Tag Archives: zoonooz

Welcome to the Bears!

Being the bear can be so much fun. Especially when you are a grizzly bear! Let’s join our special guests, Mikey and Frank, who thought they had been specially invited to the Supreme court swearing in ceremony!

WE thought he said….

Helloooooo bears!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

A Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! Despite the current political turn of events, there is still much to be thankful for. let’s see if we can find more things to be thankful for.

AS a Birthday Season Present to Myself…

…I present a cartoonist’s revenge. When you know that the powers that be have gotten away with a terrible miscarriage of justice, and that people who have suffered at the hands of said person have gotten no relief, and that more injustice will follow, there is really only one thing you can do.

Draw a cartoon that depicts said person being eaten by bears. Silly, cuddly bears, but BEARS!!!!

Send in the bears!


Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Get Ready for More Stories About Bears!

I have a little series coming up, that I wrote to make myself feel better about the recent Supreme Court Nomination Debacle. I’m thinking that this series had it’s roots in an exercise our Nevada SCBWI Mentor class had in a session during our final weekend. Our leader for the class, Timothy Travaglini, (@DevilWrsBowTies on Twidder) had everyone write a couple sentences about someone who had done something really awful to us, for which we would like revenge. We then exchanged the papers and pared up with another writer in the group to write a story of revenge.

I’m just saying: do not make writers mad. The story they will write in retaliation will be very scary.

Just keep that in mind when you read our little series starting on Sunday!

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

because…misery bear!!!!!

The irony of Mehitabel criticizing Pooh Bear for his wardrobe, does not escape me.

I’m not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.

Today, you are a bear.

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

Bob still likes to get out in the field once in a while.

Panda On!
Bob T Fabulously Furry Panda

Will You Please Put That Phone Down?

We’ve all been there. You’re having a perfectly nice dinner with friends, someone brings up an old movie, a song, someone asks who the director or co-star was, and before you know it, everyone has pulled out their phone and is Googling the answer.


Little did we know that not only does it annoy (some of) us, it pisses off your dog, too.

Cats, on the other hand, weren’t paying attention to you anyway.

Thanks to all who responded to my Shameless Self Promotion! I’ll be announcing a few more as the shopping season continues. Currently, there are still 2 lithographs of Yun Zi available! Just send me a message via the Contact Us page!

Yun Zi; 2 available, framed or unframed.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Will Fridays ever be Fabulous and Furry Again?

We survived the midterms and while we didn’t get everything on our wish list, we did get some of it, most importantly Democratic control of the House of Representatives. That’s not just chopped liver, I’m telling you!

Meanwhile, we are gearing up for 31 Days of Pandas and I think I have a plan! Meanwhile…

Let’s scamper down memory lane, with Pinky and her minions, who just turned FOUR years old last week!


Triple Trouble indeed!

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?

Maybe you shouldn’t plug that many things into an extension cord, Pinky.

did someone turn out the lights?

And Zoonooz is on the job!

Cause and effects are very complicated concepts for baby pandas, don’t you think?

Zoonooz is on the job. Can you say “cover up”?

Pinky for what??????

Bob wouldn’t try anything sneaky, would he? Would he??????? Ah…such innocent times…

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

PS: For those of you who have been following the news in Pittsburgh, my friend was recently moved from ICU to a regular hospital room, so I am more optimistic, cautiously so. Thanks to all who have asked.

Some Pandas for the Day After

So, since I schedule posts to appear at about 5 or 6 in the morning EST (You’re welcome!) so that you can have a little shot of panda satire before you go off to work, we don’t really know how this whole election thing has worked out. Despite some last minute maneuvering by various GOP outposts (I’m looking at you, Calvert County MD!!!! Shutting down public transportation on election day? Shame on you!) early voting numbers are way up, in some cases exceeding even the total number of votes cast for the 2014 midterms.

I am optimistically, provisionally hopeful….Sort of. 

But I will wait to hear some election news before I schedule Friday’s encore presentation ‘toons. We will either have happy pandas, or post apocalyptic pandas, or maybe we will have lalalalala-I-can’t-hear-you pandas. But one thing I am sure of.

There will be pandas! Here are some now!

Thank you to the international Panda Community! You are da bears!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Save the Date: A reminder that our annual Panda-Palooza, 31 Days of Pandas is just around the corner! We’ll be adding additional NEW ‘toons to our usual 2 new ‘toons a week, plus a Year in Review Roundup with my (and I hope yours) favorite ‘toons of 2018! Set your watch for December, because that’s when it all takes place! There has to be SOMETHING to look forward to, right? Stay tuned for more information about our posting schedule!

You know what happens this week, don’t you?

This is the week. This Tuesday it happens.

Tuesday is the day we go to vote, if you haven’t already done so already.

It’s important every year, but this year it is so important all I can do is try to not think about how important it is or I would hide under the blankets eating frosting.

It’s extra important this year because:
Through gerrymandering and voter suppression, the GOP seeks to prevent likely Democratic voters from voting.
The lies being spread by our so called “president” get more outlandish every day, and they are specifically designed to keep the status quo in power.
In order to provide checks on you know who, we need at least one house of Congress to turn Democratic since the current republican Congress is handing you know who everything his heart desires, and then some.

Really GOP, is it so hard to tell the truth? Is it so hard to act in the best interests of the people you serve? When you started to block sensible ideas, just because they were proposed by the Democrats, rather than that you disagreed with them, you lost any respect I had for you. When you got behind a “president” whose actions are so antithetical to your so called Christian values, you lost your credibility. When you equate a church shooting with a disrupted dinner, you lost your soul. And could you guys quit lying and trying to take our healthcare and social security?

Okay, rant over. Now go vote. Here are some pandas. Oops. They are ranting too.

Seriously, don’t forget to vote!

Panda On and VOTE for crying out loud!
Bob T Panda

Just because Halloween is over…

…it doesn’t mean we can’t have a round up of Halloweenie ‘toons from the past.

But first…do you know what happens this weekend?

Bob explains daylight savings time to the panda kindergarten

spring back, fall forward?

And now, I think this is the very first Halloween ‘toon I did…

Panda Kindergarten halloween party

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!

Okay, so this one is not strictly Halloween, but still…


Well, who did you THINK she would enlist in her final attempt to stop Mittens the cat? also not really Halloween, but VERY scary, none the less!

all pandas eve

Okay. That was just WAY too scary.


Ha ha! That Pinky is so clever!

all pandas eve

Will Pinky EVER quit tormenting her brother?

trouble…trouble…trouble…It starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Pinky!

Hope you enjoyed your double extra pandy Friday round up! It’s been a hard week with…um…everything and on top of all the everything, there was THIS!!!

Don’t forget to VOTE!!!!!!

Panda on
Bob T Panda

Zero Degrees of Separation

It’s happened again.
It’s happened on multiple fronts in one week.

An attempted church shooting in Kentucky, foiled by locked doors, still results in two dead in a nearby grocery store.
Pipe bombs mailed to prominent Democratic leaders, including 2 former Presidents, and critics of the current “president”. (quotation marks intentional)

And now a massacre by a deluded, angry, bigoted gunman in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, my hometown. I knew it was only a matter of time until this plague of gun violence hit close to home. Way too close. One, and possibly two, of the shooting survivors are people I know.

Our bigot in chief riles up his base. Makes sly comments about violence against those who disagree with him and do not give him the “credit” he believes he deserves. He calls the press “the enemy of the people” and equates desperate migrants fleeing violence in their own countries with an army. He flings words out into the crowds like lit sticks of dynamite and dares them to use them, then claims he did not ask for this action. How can you blame him?

I do blame him.

I blame him for creating the conditions that put one of the kindest, caring people I know in a hospital room fighting for his life. I hope he survives, because the world will be a poorer place without him. I blame our enabler in chief for amplifying the injustice that has caused the deaths of school children, of POC just going about their lives, of people in their place of worship. Each time an attack of this or greater magnitude occurs, those in thrall to the NRA and their contributions say, “now is not the time. Don’t politicize this tragedy.”

But when one tragedy follows on the heels of another, when they pile up like bumper cars at a macabre amusement park, when IS the time? I think the time is now.

Vote like lives depended on it, because they do.

Stop the chaos and VOTE!!!

And now, let there be pandas…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

One More Saturday Night (Massacre)

I wish I could take credit for planning this out so well, but really, it was sheer chance that I scheduled my “salute” to Richard Nixon this week, what with the anniversary of the Saturday Night Massacre happening just last week. (Saturday, October 20th being the date that Richard Nixon fired special prosecutor, Archibald Cox, to keep the Watergate investigation from moving forward.)

It didn’t work then and we hope that it won’t work now, but the only thing that can prevent it is…

…As many people voting as are eligible!

“And they called ME a crook!”

Now if those pesky Republicans would quit trying to suppress voting rights for people who are not…um…white Republicans, we would see what’s what.

Now would ya just get out there and VOTE???? (I voted today!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda