Tag Archives: zoonooz

The return of Frank and Mikey

It’s a good thing our favorite (non-panda) bears are here today to cheer us up. News has just dropped from the Pandiego Zoo that Mr. Wu and his mom will be going to China at the end of April. Mr. Wu was the first baby panda I watched on the panda cams from birth, and if I wasn’t already in love with him, the well baby panda exam that the zoo staff generously shared with Mr. Wu’s public, stole my heart for all times. Needless to say, the next few Sundays encore presentations, will  feature the one, the only Mr. Wu-self.

If you need your own full-time remembrance of Mr. Wu, consider acquiring Book 4 of the Panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu.

Meanwhile, I think Frank and Mikey want to talk about being endangered…

Guess who’s coming for cuppycakes!!!!

Panda on
Bob T Panda

Stop the #HumorDeficit !!!!!

Here at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we have become aware of the growing humor deficit in this country and around the globe. Dis! Will! Not! Stand!!! If you are in any doubt that we need to laugh, almost as much as we need food, clean water, and shelter, look no further than last week’s TwitterQuake with Devin Nunes’ Cow. After declaring that he would sue both Twitter itself and 2 parody accounts for making fun of him (wah wah wah) Devin Nunes’ was chagrined to learn that his cow’s Twitter account surged from just over 1000 followers to over 629,000 in less than a week, thanks to the attention his lawsuit brought to it.

His cow’s following is more than 200,000 more than Devin’s and still growing. If nothing else, the number of very funny (if silly) puns being tweeted in support of said cow shows that people have all this pent up humor looking for a place to release it. But of course, those of you who follow The Panda Chronicles are already well aware of the need for humor, particularly in the dark times we are now living in, and the darker times ahead. Still, I do love a good bovine bon mot!

Speaking of the need for humor, here are some pandas!

If you think that maybe elephants never forget, they have nothing on pandas.

Is this any way to treat our Nation’s most adorable icon?

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

Of course, the #PandaSeasonofLove does have a few twists and turns…

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

“They’ll never catch me!”

“Do you know who I am????” Yeah, we do.

Pinky needs stuff and she needs it now!

Real Panda Update: Panda fans in DC (and indeed, around the world) are happy to note that Mommee Mei appears to be ready for the #PandaSeasonofLove! Lets hope there is a cubby (or two) in her future! also, it appears to be #ThePandaSeasonofLove in Calgary too!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

BTW: if you are looking for a great read, I can highly recommend Samira Ahmed’s latest book Interment. It’s a gripping story that addresses the current and potential political reality so many people are facing right now. With echoes of Anne Frank’s Diary, 1984, and The Handmaid’s Tale, this book is not a comedy. It is, however, an excellent read and you won’t be able to put it down. I know that lovers of pandas tend toward the compassionate side of the scale, and this book will add to that, I think. Tell me what you think!

We R (still) Endangered! (Join the #Mooooovement!)

While the Endangered Species Act is NOT a popularity contest, parody accounts on Twidder definitely are. If you are a Twidderer, do check out and follow Devin Nunes’ Cow! People are having a ball with bovine bon mots while Devin Nunes is having a..um…cow over this and has (allegedly) filed lawsuits against both Twitter AND his own cow! Devin’s Cow is gaining followers at a rate of about 20K per hour and ironically, more people follow Devin’s Cow than voted for him in the last election. Don’t you just love irony?

Update: Devin Nunes’ Cow has surpassed Devin Nunes’ in followers. Isn’t that mooooving? #JustSayMoo

Meanwhile, in the endangered species sector….

The endangered species act is not a popularity contest!

Be the Bovine!
Bob T Panda


“If the people hate me, it means they want me to run for president!”

Okay, I may be paraphrasing just the tiniest bit, but in several articles I read recently, Howard Schultz seems to think that the intensely negative response that his announcement of a possible presidential run means…are you ready? It means that “They Like Me! They really Like Me!!!

Um…no. That is not what it means. It means we think you are a deluded tool.

The people have spoken!

Meanwhile, I just got notice that I should have Pinky’s very own pins in my hot little hands by the end of this week. I apologize to those who hoped to have them in time for this weekend’s Pandamonium Convention in Memphis, but I probably won’t receive them till the end of the week. I will be getting them in the mail by the beginning of next week.

Here’s the photo the folks at Pin Game Strong sent me for a sneak peek:

Pinky’s official pin on Pinky’s official card!

If you missed the opportunity to get one of these pins while my kickstarter project was live, never fear! I ordered extra and after I’ve sent them off to all those folks, I’ll let you know how you can get your own Pinky Pin! Stay tuned for the next pin project, coming soon!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Stay tuned for the return of Frank and Mikey, later this week!

Hope is the antidote to despair…

I’m feeling a little short on hope, to be honest. It feels like the world is spinning out of control and that the proliferation of evil is increasing exponentially, and those that bring hope and joy and help and comfort into the world have to run triple time with no hope of catching up. There are so many holes in the dam and we just don’t have enough fingers. My heart goes out to the people of New Zealand who have received our unwanted evil export of hate and violence.

Our pathetic excuse of a president says white extremist violence isn’t a thing, and the clueless Howard Schultz thinks that all the people booing and criticizing him means that the people really want him and are excited. Wrong on both counts, you clueless numpties.

But we have to keep hoping, until there is no hope left. Don’t we?

It was #NationalPandaDay yesterday…let’s have some pandas.

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po! (This was before we knew the Meihems and Po were girls)

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, “I think it’s time for a little something.

How many times do we have to remind you….

Nothing gets my spirits up more than baby Pinky!

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

Bao Bao is unhappy

Could Mama Mei Xiang really be contemplating letting Pinky loose on the pandy kindy?

deleted footage from press conference

Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.


Be the Bear
Bob T panda

After the Mitten’s Tower sign, anything would be an improvement, wouldn’t it?

Well, maybe not this…

Has anyone checked Babette de Panda’s tax returns yet?

And what ABOUT that pesky thingie in the Constitution about not profiting from elected office?

“Hey! I’m still back here!”

Apparently #HowardsEnd (my new name for the erstwhile coffee billionaire would-be-presidential candidate) was “wowing” the crowds once again at the SXSW conference in Austin Texas. And by “wowing” I mean underwhelming the audience with his continued lack of any kind of policy specifics/visions for America other than, “Democrats are socialists”; “Everyone is mean to me because I’m rich,” and “Democrats are the real spoilers” Wah, wah, wah.

Is this what you mean by a “listening tour?” Be better Howard.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s National Donut Day!

And nothing goes better with donuts than…coffee! Specifically Pandabucks Coffee. But just because you make a good cup of coffee, it doesn’t mean we should vote for you for president, right?

More from the campaign trail!

Babette is going to have to do better than this if she wants the panda vote!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

You say “billionaire” like it’s a dirty word…

With apologies to that other Bob:

I pity the poor billionaire,
Who wishes the poor folks stay home.
He thinks that they all should just vote for him,
And then they should leave him alone.

I sure hope Pinky doesn’t find out about this.

Life is a banquet…at least if you are a billionaire…

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Coming soon! The panda season of love!

And now, a subject near and dear to me…

I can’t help it. I’m a Scorpio. We hold grudges. And when you get a Scorpio artist/writer/cartoonist with the power to make fun of those who have wronged them and never apologized, well, then! Then we have an excellent story line for some ‘toons, should, for example, they decide to run for president as an independent candidate.

Any similarities between this ‘toon and a certain undeclared presidential candidate are quite possibly intentional.

What WERE you thinking?

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Is it starting already?

My Checkered Past…

Sometimes folks ask me where my ideas come from. They come from all over the place TBH. They come from the news, they come from actual pandas, and they are all at least tinged with my own past history. Today’s Sunday Funday takes a trip down memory lane….

Here’s how it works:

Panda Satire Made Easy

Panda satire explained for you!

The origins of Panda Satire…well, it started with cats!

Ever wondered where all these pandas came from?

But my years in the coffee mines of Starbucks have inspired more than one ‘toon over the years. I have mostly repressed the long ago memories from my days at the roasting plant. And before you ask, no I did not get rich on stock options: that happened after I left, after Howard “don’t call me a billionaire” Schultz bought it from the actual founders. (Want to read the low down on this man who would be president-or more likely help HWMNBN re-elected? Read This. I was able to supply some choice quotes.)

I hope Howard comes to think of me as the annoying splinter that gets stuck in your sock, that keeps poking your foot, and no matter how often you take off your sock, you can’t find it and it sends a sharp pain with every step you take. Don’t make Pinky mad!!!!!

This was way too much fun. :o)

whipped cream

Can I have EXTRA extra whipped cream?

But who knows what is floating around in my brain?

inside Bob's Brain

What’s that stuff getting all over my paws? Oh…it’s frosting!

Panda on
Bob T double binkacchino with extra whippy cream Panda