…and we are back with episode 12 of The Wizard of Wu! Huzzah!
But before we get to that, let me give you a few hints about what is to come in the next month. A couple of years ago, I was inspired by Kevan Atteberry‘s 31 days of monsters in October. So, I …um…”borrowed” the idea and did 30 days of pandas in November, in honor of Zoo Atlanta’s panda Po, for his first birthday. I added one panda a day to a single drawing, and everyone had fun figuring out where the next panda would go, and just when the birthday boy was going to appear.
So last year, I changed it to December and did 31 days of pandas, which let me tell you was an over 600% increase in the number of pandas that I ended up drawing. What was I thinking?
I was thinking I would do it again! So hold onto your panda hats and get ready for another 31 days of pandas, starting on Sunday…(note to self…get some ideas of what to do next month) If you are signed up for my newsletter, you may have noticed that I didn’t get around to last month’s newsletter, but I will definitely send one early in December, with news about some upcoming panda projects that I have up my…um…paws.
And now would I just shut the heck up and post the %#**& cartoon already?

Sorry, no photo bomb from princess Pinky. her mother thought todays cartoon was too scary for her
See you on Fabulous furry Friday with a recap of our story so far!
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda