Just when you think that things can’t get any worse, they do. Who could ever have thought that there were lower bottoms yet to reach, and yet here we are. How long will it be before there is not a single person left who has not been personally touched by gun violence?
We are not fooled by the treacly insincerity of 45’s crocodile tears, as he reads someone else’s statement about his outrage against hate and racism. I fear that we will never regain our standing in the world, that the damage to the environment will never be healed, that we will never be able to trust our own ears and eyes, that what we think is true, is actually what is happening.
I’m trying to panda on, but honestly, it’s getting kind of tough….so…
When the going gets tough, the tough get Frank and Mikey…
Bears will be bears!
Bob T Panda