Tag Archives: zoonooz

Our Newest Baby Panda is 3 Weeks Old!

The West is on fire, the pandemic is still raging, and our so-called “president” is raving. The only bright spot in the world at large is baby panda season! Our own Baby P (aka XT4, aka Four, aka Sweet Pea), born to the REAL power couple in DC, is now 3 weeks old. No news about prince or princess designation, Mommee Mei only relinquishes her cubby at night when she feels certain her treasure will not be plundered.

To celebrate (and to forget, at least for a few minutes, all that is wrong in the world) I’d like to share some baby panda ‘toons from the archives.

Enjoy the ‘toons! Reality will still be there when you’re done. (darn!!)

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

Did we also mention that next Saturday is “Talk Like a Pirate Day”?

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Mr wu is up the creek without a paddle…

An explorer’s work is never done.

Pinky tests her powers….

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Just a reminder what Mei Xiang could be in for…

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.


Panda on!
Bob T Panda

De-liver De Letter!

Uh oh! It’s another one of those angry, political posts! But what is a bear to do? Make felty pandas, I guess! And write angry ‘toons!


Is it any wonder why Bob is going postal?

sigh.. be the bear

stay safe everyone as fires rage in the west, hurricanes in the south and east, and the maniac in the WH
Bob T Panda

PS: if you are looking for a good, fun read, I just started Christopher Buckley’s Make Russia Great Again. Yes, you read that right. Satire about our current dilemma makes the world go round!

Do NOT Disrespect the Bears!!!!

Bears do NOT have things easy. For one thing there are not nearly the number of unattended picnic baskets left in easy reach of bears that there should be, and the dearth of unlocked cars with boxes of donuts left enticingly in plain view is just shocking. (Bears have an excellent sense of smell, you know.)

But the person who put a tRUmp sticker on the tracking collar of a black bear in Asheville, North Carolina has gone several steps too far. AS a spokes bear for the organization from Help Asheville Bears (HAB) said, that the person responsible for the sticker placement had “apologized for their actions and promised not to have any contact with any bears in the future.”

One does wonder about the promise to “not have any contact with bears in the future”…

Surely they didn’t mean Frank and Mikey! Who could resist them?

Nobody could resist Frank or Mikey! Dis definitely will not stand!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Hey! it’s Six and Sebben’s Birthday today! Tune in on Sunday for all Six and Sebben, all the time! (Pinky MIGHT have hogged an extra Sunday ‘toon round up!)

While we wait, here is a conversation that was overheard outside the playroom of Six and Sebben…

Sebben: it’s our birfday today! will we get cakes?
Six: well, it is my birfday an’ not yoors.
Sebben: what you mean it’s not my birfday? wee is twins
Six: dat’s just what mommee and daddee told yoo.
Sebben: well I get cake an’ pressies.
Six: no yoo don’t.
Sebben: I am gonna ask mommee.
Six: go ‘head. shee’ll tell yoo. she din’t want to tell yoo before, but no yoo are old enough to know
Sebben: know what?
Six: I can say no more
Sebben: MOMMEEEEEEE!!!! six is being meanie again!!!
Lun Lun: sigh…now what?

CubbieTBD is One Week Old!

Yes, we have passed the first week of our new cubbies life. We are relieved, but not complacent! No. A new panda cub is a fragile thing, but so far all appears to be going well. XT4 is getting round, loud, and well loved by Mommee Mei.

I am going to hold on to this good news as hard as I can. I managed not to watch or listen to the RNC #FascistFest, but it was almost impossible not to hear some of the clips or analysis around the inter webs. If people vote early, and are not prevented from voting, we can wrest our country back from the grasping claws of tyranny. We must vote, we must remind our friends to vote, we must correct the vision that the forces of evil want to convince us is real.

And if we are inspired to use bad language, who can blame us?

(This toon appears by popular request:)

Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

September might be just around the corner, but it’s still August today, and that means it’s still Pinky’s (Bubba: an’ bubba’s!) Birthday Season!


Whats a protest without pandas?


Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!


Uh oh…it’s the Pinky Revenue Service!


What could be in a letter to Pinky?

summer vacation

Mei is certainly ready for summer vacation, but maybe Bubba needs some summer duds!

Banky Pig

Unhand my Banky Pig!

Pandward bound

What a wonderful surprise! Um…NOT!!!!

pandas return

But some pandas go both ways!

The arrival of Ping!

panda house

Be careful Ping Ping! The Panda House might not be…um…completely safe.

Ha ha! Oh that Pinky!


“It was just a suggestion”

all pandas eve

Okay. That was just WAY too scary.


Ha ha! That Pinky is so clever!

all pandas eve

Will Pinky EVER quit tormenting her brother?

trouble…trouble…trouble…It starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Pinky!

new year

I couldn’t resist.

I guess Pinky and the GOP have something in common, as much as it pains me to say…


Pinky: “rules are for other pandas.”

I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane!  Buckle up panda fans. The next two months are going to be a bumpy ride! If you need the voting information for your state, you can find all you need HERE! You can also go directly to your state’s voter information to check your registration!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Today is Pinky’s Birthday…oh, and some other stuff happened too

What week we had! We could almost (almost) ignore the rantings of HWMNBN while we basked in the good feeling glow of the Democratic National Convention. And if that was not enough…

We…have…a…new…baby PANDA!!!!!

Pinky: ahem

Yes, Pinky, we KNOW today is your birthday.

While we wait until I have a chance to create the introductory ‘toon to welcome our new arrival, we do have one or two (ahem!) more ‘toons to celebrate the birthdays of Pinky and Bubba. Mei Xiang, panda mom extraordinaire, had her fourth surviving cub* on Friday, August 21st at 6:35 PM.  Do you think she planned so that these 3 siblings would have their birthdays on three consecutive days?

Happy Birthday Pinky and Bubba! Happy Birth day XT4!!!!

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?

What the well dressed panda cub is wearing this season!

How IS this different from Pinky’s normal bossiness?

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

Pinky is just so sensitive….

Oh, Mr. Bun! Where have you been?

Did Unka Justin write this letter?

What goes around, comes around…

Pinky, do you really think that Bubba will fall for this?

Mommee Mei puts her foot down.

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

The following group of ‘toons were written more than one and a half years ago. They don’t seem quite so far fetched NOW, do they?

Who would ever imagine Pinky would do something to offend someone? #ClapLouder

Mebbee Bubba and Ping Ping can help…

Mittens can’t really do that, can he?

Mittens did WHAT??????!!!!????

Dis. Will Not. STAND!!!!!

I don’t want to end on this somewhat depressing note…off to look for one more ‘toon about Pinky and Bubba!

Watch out, Bubba! Pinky is on the loose!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

  • Mei Xiang had a cub that only survived a few hours in 2012, a still born twin to Pinky (Pinky: it was NOT my fault!) and a twin to Bubba who lived 4 days.

Death Cult Boopsie

Ya kind of have to wonder. Are they all smoking weed at the WH? I mean, where do they come up with the things they tell people at press conferences and interviews? Is it really necessary to attack scientists and other experts who are trying too…IDK…keep us all from dying in the streets?

What will they try to convince us of next?

DC Boopsie’s name has been changed to protect the innocent (me) from the wrath of large toy companies you know who I mean.

Vocabulary enhancement of the week: “Protracted criminal conduct” (See: District Atty NYC)

Hang in there and wear a mask, everyone!

Masks made from Spoonflower fabrics by PandaChronicle

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Unka Justin is just being sensible.

Unka Justin has the right idea. I mean, if people around the WH are going to swan around  without masks on, probably coughing and sniffing indiscriminately, then he is just better off staying home. But You Know Who would rather…

Blame Canada! (Our Neighbors to the North!)

Please, please PLEASE, Canada! Won’t you annex Whidbey Island? Please?

*Now over 4.5 million cases and over 156,000 deaths, and I only wrote this cartoon about 2 weeks ago.

Hey, head over to the Buy Stuff with Pandas page and see the new layout and new felties! There were starting to be too many felties for everyone to have their own picture. All the other info is the same!

And for those who sew (and even those who don’t) both cotton material and ready made masks are available over at my new page on Spoonflower! They are more substantial than the masks available on Redbubble. I like the Redbubble ones when it is warm, because they are so light weight, but if you prefer cotton and wan’t a little more coverage, these might be just the thing!

Masks made from Spoonflower fabrics by PandaChronicle

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda


All Overboard Who’s Going Overboard

I try not to listen to TOO much news over the weekend. One needs a bit of time to re-group and recover from the Friday night assaults that is the nooz cycle these days. You Know Who likes to do his firings and crimes right before he leaves for the golf course.

But here we all are… hanging on to Democracy by her coat tails, crying Please don’t leave us! WE swear we’ll do better! We’ll stop cheating on you with Fascism and Oligarchy!. But is it too late? Have we crossed the line?

Should we take hope from rats deserting the ship of state?

Counting down…10…9…8…7…

BTW…on the subject of Panda Commerce…

I have some new designs and they are on some products over at Redbubble. Eventually they will also be on fabrics over at Spoonflower too! I’m working on some other designs, and will go through the process of getting them on there soon.

Tumbling Baby Pandas!

Bears of the Air!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

New Felties coming soon!

Panda Satire is Absolutely an Essential Industry

The internet is such a strange place…

We know so much, and yet so little about the people we encounter here. In the early days of online chat rooms, making connections with people had a somewhat sketchy, if not downright sleazy, implication. But as the world of social media developed and grew, it became a place to form relationships with people with similar interests.

I first dipped my feet into the social media stream when I started putting my panda ‘toons online. I wanted to see if there were panda fans out there (ha ha ha, right?) who might find my ‘toons about badly behaved panda kindergarteners and their beleaguered feline associate, humorous. It turns out that there was an appreciation for panda satire amongst the lovers of pandas that congregate on line. I mean the panda lovers congregate, not the actual pandas. But then again…

At some point I connected with the folks that organized an IRL Panda Convention in San Diego, home to the magnificent Bai Yun and her fuzzy stud muffin hubby, Gao Gao. It was not without a bit of trepidation that I made my foray for an extended meeting of real life panda fans. I had already met some of the DC panda clan. But that was just a meet up at the zoo and then lunch. This was a whole weekend of pandemonium. This would have been in early 2013, when the cute Wu Self made his public debut. If I remember correctly, he slept through most of it.

Later that fall, I returned to DC, after Princess Pinky was born, and once again met up with the DC pandaratti. The DC folks are a unique bunch, mostly because the zoo is in the middle of the city, and there is no admission fee, (although many of them are zoo supporters through FONZ: Friends of the National Zoo.) When a zoo is that accessible, it’s only natural that people go frequently and form close friendships with people they meet repeatedly.

Later in 2013, when the SOB GOP shut the government down, I turned to Twitter to join with other people expressing their outrage in general at such short sighted malfeasance. But I also found, there there was a whole community of panda fans there, that I like to call #PandaTwidder. Needless to say, bonds were formed over the injustice of The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Panda Cam Shut Down of 2013.

When I find myself in times of trouble, fluffy pandas comfort me…

Those who are familiar with my story of how I got into panda satire (and those that haven’t, should read this page of the Panda Chronicles that tells the story of my Pandapiphany…) know that pandas first invaded my brain in early 2008, and then by late 2008, when the economy had gone to hell in a hand basket, they proceeded to save my sanity. (That claim is somewhat open to question.)

And while I love those little fluffy black and white bears more than I can say, it is the people who love them and share my fascination obsession with them that have really saved me. We now find ourselves in even worse times than the financial meltdown of 2008. (2020: hold my beer) We have an incompetent, quite possibly criminal “president” careening toward 100’s of 1,000’s of deaths from an out of control pandemic (which he takes no responsibility for), we have unidentified military-like personnel beating and kidnapping people off the streets in Portland, OR, we have millions of people out of work who have lost their health insurance and if the GOP controlled Senate doesn’t take some action on disaster income relief, millions will be out on the street.

On top of this, we have just lost one of our own…

On Sunday, one of the guiding lights of Panda Twitter passed away from a heart attack. Who knows how you cross paths with anyone on Twitter. Some one you follow, follows someone else, before you know it, you are in a 12 way conversation about whether this panda or that panda is the best panda ever, and don’t you think mebbee Bubba needs to lay off the Binky Bars. However I met Jayelle, she was a fan and friend of Panda Satire from the time we met. She was a fierce defender of social justice and voting equality. She loved her wife and she loved her brother and his family more than life itself.

It’s impossible to know everything about those you think of as your friends on Twitter. But if I know nothing else, I know these things: First, that one of her last thoughts must have been, “Damn! I don’t get to vote for Joe Biden and see Trump leave the WH in disgrace.” Not necessarily in this order, I think she told her wife she loved her, that she apologized to her most beloved niece and nephew that while she wouldn’t be there in person to see them grow up, she would always live on in them; to her brother who has serious health problems, that she was so sorry that she wouldn’t be there to support him, like she had been doing for so long; that she was furious that she wouldn’t get to see Bubba Wallace win his next race.

Jayelle had a huge heart and shared it freely with people on Twitter she would never meet. Who knew it would let all of us down so very badly. Rest in Power, Jayelle. Your absence leave a hole that can’t be filled.

But because she loved panda satire so much, this one is for you, Jayelle…

When you can’t make fun of politics via panda satire, the terrorists have won

Panda on
Rest in Power, Jayelle
Bob T Panda

It is now officially Mr. Wu’s Birthday Season

We all have our first panda, and so they become our favorite panda for all time. Mine is Mr. Wu. I was already watching pandas when Yun Zi and Po were born, but I wasn’t really WATCHING them, if you know what I mean. Maybe they didn’t have the den cams yet, or I didn’t have the internet at my house, (or a MePhone) so my panda watching time was limited.

Watching Mr. Wu from birth, he inspired many ‘toons and had the stage to himself, before the Meihems and then Pinky came on the scene to steal his thunder.

Who can forget…

Dis. Will. Not. Stand!

Of course, Mr. Wu had his adventures with the panda kindergarten…

21) Rusty the scuppers, pirate crew…

An explorer’s work is never done.

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Not to mention, the time the pandy kindy brought him an airplane kit…

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?

“Up in the Air, Junior Pandas…”

Nothing like a snappy graphic to um…solve a problem!

May Day! May Day!

Mr wu’s cousin, da Sooperpanna, appears courtesy of Bruce Sebring, creator of the Sooperpanna Chronicles

Bet ya didn’t see this coming…or maybe you did.

Well, that’s it for this exciting Wu adventure! Be sure to tune in next week for another Celebration of the Cute Wu Self, as we continue to celebrate his birthday.(Which we have to finish up next week, because after that it is August, when it will be all Pinky all the time!) (Bubba: don’ forget mee!)

This week we lost another shining light in the fight against inequality. Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis passed away this week after a struggle with pancreatic cancer. Maybe it is the continuous assault on truth and fairness and vulnerable people that comes in a never ending stream from the WH. Maybe it is the pandemic and the weariness of the (necessary) restrictions, but news of his death hit me hard.

I have to believe that enough people learned from him, and are carrying on his work. I have to believe someone who fought so hard and paid for his activism with physical assaults would not leave us unprepared for the fight to regain the soul of this country. The impact he had on this country are immeasurable. Rest in Power, John Lewis. I hope from wherever you are, you will be able to watch and see that your sacrifices were not in vain.

March by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell (Illustrator)
This powerful, three-book, graphic autobiography written by Lewis (and Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell) is Lewis’ first-hand account of his fight for civil and human rights and the American civil rights movement he was a part of. If you haven’t read this already, I highly recommend this series.

Let’s all get in some #GoodTrouble

Panda on
Bob T Panda