Tag Archives: zoonooz

People are Saying He’s Back

Oh no! I thought he was gone for good! But now…now people are saying he’s back! I think maybe Pinky should get a new, more powerful magical wand. This one is just not permanent!

Has the cat, in fact, come back?

people are saying

Pay us enough money and we’ll say just about anything! Cash only please. Upfront.

Hey! I bet you think we forgot about our drawing fro the really cool Toby stuff! We did not! We had Mehitabel the cat choose the winner and….drum roll please….

and The Winner is….

Lisa G. of the grand state of Ohio! Not only is it the Buckeye State, but it is also the home of The Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum at Ohio State University! Huzzah!  (In case you were thinking that comics and cartoons are not worthy of a whole stinking museum!) Thank you so much for joining us to welcome Toby and his book into the world!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Field Narrows

You were dreading this moment. The moment when there was no longer any momentum, no longer any hope that your candidate could possibly win. The field has narrowed and we are left only with….Pinky.

Oh…and Mittens the Cat.

Poor Bob. The paw writing was on the wall….


Just don’t call Bob a loser. He feels bad enough already.

Sigh….Pinky may never let us forget this.

Meanwhile, you still have until tonight to comment on Pinky’s Interview with Toby and be eligible to win Toby’s new book and a whole bunch of really cool swag!!!!! Be sure to comment on this post by following the link-dinky!

What will Pinky get up to now that way is clear…oh…but is she still grounded?

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

Sometimes I have a really clear idea of what I want to do for Fabulous Furry Friday, like when it is some panda’s birthday or something has happened in the news that I don’t want to just stick my head under the bed to forget, but this week, that is not the case.

It is time for the new school year to start, up here in the Northern Hemishphere, so maybe that would be a goos subject for today’s round of encore presentation ‘toons.

Let’s see what I can find, shall we?

Panda middle school!

Panda middle school!

The ORIGINAL panda kindergarten cartoon!

The ORIGINAL panda kindergarten cartoon!

4) what I imagined the pandas were saying.

the original inspiration for the panda chronicles kindergarten…

Nobody expects the Panda Kindergarten!

Nobody expects the Panda Kindergarten! By the way… you can get this on a mug  here!  



Stay tuned for more from Pinky’s Bear and Breakfast story coming up on Sunday! Till then,

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda


Phexit Exit

Before I bring you the final (we hope) episode of the Phexit Exit, I want to share a report that was shared with me by our roving reporter known only as “Ellen N.” who, while she did not visit the actual pandas while visiting in Edinburgh, Scotland (as opposed to Edinboro PA) did discover a bakery in Blair Atholl that MAKES THE FLOUR FOR PANDA CAKES which the keepers at the Edinburgh Zoo make for Lord and Lady MacBear. Yes, they grind flour according to a top secret recipe that they would not reveal to our intrepid investigator, because if they told her they would have to….

Well, you know.

But while they would not share the secret pandalicious recipe for panda cookies (could these be the fabled Scottish Binky Bars?) she was able to photograph the certificate of Panditude awarded to the bakery by the zoo.

Thanks for the cookies!

Thanks for the cookies!

And Now, for Today’s Feature Cartoon!!!!!

Just when Mei thought everything would calm down....

Just when Mei thought everything would calm down….

And if Daddee said his little princess could have a party….

Get ready to be the bear! It’sPinky’s Birthday Season!

Bob T Panda

Where Are The Real Pandas?

Well, it has been a little crazy busy around here, BUT, knowing it was going to get crazy busy, I got a little bit ahead on ‘toons for the weeks past. But of course, now my surplus is about to become a deficit. So I must ask: Where are the real pandas?

“If one more person asks….”

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!

In other news, I have met (and hopefully recruited) a new young panda fan to the fold. If you are reading, Liam, welcome to the pandasphere! If there is anyone nicer to meet than a young reader, it is a young reader who loves pandas! Huzzah! Hope you didn’t drive your mom crazy on the way home quoting The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas. That would make me feel terrible! (hee hee)

Keep being the bear! It’s almost Pinky’s (and Bubba’s) Birthday! Plans must be made! cakes must be frosted! Huzzah!

Bob T Panda

Let the Games Begin!

The opening ceremonies are tonight, for the 2016 Summer Olympics taking place in Brazil, a country that, to my knowledge has NO pandas!!!! How can people live like that!?!?! So let the games begin! And no Olympic Games would be complete without…


Is that the twins I see before me? Don't tell Lun Lun

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn???? Remember the 2012 Torch Bears?

Pandanastics star, PO of Atlanta Zoo, practices for the Olympics, while the Torch Bears continue their around the world journey. Where will they turn up next?

Pandanastics star, PO of Atlanta Zoo, practices for the Olympics, while the Torch Bears continue their around the world journey. Where will they turn up next? That torch looks suspiciously like a cuppycake to me!

Never underestimate the power of a good "fart joke"

Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

torch bears, money, selling olympic torch

What incident in Paris…Well may you ask! But now what will they do when they get to the Olympics?…..stay tuned!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

Oh, those Torch bears!

Oh, those Torch bears!

And what Olympics themed Fabulous Furry Friday would be complete without one our all time favorites, Cookie Medals!


Huzzah!I get all fluffy when I hear the Olympic theme song!

Going for the ...um...chocolate chip.

Going for the …um…chocolate chip.

See on Sunday, for the next episode of Phexit: the TRUE story!!!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Please note…Pinky is…um…resting up for her appearance sunday and did not appear in today’s encore presentation.


The Olympics are Coming!

The Olympics are coming! Cue the torch bears! Yes, athletes are heading to Brazil to compete in this year’s summer games, and while I have not done any new Olympic cartoons for our favorite pandatheletes, I do have a nice stash of ‘toons from previous games.

Grab your pop corn and overly sugary beverage and sit yer butt down to enjoy these encore presentations of The Panda Olympics!!!!


Maybe they have a point...

Maybe they have a point…

See, What did I tell you?

See, What did I tell you?

another boring rerun

another boring rerun, but so much fun!

I love the torch bears, don’t you?

Pandas aren't dopes!

Pandas aren’t dopes!

The early days of panda rights groups....

The early days of panda rights groups….and early days of panda satire!

What do you think of my blob?

What do you think of my blob?

'and for the record, it's just "giant slalom." It's not just for pandas.'

‘and for the record, it’s just “giant slalom.” It’s not just for pandas.’

And one of my all time favorite pand-olympic games ‘toon…

Pandas using performance enhancing substances? Say it isn't so!

Pandas using performance enhancing substances? Say it isn’t so!

Well that it for this week! Maybe (if I remember) we’ll have more Olympic pandas next week.

Till then,
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda


It’s Time to Party Like a Panda!!!!

Oh my, it is the birthday celebration for Atlanta’s favorite sweethearts, the Meihem sisters, as they turn three years old! I still remember the morning the twins were born. I was…um… checking in on Facebook, because the panda keepers at Zoo Atlanta were pretty sure that mama Lun Lun was pregnant, but they had NO idea it was twins!*

Along with thousands of other panda fanatics, I was glued to the internet, awaiting the entrance of another baby panda to the world, when a cub came shooting out into the universe. (They do seem to come out at great speed). Lun Lun lept into mom mode, but turns out she wasn’t done yet. Less than a half hour later, another cub came rushing out and then we had what you might call a situation.

I did what any other right thinking panda fan would do, under those circumstances. I called another panda fan (Cyndi A) and we danced around our respective kitchens screaming like a girl.

So without further ado, I now present some of my favorite cartoon moments with the Meihems, starting with the Wu Self’s reaction to the news!

24) Dis. Will. Not. Stand!

Dis. Will. Not. Stand!

Of course all the other panda moms were on the phone to Lun Lun to congratulate her…

25) "Well Bless your Heart" is not always a compliment

“Well Bless your Heart” is not always a compliment

When the twins were born, everyone thought that they were boys, along with their sibling Po. Boy did we all have a surprise coming!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po! And is that a cameo appearance by Mr. Bun?

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Oh…yeah…how could we forget Pinky?

Atlanta panda cub twins

Huzzah! It’s Bert and his brother Ernie!

Zoo Atlanta Twin panda Cubs

…and their jammies! Huzzah!

But after we found out that the Meihems were girls, they promptly joined the Panda Scouts and went to work selling cookies! Binky Bars, anyone? But of course, Pinky threw a monkey panda wrench into the works…

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

But in the end, all was well that ended well, after a whole bunch more stuff happened, (which, if you had Book 5 of the Panda Chronicles, Pandapocalypse Now! you would know what happened!) and now, it’s time for some cake!!!!

There must be cake!

There must be cake!

I hope you enjoyed my Salute to Meihem! Join us next month when we celebrate Pinky’s third birthday and Bubba’s first!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

*Not only did they not know it was going to be twins, with pandas, you don’t even know for sure if they are pregnant or not.

Where is Mittens

Something happened at the debate between Pinky, Bob and Mittens and nobody will tell us what happened. Where IS Mittens? Investigations are now underway, in an attempt to get to the bottom of his mysterious disappearance. Pinky isn’t talking and Mehitabel is claiming debate moderator privilege. Is that a real thing?

Uh oh. Is Bubba about to rat someone out?

Uh oh. Is Bubba about to rat someone out?

If you have any information leading to the return of Mittens, we hope you’ll just keep it to yourself call the #WhereIsMittens hotline at 1-800-BAD-CATZ

Bubba better hope that Pinky is not listening in on the Panda House Party line. I don’t think Pinky will take kindly to any perceived disloyalty.

If you are enjoying these cartoons and wish you could read a whole lot of them at once, even during a power outage, consider adding The Panda Chronicles books to your personal collection! you can find them here! Your book purchases help support The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire! (That’s me!)

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda


A Public Service Announcement.

Mr. Badger just returned from a trip to the mountains of our neighbors to the north, and one of the things he saw while there lead me to think that the time was NOW for this very important public service announcement. What he saw was a grizzly bear crossing the highway just a little way in front of his car, and then what he saw was a bunch of people following it with cameras at the ready. I am not making this up.

I am only going to say this once (a year):

Do. Not. Try. To. Take. A. Selfie. With. A. Grizzly!!!!!

Hey! That reminds me of a song!

...if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can't stop!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

And now, our Salute to Stupid Selfies!!!!

Coming to a mountain road in France, really soon:

Who says real life can't be funny?

Who says real life can’t be funny?

What was that they said about being prohibited from taking a selfie with a tiger?

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

You know we're just kidding about this, right?

You know we’re just kidding about this, right?

And then Pinky thought this would be a really great fundraiser for her campaign…

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I really had no idea what she was up to.

And then maybe since you can’t take a selfie with a tiger, you could take one at…for instance…the running of the bulls!



Probably safer to just take a selfie in the Oval Office during your White House Tour…

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!

“Get those pandas off my desk!”

Have a Fabulous Furry Friday, and while you are having a Fabulous Fourth of July, you leave off with the fireworks and just load up on hot dogs and beans.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda