Tag Archives: zoonooz

The End of the Crisis

Ha ha, not the end of THAT crisis! You know… The 2016 election season. Yup…that’s still happening, much to our dismay. No, the end of the crisis to which we refer, is the disappearance of the Canadian Twinkies. But they have headed for home, and Mom Er Shun is whipping up a large batch of bootine, that Canadian delicacy that is the favorite of Canadian pandas everywhere. Um…all four of them.

Are you SURE you wouldn't like to vote for Bob?

Are you SURE you wouldn’t like to vote for Bob?

A couple of faithful readers told me that they did not get friday’s post in their email this week. I don’t think I got it either, so I went into the behind the curtains scene, and pushed a few buttons randomly, reinstalled this and that, and just general flapped around seeing if I could figure out why it was doing this (or more like not doing this) So, I have no idea if I fixed anything or made it worse. So, if you are an email subscriber, feel free to make a comment and let me know if the post today shows up in your email inbox. It could be an evil plot by Pinky, to keep me from campaigning against her, or it could be a break in the space time continuum.

Work continues behind the scenes on The Case of the Picturesque Panda. I hope to be ready to send out to publishers by the end of the summer. I’ve started on the revisions I need to do before I can start on the final art, and am hoping to get all that approved by the beginning of June. Stay tuned!

Well, till then,
Be the Bear
Why Not Vote 4 Bob?
Bob T Panda


Secret Meetings Were Held…

…at the campaign headquarters of one Princess Pinky Panda in Washington DC at the National Zoo. Why weren’t you alerted in advance? Well, it wouldn’t have been much of a secret meeting if I told you before it happened now, would it?

Pinky and I having a top secret meeting, to discuss the future of Bob T's candidacy.

Pinky and I having a top secret meeting, to discuss the future of Bob T’s candidacy. (Photo courtesy of Jennifer Friedline) (Now you know what I really look like!) (That’s me in the back, in case you were wondering)

When I started my journey into panda satire, I was a little unsure about what kind of people I would meet in cyberspace. After a while, I figured they weren’t all scary and most of them weren’t ax murderers, and so, a couple of years ago (I can’t even remember how many…maybe it was when the first Panda Chronicles books came out) I told one of my Facebook panda friends that yes, I was coming to DC and maybe it would be fun to meet a couple of people, but don’t make a big deal or anything.

Well, one fun lunch get together led to another and then to another and then I met Leslie Johnson who made the most amazing cuppycakes depicting Princess Pinky and now Bubba cookies.  (Pinky cuppycakes came complete with tiara and magical wand!)

On this trip, not only did I get to visit with friends from past panda visits, but also met more people that I only know on FB and Twitter, including the people behind @houseofcubs and @pinkypanda0823 on Twitter. I have sworn not to reveal their identities, so don’t even TRY to worm it out of me!

Cuppycakes, anyone? (Photo courtesy of Karen Wille and cuppycakes courtesy of Leslie Johnson)

Cuppycakes, anyone? (Photo courtesy of Karen Wille and cuppycakes courtesy of Leslie Johnson)

At the beginning of my trip, I was in Western PA where I met some other blogger friends. a great time was had by all, and was written about on Cordelia’s Mom Still,  by one of the bloggers I got together with, while in PA.

Room service!

Room service!

Do we know how to have fun, or what?

But I know you didn’t show up to see pictures of my trip! Bring on the panda satire, you say! In commemoration of the recent exodus from the clown car by several of the clowns, (I won’t say celebration, because there still is a very big, bad clown in the car) Let’s have a trip down memory lane from Bob’s last venture in presidential politics…..

Babette has ..um...toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

Babette has ..um…toned her wardrobe down in honor of this important occasion.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, "I think it's time for a little something.

In the words of Winnie ther Pooh, “I think it’s time for a little something.

Bob says it best! “What’s the point of being president if you can’t stop for cake?”

Cats....you just can't trust em.

Cats….you just can’t trust em.

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Does being endangered have NO privileges?

Keep cool, cat, and don't go blaming women for stuff. That is SO not the way to get votes...

Is this a little too close to what some candidates are actually saying? Um….yes. Yes it is.

Four years ago, I thought I had made a really absurd representation of political discourse. This year, um…not so much. what has been said by certain candidates is way beyond what is in this cartoon.

By the way…yesterday was National Cartoonists Day! Did anyone get me a present?

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

We are still popping champagne corks and eating cuppycakes to celebrate my newly agented status, so I thought I would share more of my literature of the panda ‘toons for this weeks fabulous Furry Friday! Huzzah!

From the earliest days of panda satire, pandas have been writing books about…well, about being pandas…

Everything I know

Everything I know

And then, there was Bob’s memoir, “Black and White Like Me”…

More literature of the panda!

More literature of the panda!

And of course we wanted to encourage a love of reading in the panda kindergarten…

I think you get my point....

I think you get my point….

And what panda doesn’t have an abiding love of Shakespeare….?

After all, the playings the thing....

After all, the playings the thing….

And let’s not forget that in addition to panda satire, I am also a painter…

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

Keep being the bear!
Bob T Panda

Bob gets an Agent

Yes indeed, it’s true! The official announcement came out today, and I am now represented by Gordon Warnock of Fuse Literary Agency. So it only seems fair that Bob gets an agent too. Several people have suggested that Pinky will try to use this to her advantage, and that I might want to drop out of the presidential race and take a cabinet position. We shall see, we shall see.

So what does this mean for panda satire? It means that my graphic novel, The Pandyland Mysteries: The Case of the Picturesque Panda will get a professional eye and guidance. Actually it has been getting a lot of that for the last six months as Gordon acted as my mentor through the SCBWI program that I have mentioned before. It means that I won’t rush into publishing it before it is ready. I have lots of work to do before we start submitting it to publishers, but I am very excited about this book. Yeah, we’re going to have to wait for it, but I think it will be worth it.

Meanwhile, Bob is ready to give Mehitabel the news, and Pinky…well…she’s just being Pinky, isn’t she?

Do you smell smoke?

Do you smell smoke?

Next week, Pinky continues with her cubpaign to gather new minions from our neighbors to the north! Will Pinky succeed in getting the Toronto twinkles to campaign for her? Tune in next week and find out the latest Panda News!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Literary Pandas

This week, Fabulous Furry Friday salutes Literary Pandas and Literature of the Panda! Huzzah!

And now, the pandas are out of the bag!

This week, after the conclusion of a six month mentorship program through the Nevada chapter of the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, I have been taken on as a client by my brilliant and kind mentor, Gordon Warnock. I’m already on the Fuse Literary website listed as a client!!!! I hope they have hidden all the cuppycakes, because, well, you know…pandas!

I can’t say enough good things about the Nevada mentorship program. If you are a member of SCBWI, I recommend you look in to it, (the next cycle does not start until 2017, so you have some time to get a project in working order). I met many wonderful writers, who I hope will be friends for life. And to all of you here who have been following me since the early days of panda satire, I can only say thank you a thousand times. Maybe ten thousand times. You keep me going with your laughter and comments. Stay tuned. Pandas are going places and I hope you’ll come with us.

But first, how about some Literary Pandas?

It all started here.....

It all started here…..

Do you like my new book?

Do you like my new book?

Pandas have long been active in literary pursuits

Pandas have long been active in literary pursuits

What do you mean by "was?"

What do you mean by “was?”

May all your Fridays be Furry and Fabulous!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Pandas in Science

If pandas know anything, they know about science, so today Fabulous Furry Friday is very pleased to present Pandas in Science or, everything you wanted to know, but want to know the wrong information!

We start our encore presentation with a cartoon that was inspired by a real story about pandas, and also contributed to this past Wednesday’s cartoon!

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is that handsome panda I see before me?

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is that handsome panda I see before me?

And one of my all time favorites, a news story about how an animal’s abstract patterning can increase the likelihood of becoming a successful predator.

No nonsense to be found here!

No nonsense to be found here!

And if we take the way-back machine to a couple of our early explorations of the conjunction of pandas and science, we have this in depth interpretation of our carbon foot print:

are you SURE it's not "carbonated"?

are you SURE it’s not “carbonated”?

well, what if I....

well, what if I….



Hmmm…I hope these cartoons don’t get out. Pinky may have some additional ammunition in the next debate. Don’t tell, ‘kay?

Be the Bear and have a Fabulous Furry Friday!
Bob T Panda

Fun with Science

Oh, how Mehitabel tries to run a tight ship over at Zoonooz, but somehow someone (usually a panda, go figure!) manages to disrupt her carefully laid out plans. Can you blame Bob for wanting to have a little fun with science?

Meanwhile, I am trying to get over some really nasty crud that I picked up coming home from Panda Fest in Pandiego, and am trying not to spray anything disgusting into my keyboard. Was that TMI? Sorry, but today’s cartoon just has me thinking gross thoughts!

Well, it is kind of funny, isn't it?

Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?

And speaking of inappropriate behavior, (Who was? Was that you?) Princess Pinky has been up to her old tricks, with more to come. We’ll have a new ‘toon starring Bubba (And Pinky!!!!!!!) coming your way on Wednesday, and I will be sending out my first newsletter in a very long time this week. It will reveal the secret page and password thereto, that tells the story of my rise (or descent, depending on your point of view) into the world of panda satire. This is the transcript- with many, many pictures- for the talk I gave to the 2016 Pandamonium Convention which was held last weekend at the San Diego Zoo. Yes, Virginia, there IS a panda convention.

So, if you would like to join my mailing list for my relatively infrequent newsletters, you can sign up with the second sign-up form at the top of the right-hand column. (The first one is to get new posts automatically emailed to you as they come out 3 times a week). I actually have come up with a bit of a plan for future newsletters that you might find interesting. Or maybe not. Anyway, it is very easy to unsubscribe as well as subscribe, and we pinky-promise not to post your email address in any public bathrooms, or share it with any other entity.

And because it is Easter….

What's Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?

What’s Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?

A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!

A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!

Be the bear,
Bob T. panda

On the Campaign Trail

Editors note: Pinky has been sneaking around (unknown to her sainted mother) out on the campaign trail, and if The Very Bob T. Panda doesn’t get out there, even his three loyal supporters might go looking elsewhere with their votes.

I have not said much about the actual campaign atrocities that have been going on out there. It makes me too worried for our future so instead, I am concentrating on Bob and Pinky’s shenanigans. Much better for my blood pressure, and besides, Andy Borowitz does a much better job than I ever could (and he even snuck in a picture of Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau with a couple of pandas!)

But now, it’s time for things to get going panda-a-pando over at the Panda Chronicles debate headquarters.

"I thought I had until November." -Bob T Panda

“I thought I had until November.” -Bob T Panda

Pinky is ready to get down and get dirty.
Are you?

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Celebrate Wu

I love Mr. Wu, San Diego’s junior panda in residence. Because Mr. Wu turns four years old this summer, he will most likely be moving to China sometime this fall or winter, I thought we should celebrate Wu and all things relating to the Wu self today.

I know, I know! I hate the idea of his leaving us too, but it is part of the deal we make with China in order to have pandas come and live here. And because Mr. Wu’s dad, Gao Gao, was born in the wild, Wu is of particular value as the future father of more little pandas. So we must shower him with love and affection while he is here, and try not to cry too much until then.

So let’s have a Fabulous Furry Friday salute to Mr. Wu!!!!

"Howdy do! I'm Mr. Wu! Who are you?"

Mr. Wu’s first appearance on The Panda Chronicles

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

While Mr. Wu was the only cub in the U.S. we had Mr. Wu Wednesday!

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can't...Wu?

where happy pandas eat bamboo, oh why, oh why, can’t…Wu?

And who could forget the exciting story of The Wizard of Wu? And remember, you can read all of the Mr. Wu stories in Book 4 of the Panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu! Get it here!

Have a great weekend, everyone! More pandas coming your way on Sunday!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

With news of a state dinner for the folks from Canada at the White House, following quickly on the heels of the photograph of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with two adorable panda cubs on his lap, It’s anyone’s guess who’s coming for dinner!

Are Pinky and Bubba invited as well? I mean, now that the PM and the Toronto Twinkies are such good buds, I can’t believe he’d leave them at home! and will Mei Xiang and Tian Tian be invited as well? Seems like the PM might be the sort who has permissive attitudes towards pandas and would let them get up to any number of hijinks, and where Pinky is concerned, well, you just can’t be too careful!

The long, dark tea time of the soul....

The long, dark tea time of the soul….

You can lead a bear to culture, but....

You can lead a bear to culture, but….

And this would not be the first time that pandas attended state dinners at the White House…

I am only making some of this up. copyright 2012 -A. Belov

I am only making some of this up. copyright 2012 -A. Belov

And if you are not aware, this weekend we leave Daylight losing time behind, and get up one or earlier…or is it we go to bed later…Fall forward…spring back…heck…I don’t know. Let’s just have a pajama day and sleep in!

Bob explains daylight savings time to the panda kindergarten

spring back, fall forward?

And if you haven’t bought any stuff with pandas on it lately, now is a good as time as any!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Hey Why Not Vote 4 Bob Panda