Tag Archives: zoonooz

The Ghost of Nixon Complains About Trump

Well, this is certainly the pot calling the kettle a crook, isn’t it? It’s hard not to simultaneously feel like the current constitutional crisis has echoes of the Watergate and Nixon scandals, and also that Nixon’s crimes were quaint. (Hint: they weren’t, but at least in that era there was still some sense that the constitutional checks and balances would keep the country from completely going off the rails.)

Let’s see what the ghost of Nixon thinks about how the current administration is doing.

Can’t ghosts have opinions too?

That bad, huh?

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget to VOTE!!!! (You did register, didn’t you?)

…The Lions Eat Tonight…

In all the crazy chaos in the country, hurricanes, WH aides getting trampled in the rush to throw someone, anyone under the bus, (as long as it’s not them), what might make us happy is a heartwarming story about adorable kitty cats!

This IS about adorable kitty cats, isn’t it?

“We just want to talk!”

Well, SOME people might find this story heartwarming.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

What is Friday if it’s not Fabulously Furry?

Indeed! We need Fabulous! We need Furry! we need a distraction from the Bread and Circus extravaganza taking place in the other Washington! Reading my ‘toons of the last few years as I look for pertinently prognosticating and prescient ‘toons to share with you, I am amazed anew about how what seemed absurd 2 + years ago (Pinky declaring war on Canada) is hardly funny now that it is not our of the realm of possibility, under the tiny paws of Mittens.

What is this country coming to? What can save us? How did we get here?

Panda satire, that’s the answer to everything!

Pinky never misses a trick!

That Pinky is too clever for her own good!

What’s that blinking red light over there?

“I thought I had until November.” -Bob T Panda

Hey! That’s not fair!!!!

Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?

I’ll talk! I’ll talk!

be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Mittens Diplomacy

Remember when Mittens went to the G7 meeting and wowed all our nation’s allies with his wisdom and willingness to work together for the good of democracy?

Yeah…me neither.

And then when he went on to England and charmed the Queen with his impeccable manners and deep knowledge of Royal Protocol?


Yep, that old Mittens…he’s SUCH a charmer!

Bob T Panda

The only thing that would make Friday more Fabulous…

…would be the impeachment of Mittens. Sigh… That is too much to hope for this early in the game, but that train is coming round the bend and it’s picking up steam!

Meanwhile, I hear panda videos are very relaxing….

Pinky is just so sensitive….

Oh, Mr. Bun! Where have you been?

Did Unka Justin write this letter?

What happens at the debate, states at the debate…

Uh oh. Is Bubba about to rat someone out?

Remember when we still had hope all would turn out well?

Whoever could it be, to see Pinky in her lair?

Oh Bubba! What were you thinking?

Just what kind of deal is Pinky making?

Biggest scandal since Watergate? Hold my beer….

Um…I had some fluff in my eyes….

Do you suppose the Zoo will hold another referendum on PHEXIT?

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

Just when Mei thought everything would calm down….

Panda on! It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!
Bob T Panda

Are You Talking to Me?

Why, yes, I am! While we continue to marvel at the level of dysfunction that is emanating from You Know Who and out of our nation’s capitol, isn’t it reassuring to know that panda satire is alive and well?

Before we get to today’s celebration of cats behaving badly (as opposed to bears behaving badly) let’s get some shameless promotion out of the way. As of now, all the Panda Chronicles books are now available as ebooks.  While personally, I am more of a print book person myself, ebooks are a way you can ALWAYS have Pinky, Bubba, and the rest of the gang (don’t forget WU!) with you all the time, wherever you go.

As an added bonus, if you’ve already gotten the books from Amazon, you can get the ebooks for only $1.99 each! (this only applies to Amazon sales. If you bought it directly from me, this does not apply.) A sweet deal, to say the least!  Through the end of the year, all the ebooks (if you haven’t bought the print books already) are $3.99, so if you’ve been holding off getting the print editions because acorns are scarce on the ground or your book cases are full (we know how that goes) here’s an opportunity to have some panda fun and support panda satire! I’ll be raising the prices a bit in January, just so you know!

You can visit my Book Table page for the direct links to the ebooks! Thanks for supporting Panda Satire!

And now, on with today’s feature presentation!

Lock that cat up, for crying out loud!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Just how disordered is YOU KNOW WHO’s personality?

Pretty disordered, as far as I can see, if the tweets coming during and after John McCain’s funeral are any indication. How many ways can we say, “This is NOT about you”? Of course President Obama’s eulogy was brilliant, and for a moment I did not hate George W; I thought he gave a wonderful eulogy. Although there were definitely some very pointed comparisons to the current administration, most of the rebukes came in the form of recounting McCain’s good qualities and dedication to service, justice and the Constitution.

If you can’t stand to be compared, maybe YOU need to do better, Donnie.

So let’s get on with the show!

Someone forgot to take their meds today, I think.

Once again, Pinky guesses right on the nose!

Panda ON
Bob T Panda


Ahem….didn’t mean to go all SHOUTYCAPS on you, but these are disquieting times, are they not? So, while we catch up in Pandyland Studios on all sorts of things, let’s have another episode of Name That Personality Disorder, the *new* game show that everyone (okay, well, me, anyway) is talking about!

And we know who is the most disordered personality ever, don’t we? DON’T WE???????????


Next to Mittens, we all look pretty normal, don’t we?

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

For those of you who have access to the top secret page, there is a new update!