Tag Archives: zoonooz

What the Fuzz! It’s Impeachment Day!

OOPS! I forgot to set this up last night, as I am still recovering from my little bout of the flu. So here we are, just a little late. 😬🙄 In other news, after having this computer since 2011, I JUST figured out how to add emojis to text this year! Innovation!

But on to the NOOZ!

HWMNBN is having an absolute meltdown since Miss Nancy declared that Impeachment Season was open! While 45 continues to obstruct in plain sight, The House marches on, like the panda kindergarten at the cuppycake bar! Needless to say, we here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire will be reporting the panda (and cat!!!) view of the proceedings!

But enough stalling! It’s Impeachment Day! Everybody drink!

It’s been a long time coming. Hope he’ll be a looooong time gone!

Buckle up, Bears!
Bob T Panda

Frank and Mikey say they are still Endangered

…And who is to say that they’re not? Personally, we are all kind of endangered at the moment. 45 is about to get a wild as a cornered bear (no insult to bears intended.) We are ALL in the line of fire.

What do Frank and Mikey have to say about this? Let’s see!

Being endangered means never having to say you are sorry.

Yes, this really happened.

I am still under the weather with a cold/flu sort of thing, so staying close to home (and to the couch and a beeeg box of tissues) I hope the rest of you are well. I have some news of things that are not happening in the near future, but they will have to wait till I feel better.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Watch what they do…

While 45 is getting an up close look at what that whole Impeachment thingie is all about, his evil minions are still trying to wreck every thing. I’m a bit under the weather as I write this, so I’ll let Frank and Mikey tell the story!

We are STILL endangered! (with a reprise of last week’s ‘toon)

Guess who’s back!

bears will be bears!

Here’s the story. Was it Frank and Mikey? We’ll never tell!

be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

We Have All Been Here Before…

Despite the fact I sometimes can’t remember where I left my keys, I still remember that August day in 1974 when I watched Nixon resign. I remember being thrilled and scared and maybe a little horrified, that the President was resigning, because he knew he was guilty of the crimes he was about to be impeached for.

Nixon was guilty, but his time in the White House was not without merit!

I am only making some of this up. copyright 2012 -A. Belov

How quaint his crimes look compared to the current occupier of the People’s House. Fortunately, Nixon’s Ghost occasionally drops by at ZooNooZ to enlighten Bob and Mehitabel, and provide context for 45’s reign of corruption.

Can’t ghosts have opinions too?


“And they called ME a crook!”

Editor’s note: These ‘toons are from a year ago. How about it, MacArthur Foundation Fellowship folks… am I a (stable) GENIUS or what??? Do you need my phone number for next year?

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire….

Perfect Impeachment Weather!

Panda On, Everyone!
Bob T Panda

Congratulations to Lynda Barry who actually DID win a MacArthur Fellowship! If you haven’t read any of her work, do it now!

Happy Impeachment Day

I’m taking today’s ‘toon, a little out of order, because, although I wrote it a couple weeks ago, today it is suddenly relevant. I don’t know how all this is going to proceed. Watching Nancy Pelosi give her speech gave me all the feelings. Pride, fear, love of country, hope for the future, fear that there is still time for HWMNBN to do far more damage than he has already done.

For the first time since tRump came down the escalator to announce his candidacy, I have some hope. Having young people like Greta Thunberg speaking out on the environment, and all those young people fighting for sensible gun regulations, gives me hope for the future. All of the forces of darkness, many of them in our own government, make me very afraid.

But now, it’s time to see what pandas and cats have to say about IMPEACHMENT!

Why do I feel like I’m watching one of the Godfather movies when 45 is talking?

Panda on, like you;’ve never pandaed before!
Bob T Panda

The Panda Olympics are Coming!

Granted, they will not be hosting the Winter Olympics in Beijing until 2022, by which time we could all be dead, but we are so excited that the pandas get another chance to compete! Of course some sort of panda-like mascot has been selected for the 2022 Olympics. Predictably, some have criticized the Olympic committee for “lack of creativity” in choosing a panda as the mascot. To this we say: WHAT ARE YOU FREAKIN’ NUTS???? IT’S A PANDA! OF COURSE THEY CHOSE A PANDA! GET A GRIP!

In honor of this momentous honor for pandas, let’s look back on Panda Olympics past! Huzzah! It’s a double dose of pandas because we REALLY need them!

another boring rerun

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

This cartoon is one of Bob’s earliest appearances!

The Pandas first attempt at Olympic Glory!

Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

We would like to point out that there were NO TORCH BEARS near the Cathedral of Notre Dame when it caught on fire.

Love the hobby horse on a spring (inspired by a REAL photo of a REAL panda on one.

Sochi Winter Olympics, Pandas

I keep hearing the song “bears on the Run” going through my head…the ski run, that is!

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?

Let Pinky be Pinky!

Skate faster, Boo boo!

Four pandas are better than two.

The world swoons….

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Also, if you had on your Impeachment Bingo™️ Card, “Conspired on a recorded phone call with a foreign leader to influence election,” mark your card for triple points!

Family Feud

No, it’s not Pinky and Bubba this time, or even Six and Sebben. We turn our tortured eyes to the current occupiers of the WH, and imagine, just for a moment, just what could they possibly have to talk about.

Here’s hoping they will devour their own young, so we can be done with them. Oh…um…did I say that out loud?

Mittens: a disgrace to cat-hood.

Meanwhile, we recently heard a news story that will make you reconsider letting Mr. Fluffy sleep with you.  #CatsRJerks

Panda on Everyone!
Bob T Panda

OMG I forgot it is Talk Like a Pirate Day TODAY!!!!

Fortunately, Savage Chickens reminded me, alerting me in enough time that I could add my favorite Mr. Wu (okay, ONE of my favorite) series, Wu da Pirate!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

21) Rusty the scuppers, pirate crew…

An explorer’s work is never done.

The penguins save the day!

I promise i will always be a good panda….

And if you are interested, I still have some of the Mr. Wu Pirate patches available for purchase. let me know if you are interested!

The Wu the Pirate patch! approx size 3.5″ tall


We Need Baby Pandas!!!

Oh me oh my! We just got the news that there will not be any baby pandas in DC this year! We send our love to Mommee Mei and family, and hope that they (and we!) can get over the disappointment!

Till we have news of the potential pitter patter of little paws in Calgary, we will have to be content for news and pictures of Hao Hao’s twins in Belgium at Pairi Daiza, and Meng Meng’s in Berlin. Not to mention an active baby panda season in China!

Meanwhile, we have mined the archives for some ‘toons about baby pandas! Enjoy!

…baby pandas! You’re getting baby pandas!!!!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

And just how did the panda kindergarten get her address?

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Pinky tests her powers….

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Bubba’s first feature role!

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

Meanwhile, Beware the Ides of September! And coming soon! Our annual rebroadcasts of The Wizard of Wu, and A Halloween Carol! How’s that for an October Surprise! Bwahaha!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Who Knew Weather Could be so Controversial?

Between HWMNBN revising official weather maps with a sharpie, and the wild thunder and lightning storm that crashed through the Seattle area on Saturday night, weather is not just a boring topic for people looking for a non-controversial topic. The story that caught my eye a few weeks ago, was of a thunder storm in Florida (of course) where the lightning got a bit out of…um…hand.

Boy am I glad the lightning didn’t hit near MY house!!

Maybe if it is thundering and lightning, you may want to hold off going to the little bear’s room.

I tip of the hat and a round of cupcakes to all of you who let me know that their Mr. Wu Pins and Patches arrived! I’ll be getting to work really soon on the next round of goodies, so that they can be produced and mailed before the holidays!

For those of you who missed these offerings, I will be setting up a new page right here at Panda Chronicles headquarters, so that you can peruse the pandas and get your own!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Bears in the Nooz

People have very generously been sharing current Bear NooZ stories with me, and you would not believe some of the things those naughty bears get up to! You may rest easy, knowing that at least some of these stories will find their way into ‘toons (starring Frank and Mikey, perhaps!) for your enjoyment and edification.

So now, let’s take a look at ‘toons from bear stories past (I know pandas are bears too, but they are not the ONLY bears, no matter what Pinky say!)

All together now!!! Be! The Bear!

The panda kindergaten knows where you live.

Misery bear is too a bear!

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Introducing Frank and Mikey in their debut appearance!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

For those of you who are expecting Mr. Wu pins in the mail, they should start arriving this week, if they haven’t arrived already. Please feel free to share your photos of their arrival on twitter or FezBook!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda