…but I have a very good excuse! I was at the San Diego Zoo Pandamonium Convention, where pandas from several countries all came together to discuss issues that are affecting pandas. Sort of a Panda World Domination Summit, you might say. Needless to say, there were cuppycakes (and quite good ones too!) and a wonderful time was had by all.
So that I don’t leave your Monday panda-less, here is one of my favorite cartoons (and it’s in Book 2 of The Panda Chronicles: Wheel…of…Pandas!, which is scheduled for release on April 1st, and that’s no foolin’ !)

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!
And because I’m just “that kind of bear,” here is another cartoon that appears in the book. I’m hoping that someone will right this terrible wrong before the next round of MacArthur Fellowships:

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?
Stay tuned for the debut of The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of…PANDAS! with special launch week discounts for faithul followers of The Panda Chronicles! We will also reveal (on Mr Wu Wednesday) some of the stuff we learned at the Panda Convention! (And we will print the transcript of the stirring keynote address, delivered by Mr. Wu himself, about being the youngest member of the great San Diego Panda Dynasty! There wasn’t a dry eye in the house!)
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda