I’m running a day late and a dollar short today, as we scale new heights of technology!

More tomorrow!
Be the bear
Bob T Panda
I’m running a day late and a dollar short today, as we scale new heights of technology!
More tomorrow!
Be the bear
Bob T Panda
Oh boy there has been a lot going on, hasn’t there? Might be one or two things…
I thought it was high time we had another episode of Pandarella!
Just when things are getting interesting….
Be the Bear
Bob T is all in for Kamala Panda
Don’t dissent from reading Pandarella! Things are starting to go Bikkie’s way!
It’s been a heck of a week, but we’re still here. We *might* rant about it a little bit on Thursday. Till then…
Be the Bear
Bob T we dissent Panda
Okay! NOW this story is cooking with gas. Or poofing with gas. Or mebbee Sister Mary Fluffy has gas…
Among the characters of the Panda Chronicles, there are several that have active lives off of the page, although they are no less…um…imaginary. Babette de Panda, our erstwhile villain in many stories, started her existence as the small, stuffy panda friend of my friend Victory. Victory found her on a trip, bought her as a present for me, but by the time they got home, she had named Babette and they bonded.
Babette had a Facebook page for a while, and many stories which never made it into the Panda Chronicles. Eventually, she found her way into the stories, and eventually came to live with me. She has continued to have adventures off the page. I would tell you, except there has been a gag order regarding some of her exploits.
Sister Mary Fluffy started her existence as one of my handmade felty pandas. It must have been divine inspiration that brought her into being. She has made multiple appearances in Pinky Panda’s Bamboo Chef events on Twitter.
I hope this answers any questions about her. She has a mysterious past (not unlike Babette).
Be the Bear
Bob T Pandas of Mystery Panda
We’re back again with the next installment of our story! Bikkie’s Fairy Godmother(s) have been revealed!
Don’t you feel better now?
Be the Bear!
Bob T it’s 5:00 somewhere Panda
Okay! NOW things are going to start going Bikkie’s way! (We think). I mean…when Sister Mary Fluffy is you designated Fairy Godmother, what could possibly go wrong?
Be the Bear!
Bob T I told you things were going to get better Panda
On the penultimate day of the year, we have 3 brand new episodes of Bears of the Baskervilles!
There’s one more day in 31 Days of Pandas! Don’t miss it!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
We’re gonna start at the beginning (’cause who can remember what happened before now? Not me!) So…to begin at the beginning…
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
Didn’t you always hate it, when you’re watching a movie and the first little bit, there are almost no commercials, and then the longer you watch, the less time there is between commercials?
Well, I’m pretty sure we only have one sponsor, so there might be only one commercial. Mebbe. I was watching some YouTube videos the other day and they kept playing these ads for Keepsake Ornaments and I thought they would make a pretty good sponsor for The Bears of the Baskervilles!
Hey, I almost forgot to tell you that PDXWildlife is having their annual auction again, and I donated another felty and some pins and other things that were floating around the studio! Check out the auction until November 28th! Pandas are standing by to take your calls!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda