Christmas stories, including the ever popular 12 Days of CrispMoss!

Panda on
Bob T full of gratitude for all of you Panda

Spoonflower and Redbbuble are in the throes of their holiday deal season. So this would be a very good time to hope over to my shops on Redbubble or Spoonflower to do a little holiday shopping. I’ve also been easing into my winter felty routine so if you were thinking about ordering some felties, this would be a great time to do it. Just reach out to me through the Contact Us page with your wishes and desires! And Panda Chronicles books make excellent presents! There are 10 now, plus the coloring books!

Hey! Remember that story I started a couple months ago?

We’re trying to get back to it. I thought it might be useful to have a bit of a re-run of the first 4 episodes today, and have the next installment on Thursday. But then again, maybe I’ll do it the other way, so that today’s toon, joins up better with last Thursday’s episode.

Somedays I just confuse myself!

While I’m thinking about it, both Spoonflower and Redbbuble are in the throes of their holiday deal season. So this would be a very good time to hope over to my shops on Redbubble or Spoonflower to do a little holiday shopping. I’ve also been easing into my winter felty routine so if you were thinking about ordering some felties, this would be a great time to do it. Just reach out to me through the Contact Us page with your wishes and desires!

Be sure to tune in (or should I say ‘toon in?) on Thursday to catch up on the beginning of our Bikkie/Pookie/Mister Poppee story! Maybe between 2nd nap and 3rd dessert!

Be the Bear!
Bob T pass the mashed potatoes Panda

BTW did everyone see the SNL cold open on Saturday?

Panda Exodus? Not So Much!

They just WANT you to believe that the pandas have gone back to China

But we know better, don’t we?

I am going to get back to my other story (The Mister Poppee, Pookie, and Bikkie adventure) sooner or later, but we had to provide some answers about what would happen vis-a-vis the “real world” (as if!) relocation of our pandas to China. I mean, the late Mehitabel is still commanding the NooZ desk at ZooNooZ heading onto 7 years since she departed for other realms, so do you think a little thing like reality is going to dissuade me from pretending the pandas are all still here?

Panda On!
Bob T is delusional Panda

They only WANT You to Believe The Pandas Left DC

Well, it COULD have happened this way…

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m still having a hard time coming to terms with the pandas leaving DC. I mean…how do we know that they didn’t double back, go through the secret tunnels Pinky had built, (MX: “WHAT secret tunnels?” Pinky: “um…you must have mis read dat, mommee…”) and are now hanging out in the luxury suite behind the scenes?

I guess we’ll find out soon!

Be the Bear
Bob T I know nothing about any secret tunnels Panda

Never Fear, The Pandas Will Be Here

I bet everyone (in panda fandom) is having a day like I am. It’s like the day after you get dumped. You wake up, slowly open your eyes, then think, “why should I get out of bed….ever.”

But of course you have to get out of bed. You need to go to the bathroom. You need coffee. Your mouth feels like a truck with a bad exhaust problem drove through your mouth and parked there with the engine running for 5 hours.

You think…”pandas might be gone, but I still have The Panda Chronicles, right?…RIGHT????”

Why yes you do.

I mean…Pinky still has to run for president next year right? And those cuppycakes aren’t going to eat themselves. There may be a slight disturbance in the force, and we may have to briefly dip into reality (No! Say it isn’t so!) before we go on our merry way, ignoring reality and keeping all the pandas (and other bears) right where they belong.

Here, in Pandyland.

Panda on,
Bob T be nice to yourself today Panda

PS: Also the Democrats kicked the GQP’s butts in Tuesday’s elections, so there is that too.

It’s Election Day…not the, ya know, Big One, But Still Important

The world is insane. Don’t forget to make a little less insane, and get out and vote.

Mehitabel is still trying to school Bob on being a good citizen. Good luck with that!

BTW, I am not ignoring the fact that our DC pandas are heading to China. I am in denial, or more like, not quite sure how this will manifest in The Panda Chronicles. I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?

Please remember to vote today. Whether it is for school board or your city council, it’s all important. And really, don’t vote for Pinky. (Don’t tell her I said that)

Be the Bear
Bob T I voted and my ballot has been received Panda

It’s Actual Halloween Today!

I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite Halloween ‘toons from over the years, as today’s post coincides with Halloween!

Panda Kindergarten halloween party
Trick or Trick!!!!!!!
comics history
Maybe Bubba is having a Halloween SEASON! Did you ever think of THAT, Pinky?
Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!
This is from 2019 and unfortunately still somewhat relevant

Be the Bear!
Bob T trick or treat Panda!