Tag Archives: six and sebben

Sunday Funday Salutes…Our Pandas to the North

As if the global pandemic was not enough pain for those of us in North America, the Canadian pandas are going to be going back to China. Their bamboo, which is about 99% of their diet, comes from China, flown in every couple days (or is it once a week? I can’t remember and I am too lazy to look it up.) has been hard to come by, what with the flight reductions during the pandemic.  Most pandas have a preference for the bamboo they like to eat, and even if the US and Canada weren’t having their own problems, you can’t switch out Seattle boo for Chengdu boo, no matter how convenient that would be.

So, Er Shun and Da Mao are heading back to China, much to our dismay.

Meanwhile, HWMNBN continues to throw tantrums, tell lies about the scope of the pandemic and I’m guessing, will be tweeting up a s**tstorm after the inspiring speech that President Barak Obama gave at the Virtual Commencement on Saturday. It was nice to be reminded what someone with empathy and intelligence sounds like.

But it’s Sunday and that means it’s time for some pandamonium! Let’s look back at the ‘toons about the Canadian pandas and the place they held in the world of Panda Satire!

Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?

“If Pinky is grounded, can I have her dessert?”

What do you mean you left a note saying they are at my house?

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

It’s a good thing that Pinky taught Bubba how to use Skype!

Packing is such a chore! And a surprise visit from a friend can make it go so much faster!

long goodbye

The Long Goodbye, or “Toronto Farewell”

our story

Mommee pandas have laser vision. Don’t even think you can hide, Bubba.

There’s always time for another cupcake!!!

So THAT’S how Pinky got there so quickly!

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!


By the way, it sounds like masks are shipping over at Redbubble! If you need some masks, wouldn’t you breathe a little easier if they had pandas on them?

Be(e) the Bear!
Bob T Panda

🎶You Say You Want a Revolution…🎶

Let them eat cuppycakes?

HWMNBN is not wasting any time getting his authoritarian game on. I sincerely hope we all do not die before this pandemic is over, and that the damage done by 45’s Reign of Terror can be repaired. Is it any wonder, Pinky has let her paws go tappity tapping through the shopping channel on Pandazon?

Did Pinky put this on Daddee’s Panda Express card?

Editors note: I am reeling from the news that Calgary’s pandas are going back to China three years early (four, if Er Shun had another cub) I am so sad that I won’t get to see them again, and also sad for their panda care team, which I know really loves their bears. I think maybe on Sunday we will have a tribute to the Canadian pandas, what say you? I’m sure I’ll have something to say about it by then.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

May the Fourth Be With You ( day late, but…)

Even though I saw the original Star Wars movie when it came out, it took me years to get this joke. What can I say? Sometimes I am not all that on top of things.

Meanwhile, COVID19 rages on as does the Malignant Orange Menace. Wearing masks is recommended and so the good folks at Redbubble added masks to their line up of products that artists can add their creative stamp to.  If you need a mask, I hope you’ll check out my offerings at Redbubble!

Meanwhile, Pinky has decided to contribute to the mask making cause…in her own way, of course…

Wait…we get paid?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Just one of the new designs for my shop at Redbubble!

Bears will be Bears!

Due to some operator error (some might say incompetence!) the post I set up for today has disappeared! I was having some site issues that I hope are resolved now, so BEAR with me (ha ha! Get it?) while I reconstruct (or try to)…

A Sunday Salute to BEARS! (and cuppycakes)

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

girl power

Will there be cuppycakes?


Not even CUPPYCAKES????

31 days

Oh come on…hasn’t that ever happened to you? One minute there are two dozen cuppycakes just sitting there, and the next minute they’re gone?

I like bears.

The worst thing is the bears always reset the radio preset buttons and change the seat position!

So, Mikey…how was the Grand Ol’ Opry?

Those grizzlies are awfully sneaky!

It wasn’t us!!!!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

The Quarantine (and the fun!!!) Continues!

What did you learn in the quarantine of 2020?

I learned a new thing today! I learned how to print postage labels from my very own home computer! Who knew how easy it is? Okay, everyone but me, but I was dragged kicking and squealing toward computer usage. I used to drive one of my friends who tried to get me to get on the computers nuts with my reticence. I would open a file cabinet drawer and say, “I’m booting up my computer…now I’m opening a file,” as I pulled out a manila file folder and opened it.

Boy, was I funny! Don’t ask me how many computers and digital devices now live in my house. Really…who knows?

People are posting recipes on Twitter, real and ironic. Late night comedy talk show hosts are broadcasting from their living room couch or attic. Authors are holding book launches on Zoom.   The bereaved, denied the opportunity to say goodbye in person are spilling their stunned grief on social media. This is something we’ve not seen, most of us, in our life times.

We find hope even in our despair, we look for joy where we can find it, and so…

I have declared PANDA SATIRE an essential service.
You’re welcome!

Here comes Meihem!

Panda Commerce Alert!

I got an email that RedBubble is having a sale on stickers and socks, among other things! Here’s the link! If you click on the individual designs, it will show you the various things that have that design on them!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

So…what was that phone call Mommee Mei got in the last episode?

The Quarantine Chronicles continue…

You may recall, as we ended our last episode, that the phone was ringing after Mommee Mei liberated Bubba and Ping, from their Pinky precipitated imprisonment. Who could it be?
Was it:
The Zoo Director?
The Canadian twins?
Big brother Tai?

No…it was…

Well, bless her heart!

“Things could be better”: Ha ha…Mei has always been the master of understatement!

Panda on!
Wands up!
Bob T Panda

There Will Be Tigers

Disturbing news…I mean NooZ… came from the Bronx Zoo this week, when it was discovered that at least one of the tigers and several lions had contracted COVID-19, probably from one of the keepers who was asymptomatic. (This is a correction from earlier when I said it was the Woodland Park Zoo with the plague-ridden tigers. I think I confused a news story I read later, because the WPZ was checking their big cats for COVID 19 infections after the Bronx Zoo news.) This has troubling implications, for owners…I mean servants of domestic cats. It is unknown whether it could be passed back and forth from you to your cat, so you might want to wash your hands after playing with Mr. Kitty and refrain from kissing your cat on the lips. I don’t know anyone who might have done this. 🙄

While we wait for the Woodland Park Zoo tiger to have his interview on ZooNooZ, I’ve assembled some of the previous appearances of tigers here at The Panda Chronicles. But first, I wanted to share a video sent to me by a friend of panda satire!

We have had all too much disturbing news, and more comes across our screens every day. All too often I find myself riding the downward spiral into despair that life will ever return to normal. Every trip to Twitter-land reveals heartrending stories of love and loss, but also uplifting stories of hope and kindness. While I will never quit poking at injustice and moronic anti-leadership, I want to make sure what we roll with is not all rant! Pandas are fun and light and love, after all (just ask the Hong Kong pandas! “What do you MEAN have I seen youtube???”)

So, before we enjoy tiger palooza, I share this video sent to me by one of the friends of the panda kindergarten. Make sure you take note of the socks at the 1:31 and 1:42 time stamps!

And now, let’s get up close and personal with tigers!

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

You know we’re just kidding about this, right?

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I think we need some more encore presentations of Pinky’s last run for the White House, don’t you?

There were no tigers involved in this plan, so it must be okay, right?

Aren’t you already in enough trouble, Pinky?

Pinky enlists her brother's help in her scheme

“Just run along and put these brochures where people will see them!”

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?

And remember, if we stop laughing, the terrorist has won. Stay safe, stay home, wash your hands (with soap and water, don’t just lick them!) and vote in November!

Panda on!
Wands up, everyone!
Bob T Panda


What did we do last February?

What were we doing at this time last year? I suspect we thought things could not get possibly get worse, but then, here we are!

Meanwhile, tiny pandas are marching off to save everyone!

The discovery of thousands of tiny pandas has rocked the archeological world! This find has been compared to the thousands of terra cotta warriors, discovered in China!

Some of the tiny felty pandas have already made their way to their new homes! More are on their way. Currently, I’m able to complete the pandas for about one group every week or so. Fans of Mr. Wu, heads up! your pandas will heading your way late next week!

But let’s see what we were up to last February!

Please, just go away, KittySue!

Wee are pandas too!!!!

Unka Rusty has some seriously feisty opinions!

Dis. Will Not. STAND!!!!!

Note to Bubba: never listen to Pinky

I see trouble in my crystal ball…

Even Nancy Pelosi listened enthusiastically!

Pinky is in the House!!!!

Panda on everyone!
Bob T Panda

Keep laughing everyone! And remember, we are laughing AT 45, not WITH him!


The Year in Review Part 2

Before we dive in to our Year in Review encore presentation, can I just say OH MY FRIGGING GOD!!!! The tiny panda (Hold me closer tiny panda) Kickstarter reached its goal amount 13 minutes after launching. I am astounded with gratitude for this response. It also was listed as a Kickstarter Project We Love most of the day on Friday. Needless (or needle-less) to say, I have a lot of felting to do over the coming months. If you are afraid you missed your favorite panda, check back at the project, because I added some more reward categories!

Thank you again, from deep within my heart. I can’t wait to get these pandas to you! (After I make them of course!) This has the added benefit of getting to visit the Abundant Earth Fiber store again, which may now be called my happy place!

But now, on with the Year in Review for April, May, and June (Wherein we are reminded of why we need emotional support pandas!)

it was a total coincidence that Babette’s ‘toon should run today.

Moove over! You’re crowding me!

Look who’s here!

On to May!

If you go out in the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise!

Irony is dead:

Who could have done this????

Did I just see what I thought I saw?

June is in ‘toon…


Frank and Mikey make another return appearance!

So, Mikey…how was the Grand Ol’ Opry?

And let’s not forget Six and Sebben!

Will these two ever get along?

Well, that’s it for today’s wrap up! See ya real soon!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Day 31 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Oh my goodness! It’s Day 31!!!! It’s New year’s Eve in my time zone. for some of you, it’s already next year! What ever time zone you are in, take a deep breath, sleep in, if you can, and think about how you are going to combat authoritarianism this year!

I’m going to do it by speaking out here, and in the real world, and keep drawing my ‘toons that speak my truth!

Keep being the bear!

WE need to do better in 2020! What can possibly go wrong?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Have the Happiest New Year that you can!