Tag Archives: zoonooz

Yet more scandals…

Sigh…as I prepare todays post, I listen on the news as this dysfunctional, disastrous, dastardly, dim bulb in the WH is attempting to throw dirt on Dr. Anthony Fauci. “They” say “he got things wrong.”

See, what scientists do, is they develop theories based on past research and accumulated knowledge of studies they have worked on or read or studied. Then they do more research and study and discover that some things they thought were true, turn out not to be. Then they take that new knowledge and work their way through all the puzzles till, hopefully, they figure out what the real information is.

Do you think that maybe You Know Who is trying to distract us from the real scandals?

Did we think it was going to be THIS bad?

Save us from the poop flinging monkey!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget it’s Panda Birthday Season!


Panda Birthday Season Continues!

It is difficult, as I may have mentioned last week, to show a ‘toon starring the Meihems that doesn’t have Pinky somehow messed up in it. Since Pinky’s early years were sans at home siblings, the Meihems filled that valuable role, that of someone to fight with! (Not that I’d know anything about that, heh, heh!)

So, in celebration of the Meihems’ upcoming birthday season I present one of my favorite stories starring The Meihems (and PINKY!!!!)…

HIGHWAY GATE!!! (Inspired by the true story of a New Jersey bridge, shut down by a certain Governor!)

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Mei xiang and bao bao try to cover up highway-gate

Inspector Panda is on the job!

“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”

Please note the introduction of “Binky Bars” to the narrative…

…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.

Inspector panda

Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!

Bao Bao, washington DC cover-up

Oh, Pinky…what have you done?

Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.

Apparently I didn’t come up with a more definitive end to this story. Sorry about that! here are some more ‘toons starring all the girls!

enquiring minds want to know….


Fast furry friends…for now

One of the little known wonders of the world.

I love a good art forgery, don’t you?

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Are they going to jump from their platform?

It really does seem like this, doesn’t it:

Well, it IS rather easy to understand…

I bet Joe Biden can come up with something a bit more informative, something maybe more substantive and helpful to the millions of people in this country. As opposed to only helping you know who.

Be the bear, everyone!
Bob T Panda

PS: I got to send out more pandas this week! felty happiness winging their way to spread joy and pandi-ness. I’d like to point out, that most of my shipping materials (except for some of the boxes) are recycled materials. A gallery I once showed with used to make fun of my heirloom bubble wrap collection. I have a hard time throwing anything out, and all that bubble wrap that stuff comes in is very useful for sending other stuff out! I recently realized that the tiny scraps of felt that I make the panda attire with, can be saved and used as the inner stuffing for Banky Pig and Mr. Bun!  My pack rat tendencies do come in handy!

The Golden Age of Podcasts

I remember when podcasts weren’t really a thing. Then more and more people started doing them, and they were kind of funky and people did them from their kitchen, and you could hear the refrigerator cycle on, and maybe their cat would wander through and rub their tail across the microphone.

Then everyone started getting  more professional, getting sponsors so they could get better equipment, and maybe outfit or rent a studio to record in. They became much more sophisticated and they proliferated all over the place. Interviews with guests took place face to face.

Then the pandemic came, and suddenly people had to stay in their houses and apartments, to prevent getting or spreading the coronavirus. Then they were back in their kitchens and they were joined by late night news/comedy show hosts who were also broadcasting from their own kitchens or bedrooms or attics.

I have to say, I rather like these stripped down versions of these performances. There is a kind of unvarnished honesty in them. I’m sure Trevor Noah would prefer to be back in front of his live, studio audience. But really, I kind of like feeling like I have him to myself. It’s almost like talking one on one with a friend, without the complication of his other 568 best friends who are taking all his attention. I do think that maybe Jon Lovett is going feral, and I hope his relationship with Ronan Farrow survives, as he seems to be getting kind of feistier than normal in his isolation. No judgement Jon. It’s hard on all of us. Just, you know, maybe dial it back a little over dinner, okay?

For crying out loud! We need to Pod Save the Pandas!

Pod Save the Pandas! Collect the whole set!

Of course you can always find me at my kitchen table.

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Panda Satire is an Essential Industry

As I ponder the political paradigm shift that is at our door, sometimes I am drawn to the dark visage that is on the other side of the door.

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

I think that maybe I am not doing anything to help the current debacle we are facing. Then I remember:

Panda Satire IS an essential industry!

So many people have told me, that these ‘toons help them face the day. Laughter in times of tyrannyis a political act. So let’s do all we can to laugh in the face of fascism.

Ha ha HA! Take that!

We are entering the American Panda Birthday Season! Who can forget the excitement of the first Cublanta twins birth?

Mr Wu speaks out!

While Mr.Wu was the first panda I watched from birth, his birthday is not the first of the year! Let’s put our paws together for the Meihem Twins, Bert and Ernie!

The first appearance of the Meihems!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears!

Atlanta panda cub twins

Huzzah! It’s Bert and his brother Ernie!

Zoo Atlanta Twin panda Cubs

…and their jammies! Huzzah!

Uh oh! Pinky did a bad thing!

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

downloadable paper panda upgrade

school uniforms for pandas

Ready for panda kindergarten!

You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to find ‘toons with Bert and Ernie without Pinky in them! We’ll feature some of the ‘toons that Pinky has horned in on…I mean, when Pinky joins the Meihems,  but now, let’s remind everyone how animals feel about fireworks on the 4th of July!

uh. oh.

Huzzah for Rumpy Dog!

A Happy (belated) Panada Day to our neighbors from the north!

Oh Panada, Oh Panada, how tasty are your maple leaves….

Panda on,
Bob T Panda

It’s time to be counted…

It’s time to be counted among those that believe that America should be better than it has been lately. I’m reading an article in the New Yorker, about Iceland, and how they have dealt with the COVID 19 pandemic. From the first moment they heard of cases in China, back in early January, they started moving the pieces needed to combat this virus into place. By the time the first case surfaced in February, they were ready. While they had quite a number of cases, they have had very few deaths. Through mandatory quarantine and contract tracing, they were able to keep the cases under control without ever locking down the economy entirely.

Imagine that.

Meanwhile, here we are.

Among other ways of being counted, don’t forget to fill out your Census form!

Do we have to count panda adoption fees?

These days I often feel like I have a sharp pain being my ears. And now, no other countries want us to come visit! Who can blame them. But if you must travel, you can always fly Pand-Air! (From the oldies but goodies file!)

bears in the air…


Pandas have a better idea…

notice the stylish design….

please have your tray table in their upright position for take-off…

…and most of all, don’t panic.

“Where ignorance meets incompetence…” What does that remind me of?

see, doesn’t this look just like British Airways’ new paint job?

I rest my case.

Many pandas travel via Pand-Air!

pandair flight of the scottish pandas

Pand-Air…it’s the only way to travel

Panda on as best you can!

If You Think YOU’VE Been Roughing It, There Was Only ONE Olive in My Martini!

While we try to distract ourselves from the latest crime spree in the White House, let’s re-join Frank and Mikey as they explore the wild frontier in Yosemite National Park! Due to the reduced services, they could not get room service at The Ahwahnee Hotel! Oh the deprivation! No wonder animals are going wild!

(For what it’s worth, when I visited Yosemite a few years ago, our budget did not extend to staying at the Ahwahnee, but we did enjoy a drink at the bar, then watched outside as the moon rose over Half Dome.)

Meanwhile, Frank and Mikey adjust to the harsh realities of the wilderness experience!

Wild thing, I think I love you!

Run wild, run free, Frank and Mikey!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Call of the Wild

Some of the (few) uplifting stories of the coronavirus lockdown have been about animals doing things that they don’t normally get to do, in places that they normally don’t get to do them. From penguins visiting other exhibits in the aquarium, to pandas going walkabout in Copenhagen, at long last, wild animals got to reclaim the territory that was rightfully theirs, before people came and messed up the place!

Join Frank and Mikey as they reclaim their wild heritage!

Be a wild thing!

There’s more than one way to be the bear!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Could we have some fun for once?

No…we can no longer have Nice Things.  The problems of racism and economic inequality have long been with us. Now, HWMNBN has given very explicit permission to the people who behave badly towards others, and to exercise that bad behavior unapologetically.

I know that much of what we see in videos and opinion pieces, are designed and edited to elicit our outrage and horror.  We may never go back to the way things were but I hope we can think about if they were the way we want things to be. I know this isn’t how I want things to be.

The new slogan of the GOP seems to be” “Keep us in power, so we don’t go to jail.” Who needs a 58 page policy platform?

Much better to keep the bad behavior to bears!

Oh, Bob, you didn’t really say that, did you?

And look who Bob’s suspension replacement is! Huzzah!

Mehitabel did NOT approve this cartoon.

Archie, is that you?

We KNEW that was you!

I was really afraid this was going to happen.

Now where did that cat go?

Despite the fact that Bob is still wearing his vacation outfit, he’s back and ready to report!

But maybe you should be careful what you admit to, Pinky.

Mehitabel! Can you take a meeting?

Economics and privilege shouldn’t be a zero sum game, that in order for one person to do well, another person has to suffer; how can someone think that one couple’s marriage lessens the validity of another? Maybe we can all work toward making EVERYONE’S life better.

Keep the dialog open, folks! Um…maybe not like this:

This was way too much fun. :o)

Keep panda-ing on, folks
Bob T Panda



I should have known things would get worse

The news gets worse every day. You Know Who and his chief henchman, Disbarr, have called out the military on the pretext that violent extremists were infiltrating the mostly peaceful protesters who are demonstrating against police violence and murder. Now it appears that Mittens demanded that he be allowed to deploy military across the country. The actual military leaders declined, for now. Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Why was his response to armed white guys showing up at state Capitols, “maybe you should talk with them,” to the governors, but peaceful protestors? Call out the militia. Am I paranoid to think that the deployment of unregulated white guys with guns is a dress rehearsal?

Man…I need to detox with some adorable pandas. I bet you do too.

Pinky never misses a trick!

That Pinky is too clever for her own good!

What’s that blinking red light over there?

I has no sekrets!!!!

Huzzah! Pandas save the day!

You can’t just DO stuff. You need instruction from an expert!

Beware of Sockpuppet Accounts on Twidder!

But they’re so cute!

And how about a really early ‘toon (and the inspiration for the name!)

7) your brain on pandas

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda