Tag Archives: six and sebben

Happy Lunar Valentine’s Day!

Yes, we are in the midst of the Lunar New Year Celebration, AND today is Valentine’s Day! Meanwhile, the real life  Princess Pinky has had her first cubby and it is a Princess! Princess Pinky Jr. shares (not dat word, mommee!) her birthday with the Real Wu Self, July 29th! Pinky Jr. seems to be in good paws with a foster mommy. Alvin of My Panda Tours gave us some good information about this over on FezBook, in case you follow him there.

In any case, this is not an uncommon state for first time panda moms. From all reports Pinky Jr. is doing well and the picture I saw of her is so cute! Get that cubby a magical wand!

But now, by popular request, (and because I was going to do this anyway) let’s have a round up of previous Lunar New Years with the Panda Kindergarten ‘toons!

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!


Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

Look out!!!! Oh, those triplets!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

Well, the FIRE part had Mehitabel a little worried, but…


It’s the year of the WUster!!!!

How much is that doggie in da window…

And just a little Valentines’ day ‘toon!

Aw, Pinky…Bubba loves you!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda


All’s Well That Ends?

While we have a new President (no quotation marks needed!) I’m afraid we have not seen the last of Mittens. How can we miss you if you won’t go away? I’m tempted to run a post of Mittens’ greatest hits, but, well, he doesn’t have any!

There is news on the Panda Chronicles Collection front! I am hard at work on Book 9, and hope to have it in shape to submit to my self publishing vehicle in another week or so. Stay tuned!

And now, here is a little assortment for our Sunday ‘toon fest, of February ‘toons through the years!

Ever wondered where all these pandas came from?

How splendiferous is chocolate? Let me count the ways

What do you mean by “was?”

The Life of PIE….get it? *chortle chortle*

Bao Bao is unhappy

Could Mama Mei Xiang really be contemplating letting Pinky loose on the pandy kindy?

Have you heard? the real Pinky is now a mommy! 

You know we’re just kidding about this, right?

it’s the panda, the panda season of love!


“Why can’t my children be as well behaved as Lun Lun’s,” mused Mei Xiang

In fact, not only was as bad as we thought it would be, it was worse.

Wee are pandas too!!!!

WEll, it COULD have been a hunt of Mittens Jr.!

I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane! Stay ‘tooned for more new ‘toons this week!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Year in Review!

I have not done a Year in Review post yet, and as such, I think I’ll do it now! You’ll be happy to know that I am finally spring into action (when I am not stress napping or having weird dreams about not being able to write my name on a piece of paper) and gathering my ‘toons and organizing them to do not one, but TWO books! Having flaked out on creating any new books for the last 3 years, I have enough ‘toons to make two bigger than normal books.

I decided that one of them will be mostly political ‘toons, and while the other is not entirely devoid of politics (because 2016-2020), it leans more toward panda-ish subjects and will contain all the longer stories I wrote in the last several years.

But now! On with the Year in Review!!!


The year started off with impeachment and plenty of hypocrisy to go around!


ZooNooZ continues to get all the top notch interviews! Look out Rachel Maddow!


Meet Ruth Panda Ginsbear, who joined the rest of the felty pandas!

The Notorious RPG


The pandemic lockdown begins…a few months too late.


Pinky does her part to help supply masks for everyone. SOMEBODY has to be the boss!


With the country in lockdown (well, parts of it anyway) wild animals return in force to the National Parks!


When you can’t make fun of politics via panda satire, the terrorists have won. We try to do our part!


In August, a dear friend of pandas passed away unexpectedly. She loved pandas and NASCAR, so this was the first in a 3 part tribute to her memory. We sure miss you over at Twitter, Jayelle.


Frank and Mikey got their own talk show in 2020!


With a new baby cubby at the Panda House, Mei decided to hire a nanny! Welcome to Beary Poppins!


Bikkie has a name and gets his outfit!


uh oh. Generally speaking, grizzly bears do not make good nannies.

Well, that was our year in review! If you want to read the entirety of each story, just look for the archive tab on the right side of the home page so you can read the entire story! (Or you can wait and buy the books!)

Pandaing on into (we hope) a better year,
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: THIS IS IT!!!!DAY 31!!!


We have reached the end of 31 Days of Pandas! I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me! I may have to take a little nap to get over all the excitement! This is also the final episode of Beary Poppins! I hope you enjoyed this parody, loosely (VERY loosely) based of the beloved children’s classic Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers.

It seems that Frank and Mikey have come to live at the Panda House, not unlike the way Tigger eventually came to live with Kanga and Roo, in A. A. Milne’s House at Pooh Corner. Next year I may have to do a story for the pandas based on that. (The REAL Winnie the Pooh, not that bastardized Disney version of it.)

Anyway, after a brief weekend break, I’ll be back with new ‘toons in the new year. Pinky has been surprisingly quiet over her defeat in the Presidential race, although by her tiara, it seems she is already planning for 2024. I’m sure she is up to something.

But now, let’s sit back and enjoy the final episode of Beary Poppins! Huzzah!

Silly old bears!

See ya next year!!!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

And for the traditionalists among you, here is my ‘toon about New Year’s Eve at the Panda Kindergarten! You’re welcome!

new years eve party, panda kindergarten

The panda kindergarten at their best…or is that worst?

I guess 2020 could also be the Year of the Un-indicted Co-Conspirator too!

31 Days of Pandas: The Penultimate Day (Day 30)


You have survived another year of 31 Days of Pandas. I might add, that we have also survived this terrible, very bad, no good year. I am reminded of all the other terrible, very bad, no good years I have survived in my life, and there have been a few of them. Despite these bad times, by the accidental circumstances of being born white, generally healthy, and to what at the time was a rather middle class family, I have survived those very bad years.

Some of those bad years lead to good things, these panda cartoons and all that followed from them, being one of those good things.

As we head into the new year, I want to express my gratitude once again, for all of you who read my ‘toons, buy my books, and buy my felty creations to share your homes. While the next year may be still hard, at least we won’t go to bed with thoughts of what the mad man in the People’s House is getting up to, while we sleep.

My heart aches for the lives lost this year: from the pandemic, from violence, from all the other reasons that bring unexpected death.

But we rejoice in our miracle baby panda, Mei Xiang’s final gift to us. Here’s to many happy hours of panda cam watching. May we soon be able to gather at the fence of Bikkie’s panda yard and celebrate his miraculous existence together and in person.

And with no further ado, here is the penultimate chapter of Beary Poppins!

I was afraid there would be yelling…so much yelling!

‘Toon in tomorrow for the final chapter of Beary Poppins!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 29

Day 29?!?!? Where does the time go???

We have one more day of Beary Poppins round up, which will catch us up to all the episodes so far! THEN on Wednesday and Thursday, we will have 2 brand new episodes to close out our story, this no good, terrible, very bad year that we have lived through!

So pop up your poppy corn, and get ready for …

More Beary Poppins!!!!

Bike loves Beary Poppins! Also Rory the Dinosaur by Liz Climo

I think Biscuit and Beary Poppins are forming a real bond!

It wasn’t me!

A promise is a promise, even among grizzly bears!

Let’s go fly a kite…

uh oh. As with Chekov’s gun, if you introduce a kite in the first panel, by the third panel, a small panda must become tangled in the strings and go for a ride.

I…um…promise to get Bikkie down from his kite…just not today. Sorry.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 28

Disaster has been (temporarily diverted! Not here, but in real life! I was sitting around musing obsessing about 45’s unwillingness to sign the COVID relief/budget package (as meager as it is) and worrying about the further devastation to people’s lives as even this little bit of money was withheld, and oh yeah, what a sh*tshow it would be if they shut the government down and then I realized IF THE GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN SO DOES BIKKIE’S PANDACAM!!!!!

Fortunately that did not happen.

24 Days, people!

And now, here are more episodes of Beary Poppins, to get you through the day!

Why DIDN’T I eat all the cookies?

Don’t you just LOVE six and Sebben?

Gosh I really hate to leave you on this cliffhanger for the weekend, but…

Bikkie has a name!!!!

Once upon a time…

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 27 Nearing the End (Of Mittens Reign of Terror)

So…I have seen a few rumblings about the delay in finding out if Bikkie indeed ever comes back to earth. I *might* remind you I have never let any actual harm come to any of my pandas. I *might* also admit to creating just a wee bit of tension and danger into a story. It wouldn’t be nearly as compelling to come back and see what happens if it were not for that.

As a wonderful writer once said in a workshop, “…chase your protagonist up a tree. Now, set the tree on fire.” (Note: I am NOT going to set the kite string on fire, but hey! That would be pretty dramatic, huh?) (Writer is Heather Petty. Read her books, y’all!)

Meanwhile, it’s time for the next catch up episodes of Beary Poppins!

This hat doesn’t make me look…um…too fluffy does it?

Frank is off on a new adventure!

Beary Poppins has arrived! Is there any cake? It’s been a long flight!

I wonder why no one else applied for the job!

I just love Mei’s little chats with her sister Lun Lun.

What could possibly go wrong????

Panda on Like You Mean It!
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 24 (It’s Crispmoss Eve!)

Yes, it is Crsipmoss Eve, and you know what that means! Tomorrow, by popular request, (okay, it was just Linda, but I bet more of you were hoping  for this, weren’t you?) we will enjoy (yes, ENJOY!!!) The Twelve Days of Crispmoss! (Pinky: starring ME!!!!)

But now, let’s have another (very!) exciting episode of Beary Poppins!!!

uh oh.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. We could certainly all use a little more peace and light in the world.

Be the bear,
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for the 12 days of Crispmoss!

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….

31 Days of Pandas: Day 23!

Oh my! We are galloping downhill to the end of 31 Days of Pandas! It is a fun opportunity to revisit old ‘toons, while adding to the repertoire of new stories with Beary Poppins! I plan to finish up Beary Poppins’ story by years end. Because it has been a bit drawn out, starting on Friday, I will start from the beginning of Beary Poppins and recap all the episodes over the next few days, so if you’ve missed any, you can get caught up before the dramatic finale!

Wait…there’s going to be a dramatic finale?

But now…let’s get our snacks so we can enjoy the finale of Pinky in Wonderland!

The whole truth and nothing but, so help me, Pinky!

Mebbee just a liddle bite of da magical mushroom….

Oh oh! What is happening! The room is spinning and it’s all going dark!

Was it all just a dream?

Mebbee Bubba isn’t going to let Pinky push him around anymore. Yeah. Right.

We hope you enjoyed this encore presentation of Pinky in Wonderland! Be sure to ‘toon in tomorrow for the next episode of Beary Poppins! I’m sure it will lift your spirits!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda