There’s a fun game going around on Twidder this evening, that we are calling I’d LOVE to be White House Chief of Staff but… To play, you come up with a reason you can’t be WH CoS. Extra points for extreme trivialness and frivolity.
Let’s play, shall we?
I’d love to be White House Chief of Staff, but I have to arrange my garbage alphabetically.
I’d love to be White House Chief of Staff, but I need to turn my toothbrushes counterclockwise every 15 minutes.
I’d love to be White House Chief of Staff, but I seem to have eaten something that doesn’t agree with me.
I’d love to be White House Chief of Staff, but I have to rearrange my sock drawer.
Add your reason for not not being able to be WH Chief of Staff to the comments!
And now, for the Year in Review; May Edition!
You knew this story would end like this.

Well, she DID bring it back, and really, it should have been hers anyway.
This was one of my favorite little series of the year, and yes, I have really done this, although maybe not the part about the World Cookie Balancing Competition circuit…

Did I mention I broke the world record in cookie balancing?

There are rules here!

The roar of the crowd, the smell of a freshly baked cookie…
And how are Yip and Jip adjusting to Calgary?

“i din’t know we has to use forks!”

“I’ll have one of these, and one of these, and one of these, and one of…”

The Mommee Security Agency is always watching
What a happy day, when Six and Sebben got their new Panda Scout uniforms!

Cuteness abounds!
Panda on!
Bob I’m-too-busy-to-be-the-White-House-Cheif-of-Staff T Panda