Tag Archives: zoonooz

More Nooz from the Bear World…

Just when you think that things can’t get any worse, they do. Who could ever have thought that there were lower bottoms yet to reach, and yet here we are.  How long will it be before there is not a single person left who has not been personally touched by gun violence?

We are not fooled by the treacly insincerity of 45’s crocodile tears, as he reads someone else’s statement about his outrage against hate and racism. I fear that we will never regain our standing in the world, that the damage to the environment will never be healed, that we will never be able to trust our own ears and eyes, that what we think is true, is actually what is happening.

I’m trying to panda on, but honestly, it’s getting kind of tough….so…

When the going gets tough, the tough get Frank and Mikey…

Frank and Mikey are just right!

Bears will be bears!
Bob T Panda

Happy Birthday to Wu…

Happy Birthday to Wu!
Happy BIRTHday, Mr. Wu-Self,
Happy Birthday to Wu!

Tomorrow is the birthday of the Wu self, and I would be remiss if I did not focus on him today!

Happy Bearday, Mr. Wu! I hope you are finding some fun (and cake!) in China!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

And I bet you are happy to see that Little Mr. Wu is safe and sound!

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Mister Wu and his new friends.

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?

“Up in the Air, Junior Pandas…”

You can find ALL the Wu stories in Book 4 of the Panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Happy Sunday Fun Day!

One Step For a Small Bear…

…One Giant Panda for Bearkind!!! Yes, it’s the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. I even remember where I was! I was at music camp at West Virginia University, in Morgantown WV, where I had the dubious honor of being last chair, third clarinet, 3 years running! Who needs to practice when you’re last chair? Bonus!

But I digress…Houston! We have a problem!

Let’s celebrate some bears in space!

To the moon, Alice!

For a different sort of space to be lost in…

inside Bob's Brain

What’s that stuff getting all over my paws? Oh…it’s frosting!

THIS is your brain on pandas. Any questions?

#6 is getting ready to make his move!


Did we mention it’s almost time for…Mei Watch?

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

will the pitter patter of little paws soon follow?

To go, where no bear has gone before…
Bob T Panda

Thanks to all who supported the Mr. Wu Pin project! Production is underway, and hopefully we will have them in out paws by the end of August! Stay tuned if you missed our Kickstarter, but still want some goodies! Once we have them in paw, (and we’ve sent them out to our Kickstarter supporters) we’ll let you know how you can get them too!

Time to run around and jump up and down!!!!

This is it! The last day of Mr. Wu’s Pin Project! You still have a few hours to head over to Kickstarter to pledge on our latest project! Huzzah! To inspire you to support our latest project, I thought I’d publish and additional day of ‘toons, celebrating…you guessed it…

Pandas for Kickstarter!

Pandas explain Kickstarter!

Send money or the cat gets it!!!

Get ready…….

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Nobody expects the panda kindergarten!

Look out, Mr. Kitty!

More pandy explanations

And because it is almost the 50th anniversary of the moon landing…

One step for a small bear….

Houston, we have a problem…nobody expects the panda kindergarten!!!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Did you forget to pledge?

One more day!

Not only is today the next to last day of my Put a Panda on it 3.0 Kickstarter project, it is also, the 6th birthday of the Meihems! Huzzah! Let there be cake!

Let’s celebrate with some ‘toons featuring the Meihems! (*For a while we thought they were boy pandas, until Pinky poofed them)

The first appearance of the twinkies on The Panda Chronicles

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears!

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Last week was Bill Watterson’s birthday! This is my homage to him:

I love a good art forgery, don’t you?

There must be cake!

Just another reminder! If you haven’t already visited our Put a Panda on it 3.0 (Mr. Wu edition!!!) it’s not too late!


Don’t believe EVERYTHING the panda kindergarten says!

Be the bear!
Bob T panda

Pandas have to fill out census forms too…

All the kerfuffle over the census form (“WHY WON’T THE SUPREME COURT LET ME DO WHAT I WANT? THAT’S WHAT I PICKED THEM FOR!!!!”) reminded me of this ‘toon from the last Panda Census:

Do we have to count panda adoption fees?

Pinky’s attempt to recruit Six and Sebben as her new minions reminded me of her previous collusion with small pandas….you could ALMOST have sympathy for the difficulty the WH has to find staff that doesn’t crime….


Triple Trouble indeed!

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?

Minion security: you can’t be too careful.

Maybe you shouldn’t plug that many things into an extension cord, Pinky.

did someone turn out the lights?

And Zoonooz is on the job!

Pinky is so good at “Evade the Question”, that she is obviously a natural politician!

Cause and effects are very complicated concepts for baby pandas, don’t you think?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget! We have 3 more days on our Kickstarter campaign!


Pinky is not amused…

We are barely halfway through 2019 and we’ve had the first drop out from the Democratic field. (Not Pinky! Or Bob) While some might think that there are far too many people running for the Democratic nomination, I think the large field is a good thing. I think it helps each of us to clarify what the most important things are to us, as each candidate articulates what they want for this country of ours.

Each of the candidates has something to offer. Their focuses are different, even with a certain amount of overlap. I believe that by encouraging all to participate, we, the people, get to think about what are the issues that are important to us. And frankly, many of their policy ideas are needed now. Eric Swalwell was the first to leave the race, but his central issue, dealing with the over abundance of guns in our country and lack of sensible regulations, is an important one.

I hope as each of these candidates who fail to gain traction step aside, they will leave these important issues for the remaining candidates to pick up and add to the things they are passionate about. One thing is certain. This needs to be the final days of 45’s reign of contemptuous lawlessness.

But that’s enough of being serious! Bring on the pandas!

get out of the way! There is a Pinky coming through!

And don’t forget! only one more week for our Kickstarter campaign! Did we mention our fabulous Stretch Goal reward? You know you want this!

What could possibly go wrong?!?!?!?

Panda on
Bob T Panda

The Tour de Pandas Has Begun!

The Tour de France began yesterday, and, wouldn’t you know it, the panda kindergarten is up to their old tricks! Don’t do what they did to get pictures of the race!

Who says real life can’t be funny?

If you love cute pictures of cats (and who doesn’t???) be sure to check out the very funny #TourDeCouch over on Twidder, from the account of @CatFoodBreath

The panda kindergarten have bad records when it comes to taking selfies in other situations too…

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!


Will Pinky try to repeat this stunt for her 2020 run?

I really had no idea what she was up to.

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!

Thanks to the unidentified reader who suggested what the jaguar might have done with said selfie seeker’s phone!

I’d love to see some selfies with your Panda Chronicles patches and pins! Maybe that would inspire people to sign up for their Mr. Wu pin and patch over at Kickstarter! We have just over a week left to go!

The Wu the Pirate patch! approx size 3.5″ tall

Panda On!
Bob T Panda