I guess I didn’t finish the new ‘toon I promised you for today (something something, root canal, something something something, disaster of an election, something something something, downfall of democracy, yada yada yada.
But here’s something MUCH BETTER!!!!
I was going to give you all a break this year, and not re-run The Twelve Days of Crispmoss, but by popular demand (okay, one person) we return with this holiday classic!!!
Everyone sing along!
feel free to sing along.
I can’t hear anyone singing…..
I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky’s let night sit in.
four pandas sneaking…
…and a Pinky in a Hemlock tree!
FIIIIIVE cuppycakes!
HOW many more days are there?
Oh no! Not again!
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!
No WONDER I didn’t get any presents!
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!
OOOOO! Pinky is a star!
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!
Okay…we are going to skip ahead here!
On the twelfth day of Crisp-Moss, My Panda cam Did See….
MX: no, Pinky, you may NOT have a Bamboo-tini!
I can’t hear you….
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!
Everybody sing!
Are you happy now?
Be the Bear
Bob T I’m writing my resolutions Panda
Maybe we’ll have an encore presentation of Beary Poppins later this week!
Okay, that’s not really a NoozFlash. They are ALWAYS a**holes! I guess if you can do something well, you feel encouraged to do it all the time. I mean…if you’re good at lying and being a racist, I guess you might think it’s a good reason to continue doing it.
Meanwhile, charges have been filed against VD and Donny in Springfield Ohio for their lies comments against the Haitian community there. Fortunately, we have reports that Miss Sassy is alive and well.
Of course ZooNooZ has the interview.
We’ll be reminding you in each post that several of states that could be in play are continuing to purge voters from their rolls. Please check your voter registration ASAP and vote as soon as you are able! The GQP is counting on using dirty tricks to suppress the vote wherever they can, since they definitely can’t win on policy.
And for my friends in the path of Hurricane Helene, one of the things Project 2025 wants to do is disband or privatize NOAA. We all rely on up to date, accurate weather reports, but not having that information when a hurricane or tornado is heading your way, is a matter of life and death.
Don’t let TFG endanger the country on multiple fronts. VOTE!
I swear the GQP is really trying to cause our blood pressure to soar so that our heads explode, and then since all the democrats will have exploded heads, we won’t be able to vote and they will be left to rule over their followers who, I think they actually despise. Won’t that be funny? Okay…not ain a “ha ha funny” kind of way, but “funny ironic” way.
Against our better judgement, somehow, Kitty Sue Conjob and Barker Carlson found their way on to the ZooNooZ set, with the results you might have already imagined. This story was ripped (off) from the real NooZ headlines. I bet you’ve heard something about it.
It’s a big week! And by that we mean, this week is the 50th Anniversary of Gerald Ford’s pardoning of Nixon. Was there ever a worse decision made by a president? Well, yes. Mittens says “hold my beer”
Is there anything else going on?
Ha ha! Just kidding! I’ll be watching, will you?
I do have some trepidation about watching the debate. I mean, we know Mittens is going to behave badly. Just how badly is the question. The other question is how much benefit of the doubt and “sanewashing” is the media going to perform, all the while holding VP Harris to an impossibly high standard.
Pandarella will be back on Thursday! Nixon’s Ghost refused to wait!
There is more Orca Nooz! Let’s get right to it, shall we?
Oh those little orca scamps! They are still flipping and frolicking in the ocean just off the coast of Spain, and gosh darn it! Oops, they did it again!
It is an easy mistake to make! What will those little imps do next?
It’s Day 4 at the DNC Convention! Is tonight the night Pinky gets the nomination, or is there someone else waiting in the wings?
I gotta say, contrary to what you might think (or what you might have seen if you were masochistic enough to watch the RNC hate fest) the DNC Convention has been inspiring.
It has inspired hope It has inspired patriotism It has inspired JOY
It is time to do the work: check your voter registration. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the stakes.
Considering, one month ago, I had never heard of Tim Walz. Tim Walz is the coach, the dad, the Vice President this country needs. His can do Minnesota spirit, his kindness, his compassion, his willingness to do the work to help his neighbors & heal the country are something I had lost hope of seeing in American politics.
I am seeing a much more comprehensive picture of who VP Kamala Harris is: what she has done, what she stands for, what she FIGHTS for. I believe she fights for us. I believe she has the compassion that can help heal our troubled country. I believe she has OUR interests at heart, and not her own personal gain.
I am glad to be reminded that there are people who actually want to serve the public & it’s not just the gotcha game played by Jim Jordan & Marge. #AmericaNeedsTimWalz & I hope you’ll join me in putting Walz and Harris in the White House.
Now…who is going to tell Pinky…
Times a wasting! Check your voter registration and VOTE!!!!!
But don’t worry! as you saw last week, Bikkie is at the Pandapalooza, He is dancing. He is eating cuppycakes and drinking boo beer! He is having a good time!
But right now, I’m watching the DNC Convention and it is as inspiring in an equal and opposite way from whatever the heck that is that the GQP is pumping out. While the speeches are forceful and sometimes reference the many bad things Mittens has done and said, the overwhelming vibe is inspiration and hope for the future.
If you are not interested in my ‘toons about politics and my opinions on such, I suggest you ignore whatever of my posts are not episodes of Pandarella. I feel your pain. I wish we did not have to pay attention. I miss the days when I could ignore what was going on in the other Washington, and know there were enough adults in the room to keep things ticking along without me.
I’ve made no secret of my political leanings. As I watch tonight’s first day of speechifying, the overwhelming theme is hope for the future. The speakers are inspiring. If you’re not watching, be sure to catch the replays of AOC and Hilary Clinton. They both brought tears to my eyes. Shawn Fain of the UAW brought the fire for the workers of the country. Union Strong!
Jasmine Crockett is a national treasure. This smart, dedicated, faithful, full of integrity public servant is bringing the fire and showing her humanity, along with that of Kamala Harris. I couldn’t be prouder to have her in the House of Representatives, if she was this old, childless cat lady’s daughter.
I’m still waiting for Joe Biden’s address to the Convention, but if this is what they have on the first night, my computer may explode from all the passion.
I’m gonna leave you here with this: Check your voter registration, especially if you live in one of those states that has a propensity for voter suppression. Please vote. and please vote for Democrats, up and down the ballot. The humanity presented tonight, and the lack of it from the GOP should be clear.
There are less than 80 days till November 5th. Don’t waste this.