Huzzah! We are back again for 31 Days of Pandas, and our encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu! Yesterday, the Wicked Cat Witch of the West sent her henchpandas out to capture Wu and his magical bunny slippers! Will they succeed? Let’s find out!

Evilness is one thing, but there must be snacks!

Well,lookee here! isn’t that….?
Uh oh! Am I going to leave you with only two more episodes to go? Well, yes I am. Bwahahahaha! Will the identity of the wizard be revealed? will wu get home safely? will there be cuppycakes for all?
Tune in tomorrow to see if all has ended happily! although, if you already had The Book of Wu, you would know the answer to these questions. Just saying.
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda