Tag Archives: Sister Mary Fluffy

Episode 7 is Sure to Be a Big Hit!

I really think Bikkie will steal the show with today’s episode!

What do you think?

Dese are a few of my favorite fings…

Hee hee! I could not resist! Everybody sing along!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

A quick note: The PDX Wildlife auction starts on Sunday, the 14th (I think) I’ll post a link in Sunday’s post!

Our Story Continues!

Why does Daylight Losing time make me so sleepy? Here’s the next episode while I take a nap! Okay. While I take another nap.

Let the singing and dancing begin!

Everybody sing!

The hills are alive!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

What? A New Character?

Our new character probably needs a little introduction. Last year I was messing around making felty pandas, and I made one that kind of looked like a nun (wearing pink!) I knew it couldn’t be Pinky, so I decided her name was Sister Mary Fluffy (calling her by her initials may get your mouth washed out with soap!) I also decided that she needed to go to a home that was more…um…fitting of her status than my home, so I sent her off to live in Virginia with the spiritual advisor to the Panda Chronicles.

I had hoped that she would lead a quiet contemplative life, but if you are a follower of either #TheBearchelorette or #BearchelorInParadise on the Twidders, you might have bumped into Sister M.F. (see? what did I tell you?) mixing drinks down at the bar. She has also been a regular player in a little behind the scenes Panda Improv!

But let’s introduce her, and find out more about the good Sister…

“Can I put a little something in my cocoa?”

Stay ‘tooned! More to come next week!

Don’t forget to ‘toon in on Sunday, when we have the concluding installment of A Halloween Carol, as well as some of our favorite Halloween ‘toons!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Bears of the Baskervilles part 3

We are predicted to get a very wild windstorm later on Sunday night, as I write this, so I thought I would get this scheduled so certain people aren’t left hanging! (you know who you are!) Who could this mysterious visitor be?

Well, if you already knew, it wouldn’t be mysterious, would it?

mysteries upon mysteries!

Whoever could this be, and what connection do they have to someone at the Panda House? ‘Toon in again to find out!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda