Tag Archives: zoonooz

The Panda Convention!

Yes, Virginia, there is a Panda Convention and it took place this past weekend in Sunny Pandiego California, at the home of one of my favorite pandas, the one, the only, the adorable Wu Self! (Pinky: I thought I was your favorite panda, unka bob!) (Can someone check out why Pinky seems to have comment privileges in my posts? She’s not supposed to have access to my computer!)

And who knew there was a Panda Talent event at the convention?

Can you believe the talent being displayed here? Surely Bob should get an Oscar or something!

Stay tuned for a more complete account of the Panda Convention later this week (after I get all the frosting out of my fur!)

Viva Les Pandas!
Bob T Panda

The 2018 Olympics May Be Over, But the Spirit of Competition Lives On!

Okay. Don’t laugh. But I really have mastered the art of cookie balancing. Using Archway’s Windmill Almond cookies, my current record is 23 seconds to nibble a straight edge at the bottom of the cookie, and balance it on edge so that it stands for 10 seconds or more. Go ahead. You try it if you think it’s so easy. I’ll wait.

Coming soon to an Olympic competition near you!

And now…going for the gold!!!

In other feats of athletic competition, I was working outside yesterday, trimming an out of control Lonicera Baggerson’s Gold (kind of looks like a boxwood, for you non-gardeners) and I had a little six inch piece of branch. Rather than walk over to the trash can where I was putting cuttings to dump in one of my many compost piles, I threw it (left handed!!!- I am right handed) from about 15 feet and sunk the shot perfectly. Am I ready for an award winning sporting career or what?!?! First, cookie balancing and now this!!!! Huzzah!

Viva Les Pandas!
Bob T Panda

No One Except Pinky Should be President for Life

And probably not even her! Despite her early trauma from the panda cam shut down, she is not entirely trust worthy, if you want to know my opinion. (Pinky: No, we really don’t want to hear your ‘pinion, unka bob!!!!)

But why don’t you tell us what you REALLY think, Pinky?

Well, she does have a valid point…

Viva Les Pandas!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday presents…

What ABOUT Bob?

Bob was the first panda here to have a name, at least until Babette de Panda arrived on the scene. Then sometime later, the real Wu Self came on the scene and I started to recognize the value of having actual live pandas to  inspire the stories that you read here. Even all of my stuffed pandas were named Bob, with some kind of qualifying addition to the name, like Loud Bob and Shy Bob, Vampire Bob, Mini Bob, etc. That shows some imagination, doesn’t it?

A panda by any other name would still be called ‘Bob’


Do you smell smoke?

Bob still likes to get out in the field once in a while.

Bob and the magic slipper….

Always read the directions…

panda poetry slam

The cake abides….

inside Bob's Brain

What’s that stuff getting all over my paws? Oh…it’s frosting!

And what do you know! The Panda Season of Love took place in DC!

It was dark…there were men in masks….

Be the Bob!
Bob T Panda

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

Fresh from his triumph when he was named Cubby of the Year of the Universe in the Giant Panda Global awards, The one, the only, the curly furred pink baby panda who has taken France by storm…the entire world has fallen like dominoes in the wake of his unresidabel cuteness. Yes, I’m talking about…

The one, the only, BEBE MAURICE!!!!!!

The world swoons….


See being the bear!
Bob T Panda

Keep Fridays Furry and Fabulous


Just to warn you…You may want to skip ahead to the ‘toons…or maybe not.

international woman's day

…and due to the International women’s day strike of 2017

The times they are a changing back again. To all of us who were around in the late 60’s and early 70’s, all who marched and protested the Viet Nam war, the killings at Kent State, the corruption that brought down the Nixon administration: We thought those days were over.

But they came creeping back in. Self interest. Corruption. The “Me Generation.” we took our eye off the ball and now it has come back and whacked us in the head.

Can I just say how proud I am of all those students from Parkland Florida, and now across the nation who are standing up and speaking out?

Can I say how scared I am for my friends who are teachers and their students? Arming teachers in the classroom is not the answer. I remember how hard it was to learn when all I had to worry about was whether the mean girls were going to pick on me that day. How do you learn when you think that today might be the day you will die? How do you teach under that threat? I mean, math is hard enough as it is.

For the students who are out there, putting your hearts and minds in the service of stopping the violence: I stand with you. I am so very proud of you. You are the future of this country.

Panda on!

Sad to say, this is even more true than when I wrote it at the end of 2015

Is it any wonder I am now even more “pandy” than I was before?

I think this is an excellent idea.

Maybe Pandas DO have a better idea…..

Mei Xiang and the Zoo Director have gotten their panties in a knot, it seems.

Minion security: you can’t be too careful.

We can definitely use this in Pinky’s campaign….

It’s Shark Week at the panda kindergarten! Roar!!!!

This number is unlisted….Needless to say, this is a previous administration. Pinky would never go near the current occupant usurper.

The parents of daughters never have a really easy time of it, do they?

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!

Mei puts her paw down…

And this hacking into my title imagery has got to stop!

I thought maybe you all needed a few extra ‘toons today to cope with reality this week. I hear reading panda cartoons is VERY relaxing.

Viva les Pandas!
Bob T Panda

Hey! It’s Groundhog Day

For years, I’ve been thinking I needed to write a Groundhog Day ‘toon, and wouldn’t you know, I don’t start thinking about it until…you guessed it, Groundhog Day. This is also the day that I traditionally procrastinate sending out holiday cards until, and then don’t do that either. So sue me. No, don’t! Just kidding!!!! People ask me how I find the time to be an incredibly gifted painter, write hilarious cartoons, and wrestle 5 acres of Northwest woods into submission. The answer is, I don’t do a lot of things that I probably should do, like clean the house and wash the dishes on some sort of regular basis.

To this I say, do you want to have new cartoons to read each week, or would you rather be able to eat off my bathroom floor without contracting a vile disease or swallow a hairball?

I thought so. You’re welcome.

And it was ever thus….

Meihem, not Mayhem.

Well, they did hang their coats up.

If I have but one life to live, let me give it for a cuppycake.

And for all you brave souls who listened to HWMNBN’s SOTU address. Congratulations. You are far braver than I am. In truth, by this weekend, I will probably have watched it in tiny bits and pieces that I can endure without running out of the house screaming in terror. I am keeping informed, as best I can, but there are limits to my endurance. I call my Senators and Congressman regularly. I’m trying to bring light into the world through art and humor. And I’m going to watch as many panda videos as I can.

Viva les Pandas!
Buy my new book!
Bob T Panda

The State of the Union (of Pandas)

Far be it from me to fail to capitalize of the tsunami of exposure by putting the words: The State of the Union in my post today. I will not watch it, I did not watch it, except in little bits and pieces that float up on the inter webs like …um…pieces of toilet paper floating downstream from some faulty plumbing. But because we love to make our thoughts known on things political (well, until they drag us away or 45 so enrages hostile forces that they drop a bomb on us) we offer today…

Pandas explain tax reform! An educational feature brought to you by the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire.

Clear as mud!

Does the tax plan foisted on us by an uncaring republican congress make any more sense now?

And don’t forget to join all the happy people who have welcomed Pinky into their life via The Pinky Defense! Huzzah! Available via the picture of Pinky’s book on the right-hand column!

Do you want to make Pinky mad? Buy her book before she finds out!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s Here! The Pinky Defense!

Well, it’s time for all Pinky, all the time! How is that different from the rest of the time, you may well ask. Um…I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure it is. Any way, stop interrupting me! I’m trying to get the word out that Pinky’s new book (book 8 of the Panda Chronicles) What does Pinky have to say about all this?

“Ebbryone Needs to CLAP LOUDER!!!!!”

That’s what Pinky would say. and now, to refresh your memory about just what is The Pinky Defense, here are a few ‘toons that are in the book:

pinky defense

Would YOU believe this panda?

pinky defense

Isn’t that the whole point of being presydent? Pinky.


Maybe Mommee Mei might have some influence over Pinky…dream on!


Did you want to rephrase that last statement?

So run, don’t walk, and get your copy of The Panda Chronicles Book 8: The Pinky Defense!
Bob T Panda

Isn’t this just perfectly pinky?