I can’t remember when I found out that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun were half sisters, but once I did, all sorts of sisterly interactions suddenly became possible! Long talks on the phone, exchanging parenting advice, sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins!
Wait…did you say sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins???!?!?!

I just love their little phone chats!
BTW, I am really enjoying the MAGA melt downs over the whole Taylor Swift thing. I mean…they have really lost their minds! I will admit to a passing familiarity to Swift’s music, via my bedroom radio/alarm. The station (which is about the only one I get on my cheap radio alarm clock in the midst of all the tall trees around here,) plays popular music, of which Taylor Swift is a frequent offering. I will also admit, that despite I am not her prime demographic, I think her music is clever, catchy, and cheerful, and while I’m probably not inclined to go to a concert, I do like her music. Her writing is smart and engaging. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders.
Hearing stories about the bonuses for ALL the people who work for her on her tours, along with charitable contributions, well, that makes me like her more. and that she has embraced politics, and as a young woman with a lot of young women fans, well, no wonder MAGA has set their hair on fire over her. They should know better than to mess with Swift Force One! Oh wait. I forgot. They are really stupid.
I’ve heard through the boo-vine, that Pinky is a fan! This is definitely something to keep our eyes on.
Be the Bear
Bob T #WeAreAllSwiftiesNow Panda