I had a whole thing about Election Day thought up for yesterday’s post, but the windstorm last Friday laid waste to all of my plans! But I KNOW all of my faithful readers are voters so I really didn’t need to nag you, right?
So without further ado, here is the ‘toon I was not able to post yesterday!
The good news is there will be a new ‘toon tomorrow too!
Did you guess the movie reference in the first panel?
Well, gotta run. It’s amazing how far behind you get in your email and everything else when the power has been out for 4 days.
Be the Bear! Bob T is holding out hope for the House remaining blue Panda
I realize it has been a bit of time since the last installment of Life in the Panda House, but there were those Fat Bear Week scandals to address, and then the whole “the Deep State is making hurricanes hit GOP states” thingie.
But now we’re back on track…for this week, anyway.
Is it my imagination or are Six and Sebben getting more poorly behaved, bless their hearts?
Don’t forget to check out my Substack Nooz-letter! You can read this year’s annual Encore Presentation of The Wizard of Wu!
Be the Bear Bob T is not afraid of Six and Sebben Panda
Those who know me well, know that there is no joke that, if I think it is funny, that I won’t use at every opportunity. ( I was going to say, “beat to death”, but that’s not really the vibe I want here, ya know?) Ever since the first time I depicted Lun Lun as a rather pampered southern belle, in contrast with her older sister Mei Xiang talking on the phone to each other, it never ceases to crack me up.
Lun Lun’s conniving to send Six and Sebben off to stay with her sister’s family, all while sipping an adult beverage out by the pool, is one of my favorite themes.
Mei Xiang, oddly enough, is less than amused.
Be the bear Bob T bless their hearts Panda
Don’t miss this week’s Substack post for this year’s encore presentation of that halloween classic, the Wizard of Wu!
Technically speaking, Saturday September 3rd is their birthday and believe it or don’t, they are turning 6! How is this possible? (Lun Lun: Tell me about it, bless their hearts!)
So, without further ado (or any thoughts about just where the documents that went in those empty top secret folders are…) let’s dive into the archives for the Best (ha ha) of Six and Sebben!
Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?Four pandas are better than two.I don’t think this crew of minions is going to be quite as devoted as her last ones.Who will win? Six and Sebben battle it out on the track!What WAS that stuff Six dumped in front of Sebben’s car?That’s one heck of a lot of ear wax!!!Well, bless her heart!
I bet this was the last time it was Aunty Mei’s idea for Six and Sebben to visit the DC panda house!
I hope you enjoyed this round up of ‘toons featuring Six and Sebben! we are lucky to still have them in Pandalanta this long. Or maybe China kept saying, “Um, the number you have reached is not in service…please send different pandas if you think you have reached this number in error.”
Be the Bear Bob T I definitely did not take those classified documents out of those folders Panda
Yesterday one of my pandemic ‘toons popped up in someone’s time line, so I thought I would revisit the pandas experience of the Panda-demic.
It’s nothing that a little cocoa can’t fix!You can’t get more socially distant than sending everyone to their room!Is FEMA stealing marshymallows too?Well, bless her heart!Here comes Meihem!
There is always excitement in store when Six and Sebben show up. Mei must have been desperate to suggest this. I bet she won’t make that mistake again!
I just sent a check for $500 off to the Whatcom Humane Society, thanks to everyone who ordered a felty support kitty! There are still 6 more available, so check out the Felties Revisited page for information on ordering!
Till Tuesday (when I WILL have a new ‘toon) Be the Bear! Bob T Panda
The actual Olympics may have ended weeks ago, but time has no meaning here! Here with the final event, are our favorite pairs of twins, The Meihems and their…um…”differently behaved” younger zizzies, Six and Sebben!
Let the games begin!
We will now bid the Panda-O-Lympics a fond fare the well, for another 2 years. Who will the torch bears be this time? Perhaps Fleur and Snowy? Stay ‘tooned in to find out!
Be the bear! Bob T Panda
Don’t forget the felty kitty project! Still 19 kitties available for their forebear homes!
This ‘toon (22oon) is coming to you at 2:22 on 2/22/22 (or for you folks not in the US: 22/2/22) Just in case you care about these kind of numerical occurrences…
Six and Sebben hit the slopes! (Not to mention each other!)
I heard they might also participate in the four panda bobsled event with their sisters, the Meihems!
Yes, yes, yes, we are still in our Year in Review, but first, some ground shaking news from The White House:
There is now a cat living in The White House once again!!!!
I know Mehitabel is already making plans to have Willow here for an interview with ZooNooZ. I’m sure she is very busy getting settled in, as is to be expected! We will have her here as soon as possible. After all, there are the Lunar New Year’s celebrations as well as the Panda-O-Lympics to get through!
And now, on with the Year in Review, continued!
July 2021
Frank and Mikey’s trip home continued……and ended
Meanwhile, events at the Panda House are still a little…um…weird.
Here come’s trouble!
On to August! Bebe Maurice gets to work on the family portrait!
Will Mister Poppee return for Bikkie’s first Birthday?
That would be a yes!
There will be another Year in Review post to come. And some other things happening during the week, don’t ask me what!
Oh my! We are winding our way down to the end of the year, so let’s get right back to…
The Bears of the Baskervilles!
If you missed Monday and Tuesday’s recaps, just scroll back through the ‘toons, so you’ll be all caught up!
Bikkie is ready for his close up!!!
I just knew they were going to show up!
Tomorrow we have 3 BRAND NEW EPISODES IN ONE DAY!!! Can you stand the excitement?
Hard to believe we are almost all the way through 31 Days of Pandas! As we look back on 2021 (must we?) and get ready for 2022 (must we really?) I want to share my gratitude, for all of you who read these ‘toons and have embraced panda satire! (especially when we’d much rather embrace a baby panda!)
Tomorrow we bring our tale of Bears of the Baskervilles to a close as we get ready to launch into the new year.