Tag Archives: six and sebben

Panda-ing Into the Apocalypse (Part 3697)

Once again the day got away from me, so enjoy this bonus edition of gems from the archive. Offerings from Februarys past…

We have the very best facts

I *may* have attended a small but sincere protest gathering in Langley yesterday.

In fact, not only was as bad as we thought it would be, it was worse.

And 2025 version 2.0 of the F45 regime is worse still.

Unka Rusty has some seriously feisty opinions!

The Red Panda resistance will not be denied!

Do I smell smoke?
Buh Buh Buh Buh BYE!!!!


What’s a day without a visit from Pinky? (or Six and Sebben?)

Let’s face it. Things are getting really bad and they are going to get worse. Oh crap, I was trying not to say that, but it just slipped out. I’ll be back on Thursday, with the finished ‘toon I thought I’d get done today. Best laid plans and all.

If you need a really good laugh, please enjoy this SNL skit with some really star talent being as funny and raunchy as you could not believe. Woody Harrelson trying to keep from busting out laughing is priceless.

Be the Bear
Bob T hoping democracy is not over Panda

There Has To Be A Morning After

There was some event happening in DC yesterday, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. More exciting events were happening cross town, over in Pandyland. Binky Li napped and ate for his fans, QB climbed trees and waved to her subjects. I eagerly await the return of the Panda Cam.

We’re not going to be able to ignore what is going on across town, at least not completely. We all need to do what we can to resist falling into despair, as that is exactly what “they” want you to do. But no matter how many naps we need to take, we will resist! Every act of resistance, no matter how small, is still resistance. (Like reading the Panda Chronicles, especially when we make fun of F45)

And Now, Back to Our Story!

When last we saw the gang over in China, Six and Sebben had arrived to “visit” their favorite* cousins! Being a responsible mommee and auntie, Mei Xiang decided she should check in with her sister…

*Favorite in the sense of all their other cousins have gone into witness protection programs and Lun Lun can’t find their addresses.

Be Brave!
Stay Angry!
Do Not Give A Inch!
Eat Moar Frosting!

Panda On
Bob T pass the frosting Panda

Part 2 of our Encore Presentation of our Holiday Classic, Beary Poppins!

Here we are! Hi Hi Hi Hi!

Let’s get our popcorn and hot chocolate and watch part 2 of Beary Poppins!

Don’t you just LOVE six and Sebben?
Gosh I really hate to leave you on this cliffhanger for the weekend, but…
Bikkie has a name!!!!
Once upon a time…
Bikkie loves Beary Poppins! Also Rory the Dinosaur by Liz Climo
I think Biscuit and Beary Poppins are forming a real bond!
It wasn’t me!
A promise is a promise, even among grizzly bears!
Let’s go fly a kite…
uh oh.
I was afraid there would be yelling…so much yelling!
Silly old bears!

Wasn’t that fun? Did you forget reality for a little while? I know I did!

Here’s the thing: we have to keeping remembering there is joy in creativity, in art, in stories, in dancing around the room singing along with Taylor Swift. The Panda Chronicles might not be as popular as Tay Tay, but we believe in the joy that pandas and friendship bring. We are going to need all the joy we can muster to stand up to the dark forces that are coming.

Be the Beary Brave Bears
Bob T I am a Swifty Panda

Another Holiday Classic! Beary Poppins!

I’m trying to ease back a bit and enjoy the quiet of the season and get ready to welcome back some light into our lives.

Like THAT’S gonna happen.

Anyway, I’m gonna do this Encore Presentation in two chunks, for Thursday and Friday this week, then next week (hopefully, ha ha!) back to my regular schedule. Or as regular as things can be, all things considered. anyway, if you want to revisit one of my other holiday classics, (Pinky: starring ME! da only icon you will ebber need!) I did an Encore Presentation of A Halloween Carol over on the Substck thingie.

So here we go! Sit back and enjoy Beary Poppins, part one!

Oh boy! Oh boy! A NEW story!!!!
I can hardly stand the suspense! Who will play Beary Poppins???
A spoonful of frosting makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down, medicine go down!
The ad is mailed, but Mittens is up to some dirty tricks….But wait! Look who found the mail box!!!
Bears are VERY curious!
This hat doesn’t make me look…um…too fluffy does it?
Frank is off on a new adventure!
Beary Poppins has arrived! Is there any cake? It’s been a long flight!
I wonder why no one else applied for the job!
I just love Mei’s little chats with her sister Lun Lun.
Why DIDN’T I eat all the cookies?

Well that’s it for today! I’m so glad you’re here with me! ‘Toon in TOMORROW for the final installment of Beary Poppins!

Be the Bear
Bob T is trying to be a brave Panda

A Panda Satire Generator For You

I was inspired by one of my favorite ‘toonists on the inter webs, John Atkinson of Wrong Hands comics. His recent ‘toon on a Christmas movie generator made me think, “I bet I can do this for Panda Satire.”

Have fun with making your own ‘toon plots. Feel free to share in the comments and on the socials!

Be sure to share your ‘toon plots!

Be the Bear
Bob T who knew it was this easy? Panda

Pandarella! The Final Chapters!

I bet you thought I would never get around to finishing this Panda-Extravaganza of PandaPaloozahood. Well, to be honest, neither did I! But here we are in the final and-they-lived-happily-ever-after chapter!


And so, we end, like all fairy tales end, (at least the sanitized happily ever after ones…the original Grimm’s tales are often quite a bit darker!) with the evil step sisters getting just what they deserve, and Bikkie going off to the palace with a rather familiar looking King and Queen to live a life of fun and luxury!

Now, if we could just banish Mittens to a dark dungeon somewheres. Remember to vote y’all!

To Friends of Bob in the Hurricane Helene ravaged country side, I think of you and hope you are safe and well. Climate change is kicking our butts.

Be the Bear!
Bob T wants to live happily ever after Panda

What Have We Here? Pandarella Episode 25, that’s what!

We are definitely winding this fractured fairy tale down! And if you notice a resemblance in some of our players to characters that exited the story earlier, let’s just say that we have a limited number of pandas to play all the parts, so we make due where we can!

Now…On with our story!

Methinks mebbee the Queen knows something, perhaps…

Meanwhile out in the real world, shit is getting cray cray! Will there be consequences for Mittens and VD Vandal (soon to be played here by a weasel!) for the bad things that they are getting up to in Ohio? Sounds like some of the citizens of Springfield have filed a criminal complaint against them for telling lies to incite violence.

ZooNooZ may have an exclusive interview with a central character in the drama, coming on Thursday. Mum’s the word!

Till then…
Be the Bear
Bob T there will be consequences Panda

It’s time for another episode of Pandarella!

The day got away from me, so let’s just cut to the chase, as it were, with the next episode of Pandarella!

Hmmm…the King and Queen remind me of someone(s)…

Be the Bear!
Bob T better late than no ‘toon at all Panda