Tag Archives: zoonooz

Fabulously Furry Friday

We need a good laugh. really, we do. Things keep going beyond the “now he’s really done it” stage.  I think tRump went beyond that “point” on the day he announced his candidacy.


I have not quit resisting, but right now, I think we need a few pandas to show us the way.

Viva Les Pandas!

Do NOT mess with Pinky and the Meihems!

do the right thing.

The Power of the Poof. Oh, if only!

day after

Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.

whipped cream

Can I have EXTRA extra whipped cream?

Um…I’ll try to be funnier next week.

Panda on!
Bob T panda

Okay, Now REALLY announcing the Torch Bears

Sorry for the false anticipation, for leading you on, leading you astray. Wait a minute! I’m proud to lead you astray, in a good pandy sort of way, of course! Today I am REALLY going to reveal who the Torch Bears for 2018 are! Honest! But first (OOOO! I KNEW she was going to do this!!!!) If you haven’t read my latest fractured fairy tale over on The Whidbey island Arts Council blog, you should do it NOW.

And now, without any further ado about nothing, Here are the TORCH BEARS!!!!

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?

Viva Les Pandas
Bob T Panda

Announcing: The 2018 Torch Bears

Move over Giant Panda Global Awards! THIS is where the money is! The Torch Bears ! The most coveted honor in all of Pandyland is to be selected as Torch Bears for the Panda Olympic Games! Needless to say, the competition is very fierce and there is ample opportunity for skullduggery!

I can hardly STAND the suspense! Tell us, won’t you please, who will be this year’s Torch Bears …

The Panda Olympics presents…

Okay…we are going to keep you in suspense just a little while longer! But never fear! We will tell you…um…sooner or later!

BTW, Did anyone watch Bebe Maurice’s debut yesterday? I believe Pinky has some serious competition in the attitude/icon department. Just saying.

Viva les Pandas
Bob T Panda

Cue the Torch Bears!

As we prepare to launch another stellar performance in the Panda Olympics, we have a few more encore antics from the Torch Bears! As you may recall from several years ago, the torch bears attempted to replace their torches with something that would look sort of “torchy” from a distance, because they had…um…sold the torches on eBay before they actually lit the Olympic flame.

Oopsie. That could have happened to anyone!!!!

But before we have a visit with the torch bears, here’s a link to my latest post for The Whidbey Island Arts Council. It’s a modern retelling of Cinderella, to get folks in the mood for an event on the island next week: The Bohemian Ball. The story is a bit long, but I hope you’ll read it and that you enjoy it! Cheers. And if you’re on or near Whidbey Island next Thursday, maybe you’ll put on your dancing shoes, fire up the magic carriage, and party like a panda! (Author’s disclosure: There are no pandas in this story, but there is a cat)

Now….Cue the Torch Bears!!!!

Pandanastics star, PO of Atlanta Zoo, practices for the Olympics, while the Torch Bears continue their around the world journey. Where will they turn up next? Note: this ‘toon was written before Pinky poofed Po and the Meihems into becoming girls.

torch bears, money, selling olympic torch

but now what will they do when they get to the Olympics?…..stay tuned!

Wait…what little Paris incident???…Oh…this one…

Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

Oh, those Torch bears!

In other VERY IMPORTANT news, the proof copy of The Pinky Defense is on it’s way, so I hope to be able to have My Pinky’s new book available by the end of the month. And remember, Mitten’s definitely does not want you to buy this book! You know what to do!

Viva Les Pandas!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday: an Encore Presentation

I love fabulous Furry Friday and the encore presentation idea. Yes, it’s a way to post a third dose of panda satire, without having to do…um…any more work, but readers tell me they love it because it’s fun to see their favorite ‘toons again, while those who are new to the world of panda satire get a chance to get acquainted with the gang!

As this is a year when the Winter Olympics are being held, I thought we should take a couple of Fabulous Furry Friday look backs to Panda Olympics of years past.

Bring on the torch bears!

The first appearance of the Torch Bears!

torch bears, money, selling olympic torch

but now what will they do when they get to the Olympics?…..stay tuned!

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun

Viva Le Pandas!
Bob T Panda

And a Happy(er) New Year


This is a bonus ‘toon, because you have all been such good panda cubs. On this first day of the new year, let me tell you how much I value you all! I love that you not only read my ‘toons, but you create whole dialogs between the pandas we know and love, on Facebook and Twitter and know the voices and personas I’ve given their panda satire counterparts. I love that you send me cookies and panda presents and cards. I love that you check to see I’m okay when a natural (or unnatural) disaster happens in my area.

But mostly, just thank you for being here and embracing and believing what I do here. It makes me just a bit schmoopy every time you tell me my panda humor has helped you through the day.

May olde acquaintance be forgot…

Keep panda-ing on.
Forever Bob T

Day 29: 31 Days of Pandas

Before there was Pinky, there was…the panda kindergarten!!

Oh me, oh my! The pandasphere is buzzing tonight! will Pinky win her division in the Global Giant Pandy Awards? Did Bubba get what he wanted for CrispMoss? What will happen when Pinky, the Meihems, Wu, and all the rest get home from their adventure? Will EVERYONE get grounded?

I guess you’ll have to tune in on Sunday for the conclusion of our story!

But in the meantime (and for the next few days) it’s STILL 31 Days of Pandas time!!!!

What could be more scottish than Pandas?

And it’s never too early to start getting ready for New Year’s Eve!

new years eve party, panda kindergarten

The panda kindergarten at their best…or is that worst?

cartoon soap opera

I’m not a doctor, but I play one on television.

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

You left the panda kindergarten alone with my house?

sugar plum pandas

It wouldn’t be CrispMoss without…

sugar plum pandas

…The Dance of the Sugar Plum Pandas!

Hope you have enjoyed our trip down panda-satire-memory lane!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Day 28: 31 Days of Pandas

Only four more days of pandas! Oh my! But never fear, we will still be here when the clock chimes midnight on the 31st, with new ‘toons for the New Year! Huzzah! Before long, the resolutionists* will be clogging up my yoga class (*people who resolve to start going to yoga again, after 9 months or more of not showing up), crowding the vegetable and health food aisles at the grocery store and leaving the cookie aisle vacant. (Bwahahaha! More for me!!!!)

So here are the things that I resolve for the new year:

  1. Eat more frosting. There is no reason not to if we are all going to die in a nuclear apocalypse; our healthcare is gone, as is all government support for those in need.
  2. Resist  evil where ever it lifts it’s ugly head.
  3. Eat more frosting.
  4. Keep drawing pandas, and letting them speak their minds.
  5. Eat more…um…frosting.
  6. Get to yoga on time so a resolutionist does not take my spot.
  7. Eat more….you guessed it! Frosting!!!!!!

The panda kindergaten knows where you live.

social media for pandas

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

annoyed moviegoer allegedly shoots two for texting in movietheater

Don’t try this at home….

The countdown to the New Year has begun! And not a moment too soon!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda


Day 26: 31 Days of Pandas

It’s Boxing Day, which is the day that, by tradition, Pandas all sit in boxes! Interestingly enough, cats like to sit in boxes too, which is why pandas are also referred to as “bear cats.” Um…you might want to check some other sources, as science is not my forte. (neither is math, just so you know.)

Meanwhile, It’s time to share more pandas from the archives for 31 Days of Pandas!

Huzzah! Sometimes it’s also about cats!

The irony of Mehitabel criticizing Pooh Bear for his wardrobe, does not escape me.

I’m not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.

…except when it is about Pinky.

Can you believe those Meihems? blaming everything on Pinky?

Happy 100th day Birthday! More frosting!

And this is where we were at, at the end of 2015!!!!

Consider this my Werld Peez Pandifesto

Panda On!
Don’t let us down, Mr. Mueller!
Bob T Panda

Day 23: 31 Days of Pandas

Wowee! We are already up to day 23 of 31 Days of Pandas!

It’s really tempting to want to focus on the ‘toons of last year so that we can keep the pain and horror of the events of the last 12 months alive, but somehow, I need some kinder and gentler pandas today.

Well, until Monday when the cubbies sing their straight from the hip version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentle Bears for you all. 

I hope you enjoyed our encore production of It’s a Wunderful Life, starring the Wu Self and Bee, the bear, my favorite holiday classic! Tomorrow we return to 101 Bebe Panda-Nations for another episode!  Meanwhile, let’s spin the dial of the panda way-back machine and see what ‘toons pop up! Welcome to some new readers who found us by way of Twidder. We hope that they have a wonderful time rummaging through the archives and catching up with panda satire history!

Should Pandas pay their own way?


We should note that they really don’t let you do this anymore. I wonder why.

Inspired by my discovery of the San Diego Zoo website!

Keep being the bear! And tomorrow is Crispmoss Eve! Huzzah! let’s have cookies!!!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda