Tag Archives: zoonooz

If You Go Out in the Woods Today…

Yes, it’s everyone’s favorite grizzly bears, Frank and Mikey, with some timely advice about keeping a safe social distance even when you are out getting some fresh air! For those of us who have a little more outdoor space of our own, getting outside is much easier than those who live in more urban environments. I know a lot of people who live nearby to the Smithsonian National Zoo in DC (aka the Pinksonian) who use that as a place to get their daily outdoor exercise. But now that it is closed to the public, those folks will have to venture farther afield to get some fresh air.

Fortunately, Frank and Mikey have some EXCELLENT advice for hikers!

You can always count on Frank and Mikey for the best advice about bears!

A reminder: Picnic Time for Grizzly Bears is an excellent song to sing to time your hand washing!

Picnic time for grizzly bears,
The little grizzly bears are having a wonderful time today,
Catch those hikers unawares
As they have their hiking holiday!
Check their packs for cuppycakes,
if we have cuppycakes you’ll never have any cares!
We’ll lick the frosting off our paws as we go home to bed
Because we’re tired little grizzly bears!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda


There Will Be Tigers

Disturbing news…I mean NooZ… came from the Bronx Zoo this week, when it was discovered that at least one of the tigers and several lions had contracted COVID-19, probably from one of the keepers who was asymptomatic. (This is a correction from earlier when I said it was the Woodland Park Zoo with the plague-ridden tigers. I think I confused a news story I read later, because the WPZ was checking their big cats for COVID 19 infections after the Bronx Zoo news.) This has troubling implications, for owners…I mean servants of domestic cats. It is unknown whether it could be passed back and forth from you to your cat, so you might want to wash your hands after playing with Mr. Kitty and refrain from kissing your cat on the lips. I don’t know anyone who might have done this. 🙄

While we wait for the Woodland Park Zoo tiger to have his interview on ZooNooZ, I’ve assembled some of the previous appearances of tigers here at The Panda Chronicles. But first, I wanted to share a video sent to me by a friend of panda satire!

We have had all too much disturbing news, and more comes across our screens every day. All too often I find myself riding the downward spiral into despair that life will ever return to normal. Every trip to Twitter-land reveals heartrending stories of love and loss, but also uplifting stories of hope and kindness. While I will never quit poking at injustice and moronic anti-leadership, I want to make sure what we roll with is not all rant! Pandas are fun and light and love, after all (just ask the Hong Kong pandas! “What do you MEAN have I seen youtube???”)

So, before we enjoy tiger palooza, I share this video sent to me by one of the friends of the panda kindergarten. Make sure you take note of the socks at the 1:31 and 1:42 time stamps!

And now, let’s get up close and personal with tigers!

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

You know we’re just kidding about this, right?

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I think we need some more encore presentations of Pinky’s last run for the White House, don’t you?

There were no tigers involved in this plan, so it must be okay, right?

Aren’t you already in enough trouble, Pinky?

Pinky enlists her brother's help in her scheme

“Just run along and put these brochures where people will see them!”

You knew Mommee was going to get angry, didn’t you?

And remember, if we stop laughing, the terrorist has won. Stay safe, stay home, wash your hands (with soap and water, don’t just lick them!) and vote in November!

Panda on!
Wands up, everyone!
Bob T Panda


The Rules are not for Us

Do as we say, not as we do. Why does that seem to be the subtext for all that the party currently in charge of the WH does and says? Will the latest examples of unlawful behavior be held to account? Seems kind of doubtful to me. But what do I know? I am only a poor little panda.

But now for the NooZ!

I just can’t even.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

It’s Sunday *gulp* Funday!

While the news makes it feel more like Sunday, Bloody Sunday instead of Sunday Funday, here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we are dedicated to bringing you fun with pandas!

A quick note: We are ready to start taking orders for more felty pandas! All the information can be found on the Buy Stuff With Pandas page, which you can find right here! You can also order the first group of Panda Chronicle themed Washi tape!

Pinky is a Star (not to mention a icon) and she is ready to be your emotional support panda…well, if you let her be president she will! Wearing her signature tutu and her tiara, Pinky is ready for you to grant her all her wildest dreams. hey! This is Pinky we are talking about. You didn’t think she was here to serve you, did you?

But now, let’s jump into the panda way-back bus and see what encore presentations there are for your Sunday relaxation!

Oh dear….are you going to leave her there?

There must be cake!

Is this any way to treat our Nation’s most adorable icon?

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

But at least Pinky didn’t FLUNK CAKE!!!!!

“Oh yeah…dere MIGHT be one or two other pandas in it, but I can’t remember who.”

Never say “no” to Pinky!

And it was ever thus….

Meihem, not Mayhem.

Well, they did hang their coats up.

Introducing Princess Dumpling

Wait a minute…triplets??????

We hope you enjoyed a completely Mittens free Sunday! I sure needed that and I bet you did too! Don’t forget to check out the new line up on the Buy Stuff with Pandas Page!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Pinky Can NOT be Silenced!!!

You can’t keep a good Pinky down! 

We wisely decided to skip any April Fools Day Tomfoolery, since there is not a whole lot out in the world that is particularly funny. My days continue to be several hours too short. I don’t know where the time goes, while at the same time, time seems endless. The loss of my regular routine leaves me not knowing what day it is. At least I have the great outdoors, where I can indulge in my hobby of moving rocks from one part of the property to another.  (I bet you think I’m joking about that!)

I’m trying to keep all the balls in the air: painting, panda satire, felty panda production. It is all good work, and I have to keep reminding myself is is important that we keep our spirits as high as we can. The tweets and FB mentions of people who are sick, people who have died, people who have lost their jobs, are overwhelming and the only way to keep from being crushed by the volume of misery, is to step to the side and…think about pandas.

So that’s what I’m doing. Taking a step back for an hour or two, so I can keep carrying on.

Keep calm and Panda On!

Stay out of my airspace!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

So how’s everybody’s social distancing going?

TBH, my life is not significantly different than usual, but I do feel the effects of staying home just about all the time. There are parts of it which are nice, and parts that I am ready to be done with, but most of those reflect the amount of privilege I have in my life. For instance, I don’t have school aged children or elderly parents living with me. I sympathize with those who are trying to get their work done (or even have a moment to themselves) with too many people in a too small living space.

But I do have more time to make felty pandas and design *new* things with pandas on them!!!

Is this fun, or what? (Please note, the pink displayed on the screen is not accurate, due to the differences between screen and print colors)

But what the heck is washi tape? I had to look it up too.

It is similar to masking tape, but of course with fun designs. I’m looking at the 30mm width, which is just under 1 1/4 inch wide. The same folks who facilitate my socks, pins and patches have been adding new products to their available lines and I thought this was too cool to pass up. Let me know if you think this is a good idea. I’m planning on ordering 50 rolls of each. I’m gettin ready to order some, so stay tuned and I’ll let you know how to order.

But now, Let’s have some more pandas! We need extra pandas to keep our sanity (such as it is) in these treacherous times!

Visit the Panda Ranch!

Speaking of being mauled by bears…


Or how about some cuppycakes?

panda bites man who hugged him

“I felt so violated!”

What do you think of my blob?

I hope you enjoyed this look back to some of the very early panda toons! Who knows what Pinky is getting up to on her day off! I don’t think we want to know. Stay safe, everyone!

Wands up, everyone!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Why Not Vote 4 Bob?

I was reminded by one of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pandas, that Bob T needed to get off of his fluffy butt and start his campaign against Pinky in the Cake Party primary race!

How could I …I mean HE have forgotten to run?

Don’t listen to Pinky! Vote for BOB!

And speaking of felty pandas…(I was?)

I want to share part of a note I received from one of the recipients of a felty panda:

…So now, there comes an army of tiny bundles of nothing but happiness ! Just as humanity is in such dire need of a force for love in our poor battered world.
I can absolutely see Pinky waving her wand about practically demanding the Virus “Retreat”! 😄😍😍 from her World…

Thank you for this. I might be spending too much time on my own because of this crisis, but it brought tears to my eyes. Wands up, everyone.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

100 Years of Solitude

Gee. I hope it’s not going to last that long, no matter how much this first week feels like it has already been 100 years long. I hope it gets easier. But although I am still healthy, covid19 cases are growing in Island county. In theory, I’m pretty safe. I work at home, I don’t go out to crowded places much, but when every door handle is a ticking time bomb, and knowing how extremely contagious this virus is, it does not give one much peace of mind.

In times of trouble, we need art and laughter more than ever.

Doesn’t impeachment seem like a million years ago?

A bear can dream, am I right?

I have a lot of thoughts, having a bit of extra time to think, so I thought I would share it here.

Also, if I put these nuggets of wisdom between the ‘toons, it will be harder to just scroll past it and get to the good stuff. 🙂

The transition from staying home most of the time to staying home all the time (except for one post office run and maybe a weekly trip to the grocery store) is not a big one, but somehow it feels significant. It feels different. I’m trying to remember to talk to people on the phone, not just text or tweet at them. I’m trying to keep in mind that even though I am not on the front lines in health care or restocking grocery store shelves, creating humorous panda satire, and beautiful paintings (and felty pandas!!!) is still important.

Don’t get mad. Get even.

Rising up from behind the stories of inept and malignant “leadership”, are teachers and writers and artists who are making broad and generous offers to share what they have created online, so that families who are suddenly homeschooling or coordinating online learning from their closed schools, have interesting, joyful content for children.

Theater companies are offering their seamstress services to hospitals to make mask to protect the doctors and nurses on the front lines.

Governors and mayors are stepping forward and doing what needs to be done to keep their people safe, when the federal government drags it feet.

And of course everyone is starting their own podcast!

Because of course she does!

So much FLANNEL!!!!

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been creating panda satire for more than 12 years, starting in early 2008.

In all that time, as the readership has swelled, some people have been here almost from the beginning and some are more recent friends and readers.  For those who are new here, most of the ‘toons are here in the archives for you to read, to get to know all the characters that reside here in Pandyland.

This is not a land with millions of followers. But those of you who have decided to get on board the panda bus, well, I think you are pretty special. (You obviously have excellent taste in humor) Our numbers may be modest, but our love of pandas and warmth of spirit are mighty. It makes my day when I get a card (in the actual mail!!!) from one of you. It makes me feel like what I do matters.

When I see references to cuppycakes, comments and conversations in the voice of the characters of The Panda Chronicles (Otherwise known as panda improv) It makes me smile and makes my heart lighter. It makes me feel like I have created something significant. I have created characters that have come to life in minds other than my own.

Who would ever imagine Pinky would do something to offend someone? #ClapLouder

Make no mistake. These are dark times.

If we are to get through them, we need each and every one of us to keep that panda light in our hearts. We need to believe that there will be a rising up against the malignant force that has taken hold in the center of our government. We need to believe that good hearts and good spirits will prevail. ( We need to VOTE in November)

Pinky: when are people gonna learn dat pinky knows da best!

Being endangered means never having to say you are sorry.

bears will be bears!

Let Pinky be Pinky!

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

Panda on, Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Picnic time for Grizzly Bears…

Just when you think that family can’t do anything worse…

But Frank and Mikey will straighten them out!

Paws off those bears! WE R endangered!

I keep meaning to write a little something about our current national nightmare, and how grateful I am that all of you are out there (somewhere) helping all of us get through this in the strange space we inhabit on the inter webs. We are light, we are energy, we are pandas.

Maybe tomorrow…

Stay safe everyone.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s a Pardon-Palooza!

Yesterday was International Panda, World Panda Day or National Panda Day, depending on your news source.  Around here, EVERY day is Panda Day, or at least Pinky Day, so not much different!

Meanwhile, it seems that the COVID-19 virus has reached panda-demic levels, which has the added benefit of taking our attention from all the crimes of HWMNBN. That is a benefit for him, not us. Time will tell if he actually held up the testing of suspected cases because he was hoping to get an exclusive test deal from a German pharmaceutical firm, for the US only. Could he have been holding tests up, not only to downplay the threat, but also to profit from the pandemic? Really?

But he seems like such a nice guy!!

I’m sure they are all innocent, just like Mittens!


Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Please stay safe out there, everyone! Washington is on modified lockdown, but I have plenty of ink, paper, and felting wool to get me through. Take care of yourself, okay? I can’t afford to lose any readers!