I’m sure everyone one has a favorite movie, that they have found relevant quotes for many situations in life. I have several, including Casablanca and The Wizard of Oz, but the one that has the most useful quotes in MANY situations for me, is The Big Liebowski. I didn’t see this movie when it originally came out, but since discovering it, I watch it regularly (It’s one of a handful of movies I own discs of) and Mr. Badger and I quote it almost constantly.
Last week when Rachel Maddow was interviewing Live Parnas, I kept yelling at my iPand, “New s**t has come to light!!!!!” And wouldn’t ya know, when I was listening to The Daily Beans today, they played the audio clip from the movie of Jeff Bridges (aka the Dude) saying that very line! So there! It IS the perfect line for these perilous times!
It was as if that line had been written for this very point in history…

Settle your fur down, Bob!
Panda on
Bob T Three-more-days-to-get-a-tiny-panda Panda